Samsung Chromebook $250

so just got my samsung chromebook today. Seeing as I love google and use it for everything (school, business, jerking off) it's pretty much the best thing you could buy for $250. HDMI port, 2 USB and i think one of them is 3.0. SD card slot. 6.5 hour power life. All my music is on their cloud so don't have to store music on my phone. My calendar is there and shared through everything. Runs smoothly. Looks nice. Does everything except frag, but I have a fragging computer for that. Anyways, I also have an iPad (it was a gift) and at 3x the cost I would have to say the iPad is 8x less effective as a useful product.

Google Drive is fucking amazing. Blow me.
you must have me mistaken for someone else. For I am kARDON, king of the sandnigger hating alliance group foundation. Tupac is my understudy.
good price
Is it the Wi-Fi only version or does it have 3G also ? and where did you get it from, I'm going to the States on Chrustmas day and was thinking of getting an Ipad but the 3G version as I need to use a sim card in it for when I'm out and about.
I'd wait a week personally. See what happens... :-)
lol nred buy copmtuer :Dddddddddddd
real kardon?
no wnb kardon
ofc it's fucking me, check my email and shit and whatever. Who the fuck would imitate me hahhahha
i was kidding....
And why is it better than a 200€netbook with windows and office etc?
250 dollars is the cheapest way to sell your soul!
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