Unban unforgiven?

To my knowledge, fellow crossfire user Romania unforgiven has been banned for no reason. He was banned for racist remarks for 24h after he reacted to people calling him a gypsy, but apparently the ban has stayed and he wants to know why, but he gets no response.

Why does everybody hate this guy so much? I mean I saw some video of him flaming Estonia Skeit and he comes across as quite intelligent (skeit got fucking rolled there btw). I wouldn't really tar him with the some brush as the likes of Finland Blindi and Finland miNd and other Finland KFC (Kamz FinnishFan Club) members, because most of them don't really have education. But somebody who portrays themselves as something, but isn't really that person should be given the benefit of the doubt I feel.

Maybe there is a part of me that relates to him. The whole most hated thing, etc. Getting attacked from every direction and having to defend himself. I don't know.

What do you guys think?
Kamz the good Samaritan.
The voice of the voiceless
How good and pleasant it is when brothers live together in unity!
he's dumb, but idd KRP nerds with nazi cross on their profiles should be banned aswell.
what is a nazi cross?
an inverted svastika
the ban feature wasn't really done properly, had to finish that first. Don't know if the (KRP) is image is offensive, but at least ensam has removed the swastika.
He can't defend himself properly, and that's why everyone is picking on him.
He doesn't know when to shut up. Nor realize when his invalid arguments and opinions go really to the woods. So why not to pour some gas to the flames.
you do realize everyones trolling?
Oh come on. Its interwebs.
QuoteHe can't defend himself properly
Everything you basically can do is 1 gain respect 2 stop caring about other people 3 shut up.
I don't mean it from unforgiven hater side but there isn't much you can do to "defend" yourself in internet...
sometimes it's not so easy, it took me a good number of years to be able to ignore things online.

probably haven't been effected by anything in the last 4-5 years or w/e but in the past, it can be hard to deal with when constant abuse is being thrown at you and there are always the same people trying to bring you down

more about my story than unforgiven's, but principle applies there :P
I know how you feel...
He does none of the stuff you mentioned
Unban him. Least he contributes to this community, I would rather read endless posts of spam and carbidge than nothing at all. Unban him please, hes a nice guy

The Internet is boring without mentally unstable people
the more i saw his replies, the more sympathy i started to get for him :) hes a nice guy!!
gifted told me he's a murderer!
true he's a chill dude
He doesnt deserve unban, look at those bullshit replies by him to others, how hes offending others and not even mention in which way. He belongs to trash and I agree with cf admins to keep him banned.
Maybe if you wouldn't treat him like shit he wouldn't treat you like shit?
he started offending w/o any reason and in fuckin big scale, I dont have any reason to be nice to him.. ;)
He blatantly insulted parzi for something that happened five years ago or something, while she wasn't even mentioned in the conversation at all.
Why would you even ban someone for arguing on a forum. I mean then cf should probably ban more then half of the community. So just unban him.

PS: I like his arguments, they are enormous and quite educational.
ik geef je volledig gelijk thijs
gypsy mad??????
finally he got banned, hurray!
Leave him banned. Finally Crossfire admins do some good for the community.
:') <3 love you too, random person
Rhandom suits me better.
Unban him, especially if racism is the reason. I mean i dont particularly like him too much, but he has been called gypsy, retard etc. He has the right to defend himself.
Calling someone a gypsy is not racism.
haha it's defend, man you are so dump :D
haha it's defend, man you are so dump :D
haha it's defend, man you are so dump :D
haha it's defend, man you are so dump :D
haha it's defend, man you are so dump :D
haha it's defend, man you are so dump :D
haha it's defend, man you are so dump :D
haha it's defend, man you are so dump :D
good edit from defence, didnt even bother to read
even if it said defence, it would be correct too as defence and defense mean exactly same thing
So this community is only about banning and unbanning nowadays? Pretty cool. NOT!
What exactly is your point?
Yea this Marcus guy is such a naziadmin, im still banned from crossfire ts, he banned me for 3 or 4 days on this site cause i called someone faggot, yet i see loads of people saying it but they dont get banned, good website, good admins, peace
Marcus is cool. He is not banning without a reason.
Ahhh that's where you mean, I have removed the ban on CF ... I only banned you there because you came on throwing insults at me
Marcus bad CoD4playerfaggotlulz
unban him
He isn't the only one that got banned for no reason.
It happen too me as well, the reason for my ban was "Get a life in Christmas" something like that.
I still know the person that gave me a ban.
The official reason is "I hate you".
His name "Exc1ted" or something like that.
Some ugly dutch tard as a mod/admin ohhhhhh my CF IS REALLY DYING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Imagine Crossfire as a dog shelter.
You have the regulars, sniffing around every now and then, wiggling their tails, sometimes growling at each other if they're not happy about something, over all they get along.
Then you have your big breed dogs, showing off their size, achievements, "power", things the other dogs respect. They try to keep the group together by putting the other dogs into place when they misbehave.
Of course every now and then there are those annoying purse-dogs squeaking for no real reason but eventually they calm down and you won't hear from them for a while....

