ET Stream

Just a random thought.

Since I've been watching LoL streams of pro players soloquein, would this be any good in ET?

Something like requesting a previous match on GTV and talking through the game about what I was doing/thought processes etc?

Or even playing on public talking through what I'm doing and why.

Seems pretty random, just want to hear opinions on it!
yes. I would love to hear and see that but from ppl with really experience. I def don t wanna see Goku naked kissing the window of his shower and screaming : Fire in the hole !
The community is too small. You are 100 years behind. Should've done that ages ago
I like you, but your attitude is fucked up.
I'm just realistic. Are you pretending I am wrong?
what kenzi said
what tschay said
What stary said
But I'd like to watch the stream :D
if you listen to goku yea there is no hope for this planet left
abandon the ship
could be fun, but hf with 1-3viewers max
Sorry mate.. Still brothers? ;$
who cares about et these days anyway lol, and et requires more personal skill then brain wise since 95 percent of the community (equals 95) is retarded. no point of telling them what to do.
et doesnt require much brain compared to sc2 or LoL (not sure about lol since its a game for litle boys who cant stand the real deal like sc2)

neither does require alot of skill one can simply hide behind a barrel while waiting for the allied player to come in from main and shoot him when he turns, with the quake engin doesnt matter how good he is he will never kill the backraping guy even if his crosshair is in the middle of his head for more then 5sec
I think we would watch anything if its good quality :D
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