The Hobbit UK premiere

I m the first to upload this on YouTube so enjoy it. You are very welcome.

Goku was on London but he missed it . To bad 4 him.

Btw this one is original joke I just invented and if you don t like it well fuck you:

You know what was the first thing Goku said to Kamz when they met: "My precious!"
brb, reporting it about copyrights or something.
Read description hehe and if they delete I will post it again. Plus why would you do such a thing when my intentions are to share this amazing thing with you ?
Then they will ban your gypsyxoxo69lover account
xoxo there are some bananas waiting for you , mine is not there though, xoxo owned again.
You make no sense gypsy :D 3rd world country motherfucker :DD
Is hard for a monkey to understand a man, don t blame me, blame nature. However you should be proud some of your ancestors made it to the moon.
Not sure if gypsy should consider himself as man tbh
Not sure if monkeys are entitled to have oppinions about humans unless this is a twisted version of online retarded Planet of the Apes.

Super owned
Very smart from you, calling a black guy "monkey". I now understand why people treat you as a gypsy.
The answer lays in your question . Impressive sarcasm attempt
image: lays i like em too
to bad you use your imagination to flame
rofl u call this flame? im not even trying man
so don t try , cause the taste of the fail in your mouth is not going to be to good.
failing is part of success
failing is your little name

"I would rather have a German division in front of me than a French division behind me." (General George S. Patton)

Rolled by history
tell me more about romanian/gypsy history
I can tell you something about your history: it is called history of a (f)gag.
Your comment is irrelevant. French army is the most successful through the last centuries (people often forget that and don't see further than wwii, it's obviously your case). Moreover, our ancestors fought for every human beings on this Earth and we approved human rights which is known to be a success in most civilized countries. Now feel free to stop looking like a fool or "imbecile" as you would say and keep your hands away from your keyboard before it's too late.
obvioussly i hit a soft spot in your pointless nationalism. nice speech , allow me to wipe my ass with it. merde, i did it again and owned the croissant
Are you trying to troll? Because you're not even reaching 9fag trolling lvl? Just sayin :x:d:x:D/:x:d/d
i don t reach levels. I own levels
Your country's history is utter shit, they cant even brag about ANYTHING at all, so I think the thing you are trying to do here "flame" apparently, has no good reasoning whatsoever, since quite obviously you have little knownledge of what you are talking about. The French Legion is one of the most prestigious armies out there. And where is romanian army in this whole? Oh ye thats right, in the ground with the rest of the farmers.
Quotein the ground with the rest of the farmers.

made me breath out more air than usual
If it was not for americans you would have speak german now. Breath normal, die later
To be honest what you find funny? His entire comment is shit from top to end, nothing he says is true. I don t have any information that the romanian army is in the ground, probably except those who dies in the WW fighting against ussr than against nazi. Waiting for help from the rest of Europe and from Us but that s right nobody came. In fact, we did it pretty much alone, for a small country against 2 empires we did it good. Count the ottoman empire if you further more in the past.
And what the fuck did Norway do in the ww2? Oh wait, They were occupied by nazis. Romania? Free country , because we was smart and had signed alliances. Norway stupid.

"The Foreign Legion is today known as an elite unit whose training focuses not only on traditional military skills but also on its strong esprit de corps. As its men come from different countries with different cultures, this is a way to strengthen them enough to work as a team"

So before you wanna reply something that s suppose to make you look smart, be sure you don t reply what Francis told you because that guy is a retard and with you that makes 2 retards talking shit
and exactly how much u know about my country history? I tell u. U know shit. You don t know your own country history. Proove me wrong bitch. I don t flame, I speak the truth from the heart and the truth hurts most.

The french legion: dum ass bitch, somebody forgot to tell you that the french legion is mostly based on foreign people, I mean NOT FRENCH YOU MORON, including a lot of romanians. Make some research before talking shit. Oh wait, talking shit for you is quite natural cause you are in the state of shit. If it was not for my country during the last 1000 years, the entire West Europe would have speak fuckin arabian languages. Fuckin imbecile

