Alex Jones - vaccines

yo guys especially from us and england

have you ever heard of it? and is it a known issue at you countries? and what do you think of it

ignore the polish subtitles
looks like zeitgeist conspiracy. could be true, they put chemical substances in the water you drink or wash to clean it, but it s easy to find out. take a water sample go to a lab and pay for a chemical exam.
will u pay 300€ for a water examination ?
In ro is not that much. And depends on how much you think your life values.
the world is overpopulated, face it, we need a cleanup
although i think there are better ways
didnt watch it,but you know who polutes our water?

fucking women with their fucking anti-baby-pills.they piss out tons of artificial estrogen into the water,and we men are all sucking it up and get ill from that shite...and thats all just because women want to go fuck around all year without having to fear consequences (well except for std's but that not what i ment really)
this is mental....go put some condoms on for fuck sake and stop messing about with our hormones you cunts
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