dexter finale

Username Location Idle time
bz Loekino Viewing the online 0 seconds
uk Artstar Viewing the videos 18 seconds
de DeVito Viewing the index 1 minute and 15 seconds
ca monkeybusiness Viewing the news 1 minute and 19 seconds
nz Cojiine Viewing the journals 2 minutes and 4 seconds
af sandi Viewing the news 2 minutes and 8 seconds
nl juncie Viewing the index 5 minutes and 52 seconds
vi rout1ne Viewing the journals 5 minutes and 56 seconds
au midas Viewing the news 8 minutes and 22 seconds
as Xo Viewing the news 8 minutes and 58 seconds

Guests amount Location
8 Guests Viewing the news
17 Guests Viewing the journals
11 Guests Viewing the threads
8 Guests Viewing the user
2 Guests Viewing the index
1 Guest Viewing the articles
2 Guests Viewing the videos
1 Guest Viewing the forums

i m actually glad is over. ideea to watch 8 seaons of a guy who is a mix of jack the ripper and batman is just crazy
gonna wait and download it in 2 - 3 hours
Just finished it, didn't like it :/
the first seasons are the shit
Beginning of the end.
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