christmas eve in Poland

it all starts nicely
image: k.php?n=37194bf2678806e07d782ae92546fe21

but then

come to cgs 2k13 bros, we can't wait
Egos standing in line for two soda bottles
Look at her at 0:10 stealing all them drinks, the greedy bitch!
2x fail of guy in red cap!
Christmas presents!
xDDDDDDD cebula jak chuj
people are same everywhere and mostly of them are old people, probably this is organised by the church, and ussually at church goes ppl who are older. is same everywhere so what s the point? normal ppl know this, only retards here think this is smt out of ordinary. i see you when u 60 how u going to be, fighting for a bottle of milk and 2 breads and your grandchildren gonna be like was up pap haha old fuck

no its just Radom! =D
nah man, they re mostly old and this is how old ppl are. at least in s e europe and is a fuckin fact. West retarded kiddos can t understand our way of life. fuck it

edit. oo u mean is randomly organised? I thaught is by the church
QuoteWest retarded kiddos can t understand our way of life.

West educated adults don't have time to browse the internet all they long. You know what they do instead? They work.

Now explain how comes you claim you have a job when you post shit here all day long?
i was talking about west kiddos including you. there is no west adult here except maybe 1 or 2.

i m on christmas holidays and it seems that when you re not licking black kids asses you trying to give me moral lessons. any other questions ?
it seems like you have holiday the entire year
And how did you end up with such remarcable conclusion?
cuz you find the time to spam this site alot
As long as you find time to stalk me 24/7 , I m posting my oppinions and share thoughts just like the rest of the nerds here. If you don t like it, why don t you move your dutch ass to some ex colony in Africa and see how ppl live after your ancestors raped their freedom and goods for centuries so you can live now in a rich country
Ye, oke? I never said that you can't spam, do whatever you want lol. I just said that you do it alot, and everyone with a fulltime job won't be able to do it as much as you.

Erm ye, act like you know more about my country's history than me. :)
like you know what the fuck u taking about
I actually do. I don't know why you're going all ragemode at me tho, it's not like I talked you to you this time.
Yea you must be talking with the other you, cause on this side of the line there s nobody to give a shit bout what u say
Lol, it's not even possible to have a normal conversation with you XD I tried the non-flaming thing, and still you act like a retard.

Fuck off then gypsyfaggot.
you trying normal conversation with me? TRY HARDER OR MAYBE IS TO LATE FOR THAT! yu really expect me to take you serioussly? piss off or die trying
what ironic said

christmas holiday? yet there a many people shopping during the christmas period, you should do extra hours cleaning the shopping center's toilets..
Normally I would take a dump on your face , but wait, you already look like shit, so I don t want to make your situation even worst. Get lost you sad abused kid
My father doens't browse porn website so I don't think the idea ever popped in to his head.
While, on the other hand, I would be very suspicious if I was your kid.
You dont know what your father does. You re stupid and boring
He works, comes bakc home, works again and then falls asleep in the couch because he's tired.
And you? You don't work, you watch porn and you're not even ashamed of yourself.

Fuck you. Useless idiot.
tell him to throw away the pc. poor old man dont know how stupid his son is
sorry i need it to work for uni
and at uni they teach u to be a dum fuck?
Dumb. It's written dumb.
A contrario, we learn how to act in a clever and wise way.
Free inquiry is also a huge part of the formation.
sorry i forgot the b. here smt shorter cause u got terrible boring. fo or die trying. go fuck yourself , i care 0 bout your life
Radom (Not random) is a polish city.
ok, i got it wrong, sorry
It wasnt organised for poor ppl by church. It was municipal event for citizens. It wasnt for poor ppl, poor ppl and homeless would drink and eat it but not steal. Stealing in such event isnt normal. It happens in post-socialistic countries but not often nowadays.

but its still funny even for young kiddos form eastern European countries.
yea I was suspecting it s such a event, was not sure about the organiser. Although by poor people I don t mean those who live in canal or under the brige. I mean simply poor people: they have house or mostly they live in small appartments built by comunists, you remember they did tons of blocks, it happend for us, must have been happening for you as well, but this days , they are retired, the pensions are small, they can barely pay taxes, gas, light,not to mention food is a fuckin expensive thing. Meat? You never heard them crying how expensive meat is? So that s what I m talking about...About stealing, when you hungry, I don t know man, I mean is this really stealing? Should we talk how much ppl in the west are really stealing, including today? Their politicians, their banks, their leaders stealing from them, stealing from us, bassicaly we have to sell all our factories , all our goods to them in order to get money so we can live. The capitalism as they are making it is fuckin bullshit
We actually work till the age of 67. After that you retire and you live from the money you saved over the years. No need for a shitty charity during a made up holiday.
this kind of events are organised in ro as well by the government structures, by ong, or mostly by churchies. is a common thing. in the west there are no poor ppl? yes they are in very low procent, but here old and sick ppl hustle to save money so they can buy medicaments to threat their health problems. it looks sad and pathetic when u see some old woman sneach 2 bottle of juice but that s because maybe that woman had not drinked a single fuckin juice bottle over the year and we only humans. we all have desires and a fuckin bottle of juice we shoud be able to buy. west kiddos don t understand this struggle they think this is for granted, and unfortunatelly even in my country rich kids think they deserve everything.

last week at the english lesson we was talkin about ppl with money and that they don t have time to spend the money cause they to busy make it. a fuckin 20 year old whore , said : that s why u make children. fuckin whore i hate this kind of ppl. imagine u making kids cause u have money and no time to spend it. is it right , is it real this world?

