just got this in my inbox

Quoteregarding ccdt , this message is send to several cf users , let the truth to be known, it was not ross and sk ideea it was unforgiven s ideea:

Session Start: Tue Oct 18 21:33:29 2011
Session Ident: anexis-R0SS
[21:33] <ibunforgiven> can i make a suggestion?
[21:33] <anexis-R0SS> go for it
[21:34] <ibunforgiven> half fun half contribution to keep et alive i have a proposal that u could post it on cf as coming from u
[21:34] <ibunforgiven> at least 1 time on week those 10 20 high skilled players should make voluntary work
[21:34] <anexis-R0SS> would never work :D
[21:34] <ibunforgiven> as for example tomorrow ross will pick on irc random low+ team and play with them giving advices and tips
[21:34] <ibunforgiven> voluntary work always works
[21:34] <ibunforgiven> what comes from heart goes as success
[21:35] <anexis-R0SS> ye but u wouldnt find more than 5 highskilled players that would do it
[21:35] <ibunforgiven> and it would also give trust and show loe for those lower
[21:35] <ibunforgiven> 5 highskilled this month
[21:35] <ibunforgiven> u set an example
[21:35] <ibunforgiven> others will follow
[21:35] <anexis-R0SS> they wouldnt do it, they wont even post on crossfire about how to improve the game
[21:35] <ibunforgiven> than do it just you
[21:36] <ibunforgiven> and is still something
[21:36] <anexis-R0SS> its a nice idea, but unfortunately would never work
[21:36] <ibunforgiven> ross u are old enough man...give it a try
[21:36] <ibunforgiven> u know everything needs a start,nothing great makes as itself
[21:37] <ibunforgiven> if i would be a high skilled i would do it.but i love people even when they drive me mad.u need to love ppl to do that.
[21:37] <ibunforgiven> and think that on real sports big super stars do such things
[21:37] <ibunforgiven> e sports being taken seriouslly,that would be a start
[21:38] <ibunforgiven> u admit it or not,little kids like 14 17 ...they love u or others u played with,u are like idols for them i see them talking all the time...just think how they would feel
Session Close: Tue Oct 18 21:39:45 2011

hello, what are you talking about?

regarding ccdt , this message is send to several cf users , let the truth to be known, it was not ross and sk ideea it was unforgiven s ideea:


ET still has drama = ET is alive

anyway not much else i would have expected from r0ss and his fine shapes

today, 20:13
Part of it is true, he seems to have missed a lot out. I would delete it but he has spammed so many guys with the same message it was bound to come our one way or another

crossfire a swastika community
[21:34] <ibunforgiven> what comes from heart goes as success

i shed a tear
hoi banaaaan alles goed
got it aswell
This community is retarded, admins are retarded, people are retarded, i am retarded, give up and say good bye
we're all retarded
sent it to me aswell

Here's apart of our convo :

-well let's suppose it's the truth, in which way am i supposed to care?
want a medal or something as a reward?

-no medal. just want ppl to know the truth. thanks for the trolls u imbecil
Man the effort this guy will go to to try and convince everyone that the CCDT was a tournament based on his idea is unbelievable. Sad sad guy
inb4 his 20lines answers/comment
yeah exactly why would he put so much effort in it? or hes a master troll or you are a fat bastard like the one from that movie in the 60's
Probably the second one
if its true that he said this to you before you came up with the idea of that tourney(which made more sense rather than picking teams on irc) i think he should get some credit cause clearly that must have been on your mind while coming up with that?
u r the only guy who speaks the truth. thank u
except its loekino, so chances are hes trolling
kid, relax, i got this under control ok. this is beyond your head
fake logs? :XD
Part of it is true, he seems to have missed a lot out. I would delete it but he has spammed so many guys with the same message it was bound to come our one way or another
he also spammed me

but idc. point is someone did something nice for the community, doesn't matter whose idea it was.
but it matter when u call me a gypsi and bring out the negativity. it matters when admins are not faire and square. it matters 2 me
did i call you gypsy? Xd
it s about some fractions of the comunity
you care people call you gypsy gg
i do care. real issues used as a joke is never good, emotions makes us humans, not rationality. that i can found on a dog as well
you shouldnt care tbh, this is the internet
don t believe in this argument
i did not spammed. i let ppl know. as i said in the logs ppl can see , i even let u tell comunity that this came from u. cause i don t care u take the credit. all i want to hear is you telling me i gave u the fuckin ideea. a little bit of recognition between me and u that s all.

and what did i missed out ? this is the entire convo
hahahaahahahahaha :D:D

first you say you dont want any credit
and then you spam shit like this :D
its obvious that you want some credit you noname cunt
let me make this shit clear for you, this game is dead and there are like 200 people online in this site, stop trying
hit me with low insults u don t weak me. u only make me stronger. u don t understand my point, and i m not willing to put effort to explain it to somebody like yourself.

200 ppl not enough to make a simple thing? i know 300 who stopped an army of 10000. methaporical speaking, hope i won t make your brain burn in the ashes of your own flame u started to ignite
cant you see how sad you look?
im not the only one thinking that you seek for attention
IF you can keep your head when all about you
Are losing theirs and blaming it on you,
If you can trust yourself when all men doubt you,
But make allowance for their doubting too;
u want print screen of the convo? that can t be faked
I thought it was rather amusing, I got the same PM and out of boredom decided to respond to it even, he seems quite upset now. :(
idk what is more sad? saying now this will never work and try it later or the fact that it bothers u it was not your brain who sparked it
man this unforgiven is a sad attentionwhore
tx 4 compliment, that was the point to talk with ross about making this shit real. to get attention cause without his attention or yours, my life is finished
ROSS stealing ideas and stuff, always the same thing!

#freehat hu hu hu hu
nvm, too much south park :D

got it too :D
:* see u in another life brotha
unforgiven who?

member for 2 years, 10 months and 22 days


5 years, 10 months and 14 days
the cup was a big fail anyways
cause ppl like ross ego maniacs don t care bout comunity at all. the logs are actually pretty clear bout his mentality, their mentality. only one good player of them all responded positively and said this is a good ideea and he would make it : sinnu.
I think the cup was a fail because the lower skilled players never showed up without saying anything.
is kinda dificult to say when u have a problem , specially that was just a one day cup. such a cup should be organised as a ladder or smt, everything to be plan in time. if i have a problem to deal in real life u think first thing pops up in my mind is to annouce u that i won t show up?
It's hard to imagine that 70% of the lowskilled players had reallife problems at the same time
and how did u end up with this numbers? u are a statistician like kamz and u had reliable data to make this statistics?
well maybe not exactly 70%, but it's true that the majority of lowskilled players couldn't play, and as I said it's hard to imagine all of them had reallife problems
i don t have informations about this
I guess you didn't see the newspost then, oh well
news post made by ross?
hmmm a journal by simonkinsler(my bad I thought it was a newspost, couldn't remember anymore)

I guess I was wrong with the 70% but 60 dropouts is still kinda much
60 out of 190 that s like 30 procent after my poor math

and as u can see they did not even bother to invite me to help. so much of the fuckin gratitude.
Had wel iets beters verwacht!!

Didn't get any PM.
Quote[21:38] <ibunforgiven> u admit it or not,little kids like 14 17 ...they love u or others u played with,u are like idols for them i see them talking all the time...just think how they would feel

QuoteUnited Kingdom R0SS
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