Helsinki !!

So i am going to Helsinki to celebrate the birth of Barack Obama. I will be there on my own and don't know what to do. Are there any pubs or grocery stores? Do finns have any decent girls or should i take my chances with a giant goat? What kind of money do they use( paper or silver coins) ? Any information is welcome.

Yours truly,
Doesn t all cities in this world have an official web page plus some other dedicated web pages where you can find info about it?

Because on some previous journal about visiting Bremen, some smart ass called Dinev who talks a lot of shit here, pretends that Bremen has nothing interesting to offer, but on the other hand if I simply check wikipedia I find out that Bremen has amazing history and places to visit plus Google Images Prooves it so , my advice would be make y our own research is obvious that the number of trolls here is way bigger then the number of decent ppl.
Pretty useless city, at least in winter.
You can still visit museums,different churces,another history places, sure must be some attractions that can be visit in winter as well.
Go and visit the city first, then come back and tell me what there is to do.
No museums, no historical attractions, no tourist attractions? You tell me that your capital has nothing to offer during winter? What, the buildings dissapear on the first snow? You know life for me is not just getting drunk in a pub. Sorry, but I don t believe you, plus 5 minuts of i net research prooves you wrong
Museums are there, all three of them. And who the hell just goes around and watches historical attractions? Do it in summer, when you can actually visit the castles & fortresses + enjoy the day instead of just freezing in sea-breeze. Fucking retard.
image: you-mad-j-yeah-you-mad

I don t care about cold, I m sure inside is warm. Get mad or die trying
so u are argueing with a finn about helsinki, i guess he knows much more about it than you do, stupid retard
image: you-mad-j-yeah-you-mad

Plus, his arguement is invalid. He asks retorical who the hell goes around and visits historical attractions? Answer is: Many. He obvioussly is not attracted by such things, or he is just to lazy to do it. But others aren t, and even the link I provided , prooves that Helsinki has a lot of attractions during winter time as well. Get mad or die trying

edit: real men talking about it, not jinggle kiddos playing wiz khalifa bullshit wanna be i net g. you fool!
It maybe amazing for you that buildings aren't falling down and they have triple-insulated windows, but for normal people there are 1-2 nice things to see there _at winter_.

Only thing I like there at winter is that I can walk over 50m without having to be harassed by one of your cousins begging for money, in summer city is filled with them.
Ouch. You so mad right now, I can almost touch your madness. It s so hot in here :DDD
Yeah much better in winter when they come by your door asking for the money.
So that's where all our street people have gone!
im far from being mad and u are far from being right in this thread
long story short
u are romanian cunt and know nothing about it, u paste us this wikipedia shit and useless youtube vids, we live here 24/7 and u start argueing :D stupid guy
Lives in Estonia

khalifa wat? You live in Helsinki , little biaci? Unless you do, you know shit, cause you probably was there just as a tourist. Plus, what can a kiddo like you like in Helsinki. There no pubs to get drunk and party like a nazi. So I feel you bro. For people like you it is only one good place to be: Groenlanda
there isnt much difference in winter, its cold and dark in both and finnish, estonian people visit each others countries pretty often
why are u still argueing? u know we are right and u are stupid tard who likes to be a smartass
I know I m right. I know you re wrong. I know you are small, I know I am big. I know you re kid, I know i m an adult. And the saga continues.
None city is fun during winter. Trust me. You have to go lapland or some other place where you can go downhill skiing and such things. Those after-ski parties are actually much better than just some original nightclub nights in the big city called Helsinki.
According to your argument, let s all move from the cities during winter cause is no fun. Sure winter is not like summer, but you thinking to negative. I admit I never was in Helsinki, but I refuse to admit there can t be things to do there during winter.Beside this guy going to be there no matter what, so why not giving him some usefoul information instead of talking negatively
well the fun part is only the night life of Helsinki. :P It's not like you would want to hang outdoors during day time when its like -20 celsius. If you like shopping of course there is that but.. That's pretty much it. As Thomm said above about the castles and stuff.. I can not imagine someone spending all his time on those museums no matter how interested he is in those things.

According to my arguement is that there is no fun for tourists. Of course spending one weekend in Helsinki is fun, but imo spending that weekend in lapland would be much more fun. I dont think you have expenrienced Finland at all (neither during summer or winter) but these "big" cities in southern fin don't have much to offer during winter seriously. If there are tourists in finland they mostly come during winter and yes majority of them travels to lapland. I would never move to lapland, but still there are much more things to do than in helsinki
Ok mate. I m stabbard, so I m going to make it 50 50. That means I will take your informations in consideration, but I will also reserve my right to an oppinion
Didn't understand shite you wrote...
I would say that all people should move from cities in general, but that would mean more idiots spoiling the countrysides :))
Ooooo, I see what you mean . Yea so you from countryside homeboy :D?
Yus, right next to our national park :)))
I think I preffer koala

What s that madar facar? Naked ladies with naked titties? Oh I guess nothing to do in Helsinki in winter time

Nothing to do here, feel bad that I have to make lobby for your own capital :P. You clearly don t know what you got, to appreciate it properly
Holy fuck, they got a sauna in Helsinki? Brb, packing my stuff, moving there immediately.

