Grand Theft Auto 1 & 2 for free

image: WHshX

QuoteGrand Theft Auto (GTA) has established itself as one of the most popular cross-platform gaming franchises ever. Allowing you to 'borrow' a range of high-end cars and get up to all sorts of digital mischief in various virtual cities dotted across North America.

It started out back in 1997 as PC and Playstation game, with GTA2 also having a Dreamcast version. GTA3 saw PS3 and Xbox 360 versions, as well as the first iterations on mobile (iOS, Android) platforms. GTA4 was a reboot and offered online multiplayer modes, and GTA5 is scheduled for release in early 2013.

So that’s a brief history of the game, but why are we looking at it here? Well, that’s an easy question to answer. Rockstar games, the developers of the franchise, have released updated versions of GTA and GTA2 for PC to download for nothing. Free. Gratis.

There is a requirement to register and sign up for their newsletter, so if you don’t want to be bombarded by spam and the like, use a disposable email address from a site such as this.

Please note, the Grand Theft Auto series is aimed at adults and as such carries a BBFC 18 rating so not one for the kids over Christmas. The Rockstar website does have age checks in place before you are able to download.

That said, it's great fun so get your retro gaming head on, and get driving!

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