EG server

Did not took a screenshot but this Klobby young man is fuckin hilarious in a disturbing way, I almost got mad about it:

quote: tzac bans 3 people per month I ban 30.

quote: nitrox working on anticheat that will be better that tzac

quote: if you are that unforgiven who got kicked from eg clan (btw i never was in the clan, I tried to apply but I got rejected because of Hip Kat), than I know why you here: to provok me.

All I did was to ask him why he has no anticheat protection on it?

The right answer is : Because if you add Tzac like you did couple of times before, for some strange reason why you loose all players, who go either on Nbs or on Bio. Because the only way you can get players on your server is also by letting a lot of hackers to play on it.

quote: I have few knowledge about coding anticheat programs

Question: Than how can you pretend and talk about something you don t know, like you say you catch 30 cheaters per month and tzac only 3?

I got faith in Chaplja, but when I see kids like Klobby I feel bad about myself being part of this world.

I asked Klobby if he saw or heard about that guy who jumped from 40 km outta space, the RedBull event. He said No.

I have suggestion for him: Try jump from 5 meters without any kind of safety and protection see what happends. That s you saying you can catch cheaters better than tzac can. Like you stay 24/7 spec and your eyes so sharp and your mind so fast you see what others don t. Yea , cool story bro.

If you ppl got some sense in that head, stop playing there until he enabled tzac on it. Or let s see that nitrox anticheat. But anyway, stop playing there. Respect yourself, please!

image: 2po8r5g
Quote I feel bad about myself being part of this world.

You should.
si tu ar trebui sa sugi pula si sa mori incet , olandez retardat
nice gypsy language
Prostul tot prost ramane si in ziua de Craciun !
QuoteI feel bad about myself being part of this world.

You should.
sa ti fata aia de pantof umflat in pula
Quotefeel bad about myself being part of this world.

You should.

also, gypsy
sa ti dau la muie
QuoteI feel bad about myself being part of this world.

You should.

ok gypsy but klobby is 40 not kiddo like you :) so gtfo
sa te pis in freza
Unforgiven you have always some problems.
Unforgiven joined on eG clan, but we are kicked him very very fast, because he is very problematic.
he have not fun on game, but he still search some problems. Insulting others and doing only bad.

Today he complained so players do not use only English language on main chat on eG|Blue ETPro CZ.
I do not know why he care about that? He was fast kicked from eG and it is not his bussines. On eG server is allowed so players which do not know English can use their main languages.

Next his problem was so on server is not TZAC. Again idk why he cares? That is not his joob. I do not force anyboody play on eG servers. When I am 100% sure so someone use cheats I ban him faster than TZAC.

I am sorry but I think so this person searching only problems, he do not want play and have fun. He doing only bad for others.

All who want look also here what he wroted on trackbase when was kicked from eG clan:
you dont have to justify yourself, noone gives a fuck about what he says here
My english is bad but yours is just terrible to unexistend.

First I did not complaiend players don t use only english in your server, lol , you sir are terrible english speaker/listener/writter. You had a player from tgr clan playing on your server, when I joined in, he approach me telling me that he used to be in falx clan. I said ok and why you left? He said because there was no fun anymore. I asked how so, he said because they was speaking romanian and I thaught that is disrespectfull towards me. I said this is not disrespectfull , but they can t be force to speak english only because you don t understand romanian. This was what happend, and look what you Klobby understood from it?

The tzac part you got it right, and I think you are a moron for thinking like this and not protecting your server.

About me being in the EG clan dude, really fuck off, cause now I remembered why you kicked me. Because my name was : you have my permission to die. Well guess what , nerd? You do have my permission to die.

edit: let s see how your logic works:

you claim tzac is shit and that is your reason not to force it on your server
you claim you can catch more cheaters than tzac can, by using your 24/7 presence on server and your telekinetic powers.

but I got one q for you: tzac doesn t hurt you in any way? it doesn t steal the money out of your pockets. it doesn t make your brain rotate slower than it already is? so why not add it? perhaps because as i already said, you just scared of loosing the cheaters, therefore the players? explain to me why not adding tzac, since obvioussly it doesn t hurt you in any other way but empting your server : )?
Yes my English is bad, and what? I think so you only envy others their fun on game.

