
Started watching this a few days ago, (for some people it might already be old but I think everyone should see this for themselves) I have to say I've always been sceptic about anything that can't be explained, I do not believe in god or friggin ghosts for that matter. Watching this guy has got me to doubt that there is some kind of either god or super human. I watched a few episodes during xmas with my family and it seems like it doesn't just amazes me, even my grandparents are freaked out on some level.

Here's the first episode of Dynamo: Magician Impossible. (There are currently 8 episodes on the internet as far as I know.)

Well what can I say, I'm a fan, what about you? : >
hey lieverd hoe gaat het
hi mate, leuke kerst gehad? :O gaat prima met mij hoor! met jou dan? team NL captain?
klote, kan beter. was daarom naar vriendin gegaan daar bij haar oma gegeten, dat was wel lachen.

ga je polak lan
kleine kans, kut land x)
zorg jij nu maar da tje vanavond online bent, wss beetje spelen.
hoe laat? ik kan tot 10 uur
Uurtje of 8 :)
I'm a fan too.

But he does some simple illusions like hide the coin and 'make it appear out of nothing' which imo degrades him as a 'magician', but it does emphasize his 'deceptionist' skills. In another way, this does show how maybe his tricks are just.. Simple..

I watched one of his shows with my boyfriend and both of us were like HOW CAN YOU HAVE AN EXPLANATION FOR THIS unless it's freaking staged recordings.
Or he's just an Avatar.
yeah agreed he should let the easy stuff go hehe
hes only a street magician
that's called magic
If you watch(ed) this you can clearly decide which tricks are magic and which are beyond that
Keep well in mind that if it is not a "trick", it can only come from the power of the Devil. Either he is a good "tricker", either he is involved in satanic witchcraft.

And by the way, God exists, as well as Satan. Don't thank me mister xPERiA.
I watched the 1st & the 2nd episode. The fact is that these are not "magic tricks" at all.

In my view, he is like a witch of the old times. He doesn't impress me at all and I can tell you guys that I am not scared by him and I perfectly know from where he got all these stuffs.

The guy asserts that he trained all his life for it. I can tell you that he just trained himself in being a better slave of the Devil. Did he also train to walk on the water ?

It is clearly satanic. That guy is a witch and I am dead serious about it.

Come on let's be honest, he is not the one who does the magic and there is obviously a satanic entity in his presence.

EDIT : I forgot to say that I am very opposed to that person. I condemn his practices and I beg you not to try to do the same things. It is very dangerous.
QuoteIt is clearly satanic. That guy is a witch and I am dead serious about it.

What he said..
Oh god, Black magic!
dankuwel ik wou dit al zien maar was het vergeten, meteen maar ff kijken
yeh dynamo is awesome, used to watch him ages ago. he has a tv series too.
the lifting trick is easy

u just put pressure on the elbows and you can be lifted no more :D
These are bullshits mate ...
Prove your words please. The guy is clearly involved in satanic witchcraft.
He doesn't have any power, he is a man like everyone. He 'just' has links with satanic entities.

Keep well in mind that demons don't give things freely.
the fuck
1/10 for the effort :D
U are worse than any of this bad trollers around here.
I told you the truth, sorry if my post offends you.
old but cool magician
Again, you are trying to be 'mainstream' like an idiot, without even daring to search from where he got all these abilities ...
It does only show how weak you are mentally ... you are nothing, just a sheep following the herd.
You just say that he is a "cool magician" not to appear crazy to the others.

Admit it, there are clearly things he made which are equivocal and which make us naturally think that he is involved in satanic witchcraft.
1/10 for the effort faggot
weet je wel stukje para is, datie met ze tiny lichaam 300 kg gaat liften ofzo
i dont know...all those "random blokes" on the street look kinda faked&scripted...magic is a thing which gets alooot easier when everyones involved obviously
It also gets very easy when you have several demons to back you up, to do all the work ...
I warn you all guys, that guy is like a witch of the old times. These are not tricks. He does not train for it.

The only thing he does is serving the Devil & his demons.
These are obvious manifestations of satanic activities.
You forgot [ b ], [ i ] and [ u ]
I just edited it.
T'es con :D
I always get angry at magicians cause I don't get how they do their trick.
Watch! : D
All of its fake
Some of stuffs were just unreal and most of stuffs i didn't really believe, like walking on the water, going thro window of store, taking piece of jewelry thro glass, putting phone into bottle, some stuffs i wont believe until he does it infront of my eyes.
Take into consideration that all these things are possible by the power of the Devil.
And u should take it into consideration thats its almost 2013, and theres power of froding, special effects and so on... stop being so naive for everything u see on TV.
Nerd please, I am well the last one in the area that you could qualify of naive ...
The greatest trick of the Devil is to make you all believe that he doesn't exist.
You see, you call me naive because I said that all these things were satanic. The Devil got you.
More like, u being a fool and believing everything u see on the TV, wonder whos nerd.
Excuse me dude but they are not telling you at all that kind of thing on TV.

I perfectly know what I am talking about and I am experienced in this.
That yorkshire accent lol.
haha people believing in magical powers low+
Come 1on1 you will see if I am low+ like you say !
Isn't that the point of magicians :-)
ja maar is puur tv, je weet niet hoeveel frames er mss uitgeknipt zijn die normaal zouden verraden hoe hij dat doet. of als hij over water loopt, dan huren ze mensen in die eerst komen staan daar en roepen van "he wat doet die man daar etc" zodat die alternatieve mensen ander volk lokken die zichzelf dan zoals kuddedieren gedragen en maar meedoen. dat bedoel ik.
Alles is misleiding!
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