Now there comes a new dog into the group. ( I always imagine unforgiven as a Jack Russel Terrier, I don't know why... ) He's insecure, doesn't know what to do with himself and because he doesn't know better he starts barking at every single dog around him. This behavior makes him a perfect target for the rest of the dogs. They start teasing him and since the poor dog can't tell what's fun and what's not, he starts biting, growling, being nervous around everyone. This of course makes it quite hard to gain respect and make any friends in the shelter called St. Crossfire.

Even though we obviously don't like each other, I do think everybody here plays his own role within the community, unforgiven simply hasn't found his place yet... :) People, stop being mean!

image: toms5532-jack-russel-zwecklos

It was either now or never. I could hear the footsteps of the human boy approaching and I knew he was going to open the bag any moment now and place his dirty hand inside and pull me out. The sound of the footsteps had stopped and the human was now probably about to sit down. The pencil saw the fear of my face and said “Hey sandwich, you see that little ripped hole right there?” and pointed towards a ripped hole which could probably hide something a foot long. I replied “Thank you” and jumped into the hole. Just as I made it into the hole, I heard the sound of the zipper opening. Light came into the bag as though the sun had come out for the first time. Fingers open, a giant hand came inside the bag feeling on the spot where I had been originally. Taken by surprise, I heard a confused “huh” from the boy and he poked his giant bulging eyes inside the bag to look for me. I could see him but he could not see me because it was much darker in the bag. After a few seconds of searching he moved his hand out and I heard footsteps walking away.

“Hi mom, did you forget to put my sandwich in the bag? I looked all inside the bag, but I couldn’t find it” the boy had called his mother. “Maybe it fell in the ripped hole at the

bottom” she responded. Upon hearing those words, fear struck me. I knew he would be returning and this time he would know my exact location. I had to think quickly because in a few seconds he would be returning. Since the bag was lying on its back I could see outside. I saw the boy had his back to me so slid out as quickly as I can and jumped onto the floor. Just as I landed on the grass, he turned around. Luckily he had been unable to see me since I had hidden under the bench. He sat down and looked through the bag once more. Unable to find me, he got up and walked away.

I had never been happier in my life. Just this morning I saw an egg being boiled to death on the pan, and then had been eaten by these vicious humans. I started to slide out only to see a couple of pigeons gathered up ahead feeding on bread. They pecked in his skin as though he was just merely a source of food. “Run away while you can! Try to get into that garbage can. That is the only safe place!” the bread looked at me sand said. “But what about you?” I replied. “Just forget about me and go, it’s too late for me!” he responded. And I turned my back to him and slid silently towards the garbage can. The coast was clear and I slid on top of the garbage can and made my way inside.

Inside was a banana who was a bit discolored but I smiled at him and he asked “So are you also trying to escape from the humans?” I replied “Yeah, why do you look so sick?” He took a deep breath and replied “I’ve been in this trash for a week waiting for the garbage truck to come take us to the dum….” Just as he was finishing up his sentence the engine of a loud garbage truck could be heard. The banana’s face started to tear and said “It’s time.”And soon enough the trash was lifted and dumped into the back of the truck. I was still a bit confused on what was happening so I asked him “What is going on?” He responded “You’ll see.”

Trash cans after trash cans were being unloaded into the truck with more and more foods who had escaped the humans. Suddenly the truck stopped moving. The back of the truck started to rise up, and all the garbage was throw out. After the dump was empty the garbage truck loaded the empty dump back in and left. All of the foods started cheering “WE ARE FREE! FINALLY! NO ONE WILL EVER EAT US NOW.” And I finally understood why everyone was so happy. We had made it to the dumpster where humans never come, unless they come to drop of more garbage. Now we would have nothing to worry about. I was finally free.
Like most old, mentally unstable dogs, unforgiven had to be put down.
very interesting!
YEAH! and unban me from #crossfire, being awesome aint a crime :(
Well I say unban, since it's unfair to ban him and keep banga and searal not banned
what the fuck did I just read
shit! forgot to add you to that list, soz
dafuq dude , they are really cool :\

seriously , why everybody hates seareal ? just because he was posting some 15 seconds video once two days long time ago ?

and sup with banga also ? i think he just got totally misunderstood, he is funny and gives nice musical material from time to time

The thing is, the only thing what these cunt faces know is Hate.
I'm not a hater, I don't care how someone acts against me.
I just don't like.

Your life's too short to hate.

Now byebye Tomorrow gym time! Gonna train my memems! :D

gyms closed in my city for 30,31,1 :(
you forgot to say goku
dopiero co bana z miesiąc temu zgarnął
Well, I am non nerd and I call the admins to lift the ban right away.

And you nerdy admins ought to obey.
i hope u are in good mood! :D!
Unban him so he can defend himself proper, but it's sad 2 see threads like this on cf imo
He is extra racist and talk shit all the time.
Plus he's weird, browses websites with underaged girls and mentions Marc Dutroux as much as he can which, imo, shows a clear intellectual disability.

Without mentioning his rudeness and agressiveness. I have some Romanian acquaintances at uni and they told me that insults are very common in their language so I won't hold it against him.