Write what you wanna, I do not care any more. With you is not possible do normal discuss.
You think I envy, I assure you I m not.

Your english bad, so bassically , you understand shit or nothing from what I m trying to tell you , not to mention that you twist my words so god damn much.
Why you still care about eG servers? Try persuade admins of [fP].:Demolition_Centre_To..., [!!!]Hirntot, 6 Map, [!!!]Hirnlos, 10 Map, (HBC)HELLBASKET ETPro3.2.6, [ N e X u S ] ET - 03 - [ETPro..., so they will force TZAC. Why you nevermind so this server are without TZAC?

Or you can make your own server with TZAC. Try it and do not care about eG.

And so not insult others because their English please.
Cause those servers are running pb before you was even borned on this planet.

I don t make my own server, the game is dieng,and I no longer wish to spend my money for assholes.

I m not insulting you, I m telling you the truth

Why you don t answer my questions though? Why you don t enable tzac on your server since it can t harm it in any way?
I don t make my own server, the game is dieng,and I no longer wish to spend my money for assholes.

If is that your mind about others then sorry I do not want talk with you any more. Not comments from now.
And you did not even bothered to answer my question, Let me answer for you:

You don t add tzac, because with tzac on , your server would barely have half of the players you have now.

Au revoir


dip dap derp hurpa durp
If you have a problem with me ,
I feel bad for you son,
I got 99 problems, but a bitch ain t one
keep it real
many cheaters on eg blue
Stop it unforgiven you are not funny
Dude, You think I enjoy doing this for god sake? But just listen to this guy and look at what he is pretending? All I m asking is why people go there playing, instead of Bio or other protected servers? Makes no fuckin sense for me.

Pff, implying I try to be funny, yo are ridiculous
Stop being such an attentionwhore already.. :S
In real life, I would beat you till you end up in a coma. Have a thaught about it, if you have some imagination and try see how that is
But I don't even know what you look like :s
Because it is one of the few active servers.
Is obvious why is active? Cause no anticheat on it, and cheaters can play there
Ok then, here you have one video and now tell me how is TZAC good? This player still playing and his TZAC account is not banned. Look when this video was made. Sorry but I still think so server admins doing better joob on publics servers than anticheat named TZAC.

Here is the video:

Here is his account:

I going every week look on TZAC site if this player will banned, but still anything.
I know about vapor, klobby. And I know about Keith and I know about Zaba and I know about a lot others. I also know that a lot got banned, more than you want to admit here. So for the last time I m asking you: would not be better that you to have tzac forced on server and also you supervising, rather than just you supervising it?
Are you dumb or something?
Sa mi bag pula in mata si in toata familia matii
Using romanian insults results in a i-am-a-dumb-and-ignorant-bastard look.


Luv' ya.
Ok then I will answear you.

1) When is TZAC master down players can not connect on server where is TZAC addon installed (that happened many times when was on eG|BLUE ETPro CZ TZAC addon)
2) TZAC don ot ban cheaters imadiatelly, cheater can play with cheats months (on public server must be cheater banned fast)
3) Players which use Linux OS can not install TZAC ( TZAC client is only for Windows OS)
4) I do not want force something what players must install ( alot of ET players do not need TZAC for public gamming, many of ET players will never install TZAC client, my opinion is so TZAC is only for competition gaming)
5) All who want can use it on eG|BLUE ETPro CZ - TZAC is not disallowed on this server (all players can decide if they will use it or no)
1.This happend just when Chaplja updated the database. Meaning 2 times if I m not mistaken.
2.Yea tzac don t ban imediattly , but from what I understand , Chaplja will fix this on tzac 3,and is not true that they play with cheats for months, maybe they make other account, or could be one of two cheats that is still undetected , but is rare and not everybody afford to buy it. With tzac 3 , hardware ban will be implemented, so returning cheaters problem should also be fixed.
3. Ok , but you know how many players with linux play on your server? 0=zero
4.Yea a lot of players won t install tzac either because they stupid and lazy or because they are cheaters. And you doing a great job allowing them to be this way. Is not about forcing somebody, you eat because y ou are forced, or you eat because you have to stay alive?
5.Nobody use it , except 2 3 people. Yesterday on your server there was just 3 ppl with tzac. Me and 2 more.
1) I see so you do not know anything - that happened many times (last time that was one month ago when TZAC master was ddos attacked (TZAC master was down very long time - more than one week - all servers with TZAC addon was empty)
2) Yes if new version TZAC will better I will think about add it on eG|BLUE ETPro CZ, I posted you video where is player which playing still without ban - more than one month
and still not banned - TZAC banned from start - 1230 accounts (that are not only ET players)
3) Again you are not right - try look sometimes on my server :-)), I have 3 friends with Linux OS
4) No they do not use cheats, they playing for fun - no competition - they do not want instal it, On all eG server is cheating disallowed and cheaters are banned
5) Visit more eG|BLUE ETPro CZ you will see so more players use TZAC without force