edit: about retirement is almost same here. women retire at 62 or 65 i think. but 2 important aspects:

payment is bigger, therefore pension from gov is bigger.
u ppl also have private pension and u afford during life to save money

Die gast is kanker dom, heeft geen nut om met hem te praten :P
man die zei dat dat verkeerd is is het soort jongen ik het over had boven(domi)

Bassically you understand the concept of charity. You are a grown up man and you have your own kid if I m not mistaken? Domi is a fuckin troller and an imbecile, ignore what ever gaming relationship you had with him and trust me. In order to understand what I told you , you must live in a different environment for some time. Otherwise you can t understand it , because there are things impossible to understand unless you feel it yourself
Your vision of someone being an imbecile is a joke, you are the worst kind of troll that is here on CF, everyone is a retard to you, except yourself, mr 40 year old guy with almost no English capabilities and being on "christmas vacation" and still on CF 24/7. Now go die in a ditch you worthless piece of shit. People like you contribute 0% to the society.
i m not 40. judge me by my english skills here is smt simple 4 u:

fuck u

p.s. show me yur contribution to society and i show u mine
I am studying at a university, and actually a subject that needs more students. And nevertheless, I work aswell. And why would I show my contribution to an ignorant fuck like you?
Oh you re studying at a university and have a job too and you thaught this is smt out of ordinary and thaught sharing with me will impress me? mother fucker so are like other billions of ppl. i give -100 fucks bout it
You are such an ignorant naive retard, Its like teaching a pidgeon how to talk. Impossible because you are so fixxed on your thoughts that any other information is too hard to understand.
let s see who is stupid here :

domi: Die gast is kanker dom, heeft geen nut om met hem te praten :P

unforgiven: man die zei dat dat verkeerd is is het soort jongen ik het over had boven(domi)

Bassically you understand the concept of charity. You are a grown up man and you have your own kid if I m not mistaken? Domi is a fuckin troller and an imbecile, ignore what ever gaming relationship you had with him and trust me. In order to understand what I told you , you must live in a different environment for some time. Otherwise you can t understand it , because there are things impossible to understand unless you feel it yourself

domi: Your vision of someone being an imbecile is a joke, you are the worst kind of troll that is here on CF, everyone is a retard to you, except yourself, mr 40 year old guy with almost no English capabilities and being on "christmas vacation" and still on CF 24/7. Now go die in a ditch you worthless piece of shit. People like you contribute 0% to the society.

unforgiven: i m not 40. judge me by my english skills here is smt simple 4 u:

fuck u

p.s. show me yur contribution to society and i show u mine

domi:I am studying at a university, and actually a subject that needs more students. And nevertheless, I work aswell. And why would I show my contribution to an ignorant fuck like you?

unforgiven: Oh you re studying at a university and have a job too and you thaught this is smt out of ordinary and thaught sharing with me will impress me? mother fucker so are like other billions of ppl. i give -100 fucks bout it

domi: You are such an ignorant naive retard, Its like teaching a pidgeon how to talk. Impossible because you are so fixxed on your thoughts that any other information is too hard to understand.

image: 2rgkiky
Talking to you is like playing chess with a pidgeon, no matter what, the pidgeon will strutt around flapping its wings like it has won.
u have obssesion with pidgeons. u know what pidgeons symbolise?
takie rzeczy tylko u dizla :XD
masakra :D
dizel @ 0:25 for shu
that folk :D
sad stuff
you know this is exactly the stuff that youngs don t understand. this people are old and poor, they don t have 2000 3000 euros pension, like in the west. ro, pl, and other ex comunist countries in the s e block europe are living different but that s cause there was 50 years of comunism for god sake. you think we wanted to be like this?
yes and they steal 0,5 euro worthy lemonade, seems legit
Steal? Dude that s not stealing that s borrowing. You know what image you gave me right now in the head:

An image from Indiana Jones movie, where that little arab kid steals an apple from one market cause he was fuckin hungry and that man catch him and want to hit him hard and IJ appears and slaps that fucker . And that s perfectly right. The concept of Robin Hood. I fuckin love it
either way that vendor selling the apples may also have kids to feed, still doesnt make it right to steal stuff if everyone is poor, its not like those people where caring about their fellow polish sufferers.
borrowing pfff
:DDD It's even funnier if you say it, cuz I never really saw you flaming someone like that XD
i dont get it
TLDR: Polish people are criminals
26-600 na ostro z radomia swieze wiadomosci miejskie!
should give em some soppa
why are soda bottles and bread on the table? and why do they even do this kind of event, seems like very badly organized shit :D
Polaks taking everything, how surprising
The stuff was probably there to be taken considering there were no cups to drink from.
Why the hell polaks loves fanta that much,teh fuck
Needs more metal at such festival

image: blackmetalchristmas
They will steal your virginity LOL
cool story bro
btw je liefje is niet mis, houden die handel!
Hehe heb je op facebook zitten stalken? :D
nah, zag je die foto posten met je meisje van die coca cola truck en dan ff je fb bekeken :p maar kben geen stalker :D!
fucking grannys r the worst..
You like fucking grannies, don't deny it
do kościoła wypierdalać stare kurwy XDDD, jak można pić ten syf, mogli tam metanol wlać
za picie zbyszka i tej koli powinni ich powypierdalać, patrzeć się na to nie da
ja bym tych wszystkich baranow na stosie spalil razem z tym zbyszkiem
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