And that's not all! "Christmas lights on the city’s main street"

And from your own link, "I've been in Helsinki in both summer and winter. Summer was 200% more fun. Everyone is pretty bummed out in winter, in general."
:(. You found one negativ part and already pointed it out. I was expecting though. Here let me translate this text for you:

Helsinki, the city where you live aproximately 6 hours each day

image: helsinki-night-view

I found this picture with title "Helsinki night view". In reality, this is the light that finnish gets every day.

In no holiday of mine, I was so sleepy as I was in Helsinki.It is true, it s almost winter there, so is cold, but that was not the main reason. But the light. Or the absence of the light. It s constant darkness there , and the 4 days I spend there, I saw some kind of a sun , looking like it was covered by dust , twice, between 3 and 4 pm , when already you had the sensation it was 8 pm. So, on 6 pm , I was feeling the need to go to sleep , although I was sleeping around 9 hours each night.

When the light is so little, you don t feel like doing a lot. If you think that the nordics are crabby, lonely, without desire to comunicate , try live one week in that environment and you ll understand what I mean,

-How are finnish having fun during weekend? I asked this, one of my buddies who lives there.
-They go to the woods and cut wood. And he was not joking.

This thing about finish and cutting wood is true, because they have this summer little houses made out of wood, where they are retire and doesn t comunicate with anyone. I met 2 famillies who, despite the fact they were neighboors they never spoke to each other for 40 years.

Perhaps this loneliness, make the finnish to be different, to be creative (Helsinki is the capital of design in 2012), to be orientated to innerself rather then to the others, even though everything they made is for the others (they don t even have time for bad things, there are around 4 murders in Helsinki during one year). The magazine Monocle declared Helsinki "most liveable city in the world" , in 2011.

Finland is one of the richest countries in the world, but in one way it looks like those rich and unhappy people. They have everything they need, but a feeling of misery and sadness is in the air, sadness that you can t touch, but you can feel, because is there.
Quote-How are finnish having fun during weekend? I asked this, one of my buddies who lives there.
-They go to the woods and cut wood. And he was not joking.

haha :D yes, estonians like to do that too.. my favourite holiday is lumberjackday

btw this romanian guy is pretty stupid to argue fins+eestis about helsinki while he lives in gipsyland
Oh yea, I don t wanna argue fins+eestis about helsinki, I mean all you know is helsinki and gypsyland. You are a fuckin expert mate
Haha gypsyland lol :D that's where you're from xd do you have a caravan? :D
No, but I heard niggers live with monkeys in trees back there where you from
yes its like I've never ever been to helsinki myself and all :P and you've been there 1000000 times :P wooohoooooooooooOOo
please describe one of your visits to helsinki. tell me what you did there
Why the fuck are you using words as mate etc...Your grammar is off the charts, basically every second word you write is wrong. And i've been to Romania. It is a gipsyland and you have more dogs lying in the streets than you have people walking there. Go argue with your mother about your gold necklace if it's real or not (prolly not if it tastes like candy). So, be a good gipsy and go sacrifice a small goat or something.
Boring in winter. Theres only one thing for you to do. Playground.
Unforgiven :D you know you got too much time on your hands when you write pages of stuff on soemthing you have no idea about.
Takes me 30 seconds to find out info about a city. Another 20 seconds to post it here. 10 seconds to debate about it

That is 1 minut. 1 fuckin minut. Case dissmissed.
Multiplied by the hundreds of posts u make per day ;D about nonsense
hundreds? you need to take the counting lesson again. something is not right with it
Hi !

Shut up!

Bye !

Marc Doutrox


Maxi retard you are.
get mad or die trying
32, browsing the internet all day long. No job.

Pathetic. Poor of you..
Shit city. You probably end up getting stabbed by a junkie there, as there is nothing but junkies in helsinki. About money, use plastic.
you live in a dark universe ma bro. hope you ll make it out to the light
actually he is right. 81% of Helsinki's inhabitants are violent junkies who stab people.
a nigger calling white man nigger. I lived long enough to see this happening
Not long enough to get a diploma and a decent job
Sarcasm is for winners...
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