Why working on the 24th of December sucks!

Why working on this 24th of December is fucked up...

Usually you would expect a quiet day because half of the country got a free day for xmas. I work at a service desk for a insurance company. But this morning... at 6am my manager called me and asked if I could come to work early. I was like "huh, wtf is going my shift starts at 7:30" but it seemed some idiot hit a fiber wan connection in one location the routers don't wanna switch to the back-up line. And the DHCP servers started tripping in that location (doesn't really matter bcuz there is no connection any way).

Yay merry xmas xD

For the dutchies "even Apeldoorn bellen" might not fully work.
Why not ?
wrong job then..
Know what you mean, also another day in the office.. :-)
Im working today and tomorrow. Tomorrow is €40 p/h though, and only working from 8 - 2
Touring as a santa today, good money & no taxes. Could do this more than once a year, but I don't think there is much need for a santa on other days.
Salary x2 or even x3.
I'm not working this year, with a lot of regrets...

I also think that it's time to move on with the old "it's a shame that people have to work on sundays and on public holidays".
The society no longer has the right to stop running for an entire day..
Not here... the 24th isn't a special day... xmas starts on the 25th of December ;)

Wish they would pay me extra for this shitty day, half of the team got a day off. Prolly the engineer who broke the fiber is having a day off now too.
What are you saying? Cant hear you from under my blankets! Zzzz
I would work on xmas. All dem bonuses.
Couldnt be arsed to work today, going to work next time on 26th.
working till 19h30 today because our VPN between 2 sites is down. FML

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