Unlocking iPhone 4

So, I was going to unlock my iPhone 4 and sell it, however it is locked to a specific sim. Now I am not gonna spend money on the sim to activate my phone since its locked atm so I can't access at all. I was going to jailbreak and unlock but then I forgot which firmware my iphone is.. Now instead of spending hours and trying different jailbreaks.. is there a way to find out the version of your phone without going into its settings or in itunes, since itunes doesnt let me have access either. ?? thanks in advance!

merry xmas!
Merry Xmas
go to your carrier, alternatively get ultrasn0w
Afaik ultrasnow can show you what firmware is on the phone.
If your avail Remote unlocking service,you need not to know your firmware.Recently i unlocked my iPhone 4 using this method.I never had any problem.So only i would recommend this one.If you are interested in this method visit Unlock-zone.com Here you can unlock your iPhone without jailbreaking.
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