DirtyBomb Players

image: Dirty-Bomb-logo

With this new Splash Damage release coming up and there being alot of interest from the CF community I thought about settings up a group or something with people interested in playing it.

Myself I have bought the 30$ veteran pack so I have garanteed closed beta acces and will be playing as soon as I have my betakey. And I'm wondering if more people have this so we can play the game together!

I've made a simple irc channel, #DirtyBomb.ET, for people who are going to try the game. So if you're interested please come to the channel and when the game comes out we can find eachother there to play with! :)

Greetz adeto :)
Judging from what ET:QW and Brink came to be, I won't even bother.
I'll just wait 'till I can download it, see if it's any good
dunno why people are buying a free game
I will play it for sure.. Not gonna pay for it
bsturz gona roll this game
Gonna atleast try it out, seems an OK game
Sorry but Brink fail , Wolfenstein fail and ET:QW fail .. i wont buy any new game of that shit..
It's a free game
still i wont play it since the effort was everytime bad .. agfain it loooks like a ET egine game but its not ET :( all games before failed and everytime they say its an awesome game blabla .. i saw 2 vids , it looks like ET and BRINK mix :D
"But it's not ET" :pPp

Oh well, gotta c for urself
The effort was everytime bad, whut? You played ET for years and you don't want to give a free game a try? It's not like CSGO is sooooooooo much fun if you're used to ET's gameplay, boring shit wtf.
Well dont unterstand me wrong but the most games of them had no future ? or im wrong? playing a game 6 month - 1 year isnt in my interrests :p
Its not like trying it out takes up all your time...
Brink had a the possibility to become a great esports title (as in somwhat the same style as rtcw and et) however bethesda didnt do the finishing touches.
QuoteET egine game

yes, because the unreal engine is pretty much the same...
Like i said i have no clue, just saw 2 vids only :)
They didn't make Wolfenstein.
id Software published wolfenstein in 2009 the game was Made by raven and raven and id Made rtcw together. raven was supported by id sofzware during the creating of wolfenstein.
You don't say. id Software are not Splash Damage. Splash Damage are making Dirty Bomb.
You riflenade fail ALL the time, I still think you're a good rifle! <3 :P

My point, just because people fail sometimes doesn't mean they always do...
And nothing of value was lost.
Already singed up , but didn't pay.
Seems like so far as a mixture of many games,with obj and classes,which is blessed,more FPS games are more then welcome,hopes for good.
Going to try it, but not going to pay for it :D
Not going to pay for it :) gonna play it definitly tho
I bought the master fool pack for 100$ so I can play beta with bots coz noone else is gonna play this failure
Implying a pole has $100 to give away
yep, I could buy your whole village in africa for that
That wasn't even remotely funny
same goes for you comment
That wasn't a joke, but a fact
Will definitely give it a try.
be aware that this game is in no way aimed at us here on cf.
f2p business modell prohibits the release of a sdk.
Yet a shit game like LoL captured nerds on this site like flies around shit?
you can hardly compare those two. i cant think of any level on which you could actually.

and LoL is a bit of a phenomenon. taking the dota idea and making it accesible to every gamer with an internet connection might have been one of the very best concepts of modern gaming. simple but incredibly effective.
They are both games so Yes I can compare the 2. LoL shouldn't appeal to people on cf if we use your logic. I still find it a bit odd grown men playing that game but thats a different arguement all together.
well wether grown men play with wizzard hats or guns doesnt really matter to me. i am actually a fantasy fan.
for me it doesnt make that much sense cause the ET community has been holding on to a game with an insane skill ceiling long after the focus of the public eye moved on. so picking one of the easier mobas out there doesnt seem right in a way. but multi-million marketing can acchieve a lot of things.

what i was saying is that f2p shooters usually means quite a generic game that encourages people to buy trinkets und accessoires while mobas are an inherently good format for f2p cause it does demand regular updates, balances and such.
this bomb thingy might even be a decent pub game, i dont doubt that. but this is not what most people on here are looking for. and even if they do i doubt that its quality can come close to the latest cod, the new cs or bf3.
it sure as hell wont be a competitive title at launch and it will never even have the chance to become one cause f2p basically means tthat every single bit of additional content and development will be done by the gamestudio (and monetized).
I am not saying its going to be good or anything btw. I just said you cannot say "be aware that this game is in no way aimed at us here on cf." because it's clearly going to be aimed at large communites who want free FPS games. This being one of the larger bases. I was only using the LoL game as a reference point to say that many free games attract players on here no matter how unlike ET they actually are.
they dont have the marketing budget to pull off anything remotely like it tho.
they will have to find a niche or it will fail.
but i do get what you are saying.
I am pretty sure I will give it a go. Just downloading planetside because a few of my friends said its not terrible but its active! I have only reallyplayed csgo recently but it feels like there is something missing for me. Prehaps its the whole like objective thing that ET has. I just want a new shooter with an objective :X
PS2 only has capturing of checkpoints as objectives but as it is a constant world you can set your own objectives like "lets finally breach the east front near XYZ and retake the ABC that we havnt held in weeks".
you do need friends tho or it isnt as enjoyable as bf3, cause as a shooter the gunplay isnt really exciting. what is exciting tho is the scale of the battles given that you have enough mates to ative impact the outcome of the fights.
Way too early. I don't think you'll see a beta for another 3 months at least.
looking forward to this one!
looking forword to roll noobs on another F2P game
seems like a new pay to win free game ....
but if everyone pays its not pay to win anymore :D
how did you get that out of the footage?
Wont pay for the game if I can get it for free later on!
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