Unforgiven I hope so you are intelligent person and you will stop. I think so I gave you good arguments and proof (video with cheater on TZAC server which is not still banned)

Try have fun on ET game and do not search problems where is not.
1. it h append because of that coder who wanted to attack chaplja. but problem was fixed a long time ago.
2. hopefully it will
3.for 3 friends with linux you allow 10 cheaters on server. sounds like a good deal
4 how you know that? yo are in their house and watch them?
5. no thanks
6. new one: have you at least saw the people here saying you kick and ban them for no reason, thinking they are cheaters or that they don t use tzac, on a server without tzac addon. wtf, that logic you have is quite nice.

i have fun on et when i can how i can. sometimes is hard to have fun with so many idiots around
6) if some of eG admins did mistake, I will solve it, but post it on eG web.
I can not know who was kicked or banned for no reason if players do not post me anything.

Believe me so I make always demo, screens before I ban some player. If someone was kicked or banned and think so for no reason can complain on our web:
But from start eG|BLUE ETPro CZ no one complained on our web.

If someone will complain I will solve it.

Some of the banned players sent me apology so they are insulted players or used cheats. I gave them next chance - some of them was banned again (for same reason) and some of them play on eG|BLUE ETPro CZ fair game.

Read please all my post so I do not must post it again specially for you.
like i have nothing better to do but to post on your forums from which u banned me because you did not enjoyed my name. you re hopeless, have fun with the server and the cheaters. nice life bro , specting p layers making demos and shit when you could just let tzac deal with it
You know very good so you are was banned on eG Web because you are insulted eG admins (Kode).

Yes I will and as I wroted if new version TZAC will better I will add it on eG server.

Nice life also for you :-).
well as a conclusion for this conversation:

fuck your admins, and fuck you, because you stupid and I hate stupid people.
Your trolling is not funny
Parent think I m one of you guys? One of the puberty kids with nothing better to do? Jesus , you embarass me so much
You are troll or you are just really fucking stupid
Neither. Just saying I see no reason why bio empty and eg full. if you don t understand this you don t understand english. sorry 4 u
Im not talking about the content of this journal. Im talking about you talking in this site in general.
And who gives you the right to give me lessons? You re a kiddo, wtf you know about life in generraly, and this site in particular?
You're assuming everyone's a kid while your 35 yo max, wake up dude, there's many people who are older than you + even if you're older, doesn't mean you're more mature, you're a massive fag dickhead gipsy and you should feel bad