image: 2cyh3xy
Which of my country's history would you like to hear? The part where the Vikings raided all the coasts, raped your grandmothers and sacked your villages, or that part where The Netherlands started shipping slaves and became one of the biggest trading nations. Ofcourse I know that its called The French Foreign Legion, but that doesnt make it less French now does it? Your country has done shit the last 1000 years, I have not seen >ONE< reverance to how your magnificient country has saved us all from the arab speaking country's. Now its your turn again Mr. You should really learn how to trash talk, If I went to some random 5 year old he could do a better job than you. Now go back wanking while your wife is fucking the mail man.
You proud because of viking s slaughtered men women and children? Since when blood bath are a reason to be proud off? My country as you know it or better said not know it, exists since 1 december 1918. That s when the unity between Transilvania, part of Moldavia, without the one that USSR stole it and is called now Republic of Moldavia(talking about big bad countries who ripped us over the history),Bucovina,Banat and the Romanian Country. Now over the last 1000 years as you say this little countries fought against Mongol attacks, Huns attacks, Ottoman Empire attacks, Hungarian Austrian Attacks, etc could be more if I m not mistaken. We are in the south east part of europe , and all the attacks bassically came from Asia border with today Europe so who exactly stand between the West (not neccessary you caue you are in the north) and them? Us. I m sorry but the vikings never made it so far, in the romanian territories and that s just another bullshit you eating hopefully you enjoy it too. Now about FFL , so what if the name is French? It was started by the French but it was based on foreign mercenaries. Fuck off.
Let s not forget about the British help for your royal family during ww2, otherwise you would have assist on some massive nazi rapes on the royal butt. That never happend with the romanian royal families. Ussr came and forced King Mihai to leave .Period, Is a difference between having a gun on your head and pretending that you are some viking shit ancestor who had to run in another country to be safe. Our king did not ran like a pussy he left under the death threat.
Want to know some of the Romanian contributions to your proud and ignorant life style:

image: dl_f

Thank you and have a bloody x mas
And what exactly is your point? I never implied that NL or Norway did not or doesn t have brilliant people. What am I implying though is that you re not among them.

Also since you continue with this bla bla shit, let me tell you something else you obvioussy have no ideea. The RO Revolution in `89 is the only event against the comunist block that was made with the cost of human lives , the only event of this nature, apart from Czech, East De, Poland ,bassicaly the only country that in 89 payed with blood getting off the comunist influence. From a country so small, to have so much bravery and yet love for the world, I would like to see this from nl or no as well

Mind your words before talking shit about deads.
And where did I even try to imply that I am? Oh wait, thats your paranoid 40 year old brain that thinks like that. Maybe you should go take a check at the mental hospital, seems like you need a spot there you fucking retarded inbred.
By all your previous comments, and your miraculous intervention when i quotted Patton about french army. Why the fuck you felt like showing off based on nothing but false info you posses? Cause obvioussly u r not a cult nor educated person but one who tries hardly to flame , without any success yet because you don t have a brain to do so
As you say, I hardly try to flame. You really should expand your Vocabulary.
Than you are even in worst condition that I thaught. Because if you actually believe the shit you said, young man than you are hopeless
Jesus christ, I think you are long beyond hopeless. You are 40 years old and you can barely write English, thaught and thought are to completely different things. same with chick and cheek, hardly and hard.
Sorry grammar internet nazi, my grammar mistakes or vocabulary mistakes are not intentional , but your statement mistakes seems to be. I m not 40 lol you fuckin imbecile.
These are not grammar mistakes, these are simple 4 year old mistakes who cant see the differences between words.
I did not studied english in my 4th grade. I finished my last lesson in 1999 and since then I haven t used Eng anymore cause here we speak romanian. Until now, when a dork thaught he could impress me with his nazi english skills over the internet. So tell me what exactly was the trigger when u felt like talking to me: when I quoted Patton to Francis or when I said I believe I m talking with a monkey in Goku case?
The fact I was bored and hoped some 40 year old could come with some good arguments, but it seems I was wrong.
The fact that you are stupid you mean because only stupid people gets bored, And I came with good arguments despite your shit talk, btw coming with good arguments on a shit conversation, I can see now that you have received a stupid education from your parents
Oh, its your parents that educate you in your country? Explains the low IQ display. The only thing you are good at is writing shit, and maybe some word after that so it seems like an insult. Ah yes, ofcourse only stupid people get bored, oh you are so naive.
So your parents gave you no education at all? Well at least mine told me not to talk shit on internet unless I meet a retard like you or others here
Thats not really called education, but ok I will leave you som dignity after you have been embarassing yourself for the past few hours. Now go get yourself a job instead of writing in a 6 year old English all day long ok?
But how is it called? Did I embarrassed myself because I showed you ignorant fuck some lessons about romanian history and french legion history?How can you stand up and look in the mirror without you being fuckin mad on how stupid you can be? You are utterly awsome stupid. I m on holidays . And please don t forget about that experiment: call up your retarded folks and show them what their kid is using i net and pc for. Good use of their money
he's a waste of time, dont bother replying
I was actually having fun, I was utterly bored because I am done with exams. Was waiting on a housemate to start drinking so now hes passed out on the couch :D
How the fuck do you know if I've seen The Hobbit or not? lol
gypsy stalker :dd :P
I said that you missed the premiere and I m sure you missed it because you did not mention a thing. Imo this better than Kamz, but well you call me stalker yet you wet to visit London so you can meet with your precious (No offence for you Kamz). Owned
wow u so own3d him man
Sure I have to tell crossfire every time I go to see a movie lol
shut the fuck up gypsy tran xd
You haven t seen the premiere in london of the hobbit. that s the point. anyway monkeys are not allowed in the cinema
I'm white, monkeys are not white :p
image: 2d11hy0

