Does anyone own a wii u?

Pretty much as the title reads.. Does anyone own a wii u? I've read plenty of reviews but don't know anyone who actually owns one (which might say a lot). Looks good fun, but I'm worried that there will be no 3rd party games!

You need one just for the sake of how awesome Mario looks on there!
Tried FIFA 13 on it, pretty cool features with the controller, can manage the team etc during gameplay with the touch screen. But the controller is fucking huge, not really the greatest comfort. The controller is kinda like a tablet, I tested Netflix etc and it works pretty well, so I guess if you want to have a tablet for home use then it's 2in1.
Cheers. Already got two tablets in the house at the moment! Seen it for £225.. Massively tempted!
To be honest, if your getting it make sure you love Mario type games, because other than that its just like an XBOX Kinect, so yeah...
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