go claim some sandwiches
sa mi bag pula in mata de jeg
ta mere la clocharde connard
sa mi bag pula in mata si in toata familia matii si in gura ta
Your language and country is so shit that even Google can't recognize your gypsy language :DDDD
image: unfo
tradu asta: mata e o curva imputita o negresa care a luat muie de la 100 de albi si tu esti un imputit de bastard avortat si bolnav de sida
Why do you think im giving you a lesson?
Im just saying you are dumb as fuck.
si eu doar iti zic sa te duci in pizda matii si in mortii matii de acolo de unde ai iesit. cacat bulangiu ce sugi pula si te futi in cur
Why do you talk to me with that monkey language?
ma pis pe tine si ti dau foc
He's hopeless. He got taken down by the Crossfire Army and the only thing that's left is his pathetic faggot gypsy language that even google doesn't recognize.
image: unfo
Avortatule. Cioara imputita
He's not a troll. That, what he is doing, whatever the fuck it is, is definitely not trolling.
I personally think he has a brain tumor
sa i dau muie lui mata
klobby vs unforgiven= clash of engrish
You vs me=no clash at all, you go KTFO in first 3 seconds.
so nice son talkig.
Who cares about your shit unforgiven. You suck anyway in ET
Klobby banning 30 notzaccers from his pub a month. "Im so much better anticheat" 0 TZAC users banned from his pub im pretty sure. "I'm banning faster than tzac!" No way? TZAC has Silent detection.
only 2 and one finnish guy who said normal things. the rest==bunch of ignorants.
keep it real.
Quoteone finnish guy

Sorry for cheating?
This guys keep kicking me cause i dont play with tzac and thinks i cheat
If theres no fucking tzac ad on then i dont need to play with tzac right? And if i they think i cheat, why dont they make a fucking demo? Stupid fucking admins
why don t you say it to klobby directly ? he is the fuckin master mind here
impossible to speak to that faggot
3hs is enough to get banned from that server, so sad
Wait did you just called him a faggot? I don t hink he is fag, but stupid yes
Same thing, what i dont understand is why dont he just make a demo and watch it with shownormals before banning people? Stupid shitty admin
Believe me so I make always demo, screens before I ban some player. If someone was kicked or banned and think so for no reason can complain on our web:
But from start eG|BLUE ETPro CZ no one complained.

Some of the banned players sent me apology so they are insulted players or used cheats.
I gave them next chance - some of them was banned again (for same reason) and some of them play on eG|BLUE ETPro CZ fair game.
but why would you ever play on ETPro without TZAC?
100% agree. They want so I will force TZAC on eG|BLUE ETPro CZ, but when they can, do not use it. I think so it is not problem use TZAC on server where is not TZAC addon and PunkBuster. If I instaled TZAC on my computer I use it. I play alwas with TZAC on, I am not scared use anticheat. And many of players on eG|BLUE use it too.

But here are also players which only cry so they was banned for reason so they had not TZAC.
On eG clan is not any rule so TZAC is forced and any admin can not force it. That is desision of player if will use TZAC or no.
If you are was banned I think so that had reason. And I think so demo was made. Maybe it will very fun when we will publish demos of banned players. :-)

Believe me so I have many demos wthih cheaters on my computer.
Yes please publish the demo you made by me, else i ask you to unban me since you dont have any proof of cheat
Ok make complain on our web as I wroted you.

Be sure so I will solve that. But if you do not make complain on eG web I can not know so you are was banned for no reason. Every admins can make mistake and if that was my mistake I will appologize you.
eg|loczekblond and eg|meehow are cheating,best reason not to play on eg server.Let's fill up Bio again
tell this to the 20 tards who posted here shit because they are shit and their life is shit not to mention they have no brain in their head, accept a large amount of horse shit,keeping place for the little grey cells
Yes tell it them, but this both eG| members have TZAC on when they play on eG|BLUE ETPro CZ :-).
Unforgiven I think so you are tried destroy eG|BLUE ETPro CZ, but I hope so you will stop it, because server is still full and you doing from yourself only idiot. I am sorry so I wrote it, but you are really like child.:-)
Aha. Ok. Esti un bou, o vita imputita. sugi pula. pa
Who gives a fuck if they got tzac or not? You ban people who doesnt have tzac yet you dont have tzac adon on your fucking server
And umm, your point is?
That they ban without any good reason
Why u play there since no tzac? And why u tell me? Say it to klobby
I just fucking replyed to kobby and not u
lol you fucking gypsymbecile :DD
lol sa ma pis in gura ta
Sorry I got notified u replied 2 me. Np
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