UseMe wishes you Merry Christmas!

Me and Finland raivo had a bet on which one of us can be longer without cursing on teamspeak and Finland naku could decide the punishment for losing. I lost, and my punishment was to sing this one song. After that, we had our traditional clan activity: Picture drawing. Everyone has to use MS Paint, and is allowed to use only 5 mouse clicks using any tools except text tool. The video above is the result of all this. Drawn by:

Finland pupup0x
Finland naku
Finland raivo
Finland Mindi
United Kingdom Noodle
Finland AciZ
Finland BlaZe
Sweden Arcaon
Finland pale
Finland hazz

Enjoy and happy holidays!

image: 1cxqJ
WTF you want?
Hianosti laulettu!
And this is why mixing drugs is bad
In this case lsd and ecstasy most likely
Did you try 1 of them?
I love how nowadays having imagination is instantly marked as a result of drugs, as if people would be such machines they can't have imagination anymore.
+1 We don't jump while on drugs! :D
Atleast most of us. :D
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