You got mollywhopped

Aight, so here I am trying to enjoy my night by gettin some business done and this motherfucker posts this video on facebook. Now, I guess this is a little old (summer) but, sweet jesus, I nearly died laughin. This fat motherfucker talkin mad shit then gets mollywhopped by this rambo kickin mothafucka.

Seeing this video then reminded me of Tom's "Nigga Moment" (seen below), which then made me have to watch an episode of the boondocks.

post script: the episode i watched was Tom's Chronic Bitch Dependency
haven't seen something this fake for a while
image: fake
its all faked really,but this world there are black people and then there are fcking monkeyheaded nggrs who act and talk like they are born without a brain god damnit...who would have thought that slavery leaded to such horrible consequences really
and then there are some white cocksuckers who act and talk on i net like they some big shot og in rea life but they are born without a brain damnit god... who would have thought that fuckin capitalism leaded to such horrible consequences really
Just some responses because of the looks.

Okay so where is the funny part?
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