Who wants a banana?
I'm completely white, he ain't
Bet your wife looks close to that
image: when-the-road-bends-tales-of-a-gypsy-caravan-10
Actually she is not that pretty
Holy shit gypsy,I feel sorry for you
don t worry, at least she don t have hair on her face like monkey females
Do you hate monkeys?
Do you hate romanians?
Yes, I hate romanians because they all are gypsies.
what more can i say to a statement like that? a retarded monkey like you not sure if i should give you my pitty or my middle finger up .
Why do you keep calling me a monkey?
why do u call me a gypsi and who the fuck told u all romanians are gypsi? but why would i ask u this when u already know u r just a stupid monkey talking shit
Media did. I believe media! They tell truth only :D
you are gypsy and romania = gypsynia :D unibrown gypsy xdd
There are 3 type of media: serious media, semi serious media and bullshit media. Monkeys consume bullshit media
there's pretty much one type of media: bullshit media
not true. specialists had divided into several categories starting with serious media and ending with scandal and tabloid media
that's their opinion
what you call oppinion is actually books we learn from. what you believe in should have some facts as a base to be close to the truth
but the facts actually are?
How do you know? Are you one? gypsy monkey? xdd APOCALYPSE :D
you run out of insults so the little monkey starts to copy the swagga of father bear
Comes from the guy using monkey in 10/10 insults. You are such a mature little shit. You can't even do one thing right.
hey domiduck: after i was called gypsi a million times , i think is a good ideea to start call him a monkey. if somebody slaps your left chick u turn the right? no. so stfu and eat shit or die trying. fuckin cunt giving lectures to ppl who are bullied, and fight back. i fuckin spit on your face u fuckin bastard
Haha Come to LAN then mr big talk, And please dont sit in the courner all day long and cry you little emo boy. And why the fuck would I turn when someone slaps my left chick? Or did you mean to write cheek?
Talking to kids like you is fun but in the end boring, You have the right to stfu and be stupid
Oh, I am sorry that I am not 40 year olds and run out of arguments and facts against a 23 year old. Your life must be really sad, sitting at home the whole day ,wanking at porn and have a horrible marriage.
40 years old wrong

run out of arguments: u-come to lan
(call that an arguement),me-ok dude what ever.
u=23 year old than stfu and don t talk shit to older ppl, show that you have some good education received in your fancy country and that you have respect.
my life:not really your bizniz, but doing well thank you.

let s make a little experiment: call your parents, unless you was adopted , and show them the shit that you write. Ask them for feedback
why don't you show it to your parents also? Or they might be dead already, or unable to understand english and try to taught you english which miserably failed considering your english level at the moment.

lol 40yo and cannot into english x;:d:x/D:x/D:x:D
I hardly can understand what you tried to write here , not to mention is there any logic ?
You're definitly lost
With such amazing talkers and thinkers, of course I am.
He, stop eens. Dadelijk gaat ie zelfmoord plegen, e-bullying enzo.

so what :pp
I saw it already nothing special, similer to Lord Of The Rings

Premiere in italy was 4 days ago ;)
ahah stfu n00bl ol
why u have a pic of al capone ? u gangsta?
haha getting raped at ur own thread
35 and still a virgin
I wonder when they're going to release a The Hobbit and the 14 years old Princess movie.
spent Christmas Day with the main character a few years ago, he's a nice guy
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