Having said that, I don't see why he has been banned today, especially when we consider the amount of times that he has crossed the line and nobody tried to stop him..
QuotePlus he's weird, browses websites with underaged girls and mentions Marc Dutroux as much as he can which, imo, shows a clear intellectual disability.

Keep well in view that the Dutroux case includes dark stories like Satanic Ritual Abuse and the corruption of the Elites.
Like him too...

cant understand why everyone is hating him.. sometimes hes to direct but on other way he can be rly friendly... never had a problem with him!

Unban! :)
ban scatman der huren nigga is doof D:
He used to act or reply appropriatly, but lately (eventhough I rarely check crossfire) he's been acting more mature while getting flamed and provoked all the time by every one and his dog for no particular reason.

I'm not really concerned with crossfire or ET anymore, but I agree with you that instead of banning unforgiven the people insulting and flaming him should be banned. He often rages, but more often he is provoked by bigger retards.
Which is another reason why he should ignore it and not drop on their level.
Told him to act mature but since he is in my opinion full of hate he should stay away from this side.Ofc he was flamed several times but there is no reason to start acting like a 12 year old child and attacking in every possible way he can.If you can't control your emotions towards Teenagers ,just stay away.Or maybe he is only trolling us?
I don't think he's trolling at all.

Some months ago I had some good contacts with him. And one day someone linked me the video that unforgiven made abou Skeit on which he clearly says that he deserves a cancer or whatever.
I found that shameful, told him, and since that day he keeps telling me that I'm an idiot, blablabla, that I'm a waste of time and sees my flag as a support to Marc Dutroux and the "monkeys" that live in my country.

I think that he's disrespectful, self-centred, frustrated and billegerent..
everything ding said is taken out of the context. can show you irc logs to back up what i m saying. he can t back up what he is saying
QuoteTold him to act mature but since he is in my opinion full of hate he should stay away from this side.Ofc he was flamed several times but there is no reason to start acting like a 12 year old child and attacking in every possible way he can

I m not full of hate, I just flame back, you stupid mother fucker. You re right about last one though.
I am so right you just proofed it
Quote: stupid motherfucker
I don't think this is from a respectfull person ...
How old are you?Do you have to comment every single word someone writes in the serious interwebz?
Go cry me a river
unban him
Nice video :)) Your English is somewhat decent, but have to focus more on your speech x)
Shame there won't be many replies with your hard efforts but I guess that's how ET is nowadays!
He made an unforgiven mistake.
The guy is nice
The guy is nice

Mr. mix
Let him come back when that sticky shit 'Best of metal 2012' is gone.
I have a theory that unforgiven= Kamz, think about it the year kamz goes to complete his masters unforgiven pops out of nowhere, + I have never been on team speak with both of them at the same time. Coincidence? I THINK NOT!

MSH 100 pretends he has logs as reason of the ban. Logs with what? I m not crazy, I did not said anything against cf rules more or less harmfull then others

MSH 100 deleted this video kamz posted here, for what reason? The video prooves I actually care about the comunity.

MSH 100 is one of those admins and persons that you can t deal with it. He doesn t care about people , he just care about himself. Before he banned me , few days ago , I asked him why he refuses to take actions against Goku and others calling me gypsi? He said that he doesn t consider gypsi to be a racist word. He tried to poison with this ideea as well Artstar and others, even though before, they kinda did the right thing. Plus, even Ross did it, banning Goku for 1 day.So first of all it seems that admins doesn t agree on a simple thing. Second it seems that he agrees with flame towards me. Is just personal. Normal or right? No. So , pretty clear that admins like msh100 does not respect cf rules but his own rules.And what exactly does a person that is flamed being gypsi or retarded suppose to react eventually when admin is not taking any measures, comunity stands and watch and things just go on? In real world, people are protesting when abuse and injustice become unbarable. But here, what?

CBA to talk about this kind of admins anymore, just as there are good people we think they are bad and bad people we think they are good, the same thing applies here. He is just a kid. But his hate, well that is something weir about him. And he is not the only one.

Fact remains that imo and it seems that in many other people here the ban is absolutely pointless. I did not broke a severe rule of cf, to point out out of no where to this sort of punishment. Last time I got banned, was last week, when me and goku received a 1 day ban from ross for rasism: goku is keep calling me gypsi and I started to call him nigger. So then if the racism is reason ban Goku and others as well. If something else, I would like to see. I think I have the right to know the reason. Otherwise we dealing with a guy who pretty much bans and unbans by his own sadistic pleasure. Is this the type of admins you want Crossfire? Is this the type of people you want to have in charge?

I propose to be made a poll if I should be banned or not. Yes admins have the last word, but rules are rules for everybody unfortunately you all must be honest and admit rules doesn t apply for others. Are you that sick not to admit this? So do the right thing, make the poll, and if the poll shows that comunity wants me banned , no worries, I will dissapear. Make it democratic way, no need for tirany and abuse

image: 15ggtc

image: msh100hater2
unban he's cool dude
Goku is really a shit nerd by the way. I challenge you to 1on1 IRL and on ET sad nerd ...
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