CS:Go problem :o

I've got weird problem with my cs:go. It happened for the first time, i googled about it, and can't rly find the answer. Till yesterday i was mixing without any problems, but now when i try to connect to any server with password i got this message in my console:

"12.163: Sending UDP connect to public IP xxx.xx.xxx.xxx:xxxxx
Retrying public(xxx'es) ..."

It repeats 10 times and i get disconnected. Also my screen is stuck with this pre-loading counter terrorist logo and nuff happens. It's not even trying to load at all.

The funny part i still can connect to every public server + freegamehosting (!) BUT only when it's dedicated (or at least my console claim it is rly dedicated). Any clue what to do here? I allready reinstalled the game, changed configs, tried almost everything. Also sent support ticket to valve, but it's gonna take some time (last time it took them 3 weeks to respond).

ugly chick
didnd read , firewall?

did read, set antivirus to game mode?
did u let cs:go update?

it worked yesterday and i haven't changed any firewall or AV options. No updates for cs:go :(
well something is causing interferance with the servers, only firewall or antivir could do it from ur pc

might be thers some strange setts in ur router, set ur mac/ipee on to the De-Militarized Zone (DMZ) restart the routy and try again :P
Ill try reboot router in a sec, also Screenshot applied.
Well DMZ and router settings wipe-out also failed :/
u should enter into dmz field ur ip not but ur ip im using .100 for myself :P
"Invalid DMZ IP address!"
Yea, i know, but it dont wanna let me in. I checked and got too. im gonna try with xx.101 i guess.
it works on any adress but that adress has to be connected to the router check the wireless statistics who is connected should display the mac adress atleast
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