They mad?

image: 73790366

Yup, they mad
They fucking fuming.
easy match kamz. Too bad you left ET to beat bad players on RTCW
Scowieso Ϟ: nee je bent gwn stom
Scowieso Ϟ: dat je niet eens weet hoeveel mensen dood zyn gegaan
Scowieso Ϟ: in wo 3
van een typfout gebruik maken, lowbie
happy new year kief, vnaaf bij jou thuis disco?
is nog steeds 2012!!! :s:ss krijg hersens???

gelukkig nieuwjaar!! Xd Xp

neen ik ga naar gent. Ik zie je daar wel

hny :dxD
okay, dan kom ik ook naar gent met de crew, tot vnaaf.
Komt Tim Slager ook mee?

hueuheuhueuh xDD xp

Best thing done by Marcus this year.
sugi pula lui marcus
hitler was right
why are u not banned from this website? because some admins are gay. and so are you
night and nerds lost lol'd D:
You win only cause of mystic carried you -.-
lelle you mean?!
obviously u didnt watch !
24/7 nerds got rolled by low xddddddddddd
ma nigga
what happened to all the comments? :D
Keith got facerolled so removed comments.
Lol xd admin heeft gedaan wss :s ik won tg wel. :sss weken geleden huehue
hahahaha :D ingame comms just when frost started: "kamz ready? are you making a cf journal again?"
i did it after ;(
Stary doesn t sleep. I went to bed aprox around 11 30, and woke up around 9, when my alarm went on. My pc was on sleep mode, I opened and I saw Stary tongue deep in Marcus ass. Nothing new here, so I went to GTV to check on a match I bet some money on, and I saw Stary last login: 06:25 this morning. Next login: 10:31 in the morning. Nice life bro.

Stary used to play in my jaymod clan like 2 years ago, until I record him while he was cheating and banned him. Because of that and of his behaviour , saying things about one of the owners mother, he was banned from Romanian et pro forum : Permanently ban. Of course he can come back, but the looser knows he is not welcome there by the majority of the people, not only by one admin.Except Blizz and perhaps Razy, who are the biggest imbecils (but they are 14 so we can forgive that) nobody likes Stary. Here , internationally Stary has also a glorious past:

-multiple times ddosing servers and people
-kicked from esl admin staff , because of his behaviour and disrespect towards people (reminds me of t4mj who used to nerd a lot in my old mixes, until one day when I asked him about some cb information and he told me to fuck off cause he is busy watching a movie)
-dropped by his best friend from dnb team ,Drovage, unfortunately who was banned from cb, playing matches on false account , while being banned for cheating. I dont have information , if on his last account, Drovage was also cheating, nor if he was tzac busted, but I know that him and stary was best friends hating on me together.
-6 months ago, Drovage added me on xfire to tell me I was right and he is sorry: Stary is an imbecile
-busted and recorded on video by Kalli, obvioussly there are still undetected cheats by tzac

Now for some reason , Kamz plays with this guy and I don t get it. Kamz, do you respect yourself ? Now that you have all this information, Kamz, I need to tell you some more information about Stary:

-Stary wanted to come to my city and show me that he is a total nerd and can suck my dick without using a glove, while we speak, he removed his esl pic, he had a pic , showing himself (around 1 70, 45-50kg max, blond hair, arms as thin as a stick) , some kind of a msh but romanian style, so he asked Drovage , to find out some information about my home address. So, because this was funny, and because I wanted to put Stary in a coma, although I had few hopes to non that he will actually show up , I gave Drovage my address. He gave it to Stary, and what is this imbecile doing: Google maps on it to see if the address is real. Well it is real, but the moron did not found it. I just searched it and it s there. Anyway I also gave him my phone number, he asked for that, and in the middle of the night, that night, I get anonymous calls. Of course I did not answered. I m a G and a G doesn t answer phone calls he can t track. My 2 brother in laws working in the police staff, told me that if I would have a number it would have been easy to track him down. Unfortunately , Stary was smart enough to use hidecall.

Well , I m still hoping that one day I will find out at least Stary name, after this, it will be very easy to find him and pay a visit to his parents.

In the mean time, Stary is asslicking Marcus, probably hoping for an admin position, what you guys think:

MSH 100 pretends he has logs as reason of the ban. Logs with what? I m not crazy, I did not said anything against cf rules more or less harmfull then others

MSH 100 deleted this video kamz posted here, for what reason? The video prooves I actually care about the comunity.

MSH 100 is one of those admins and persons that you can t deal with it. He doesn t care about people , he just care about himself. Before he banned me , few days ago , I asked him why he refuses to take actions against Goku and others calling me gypsi? He said that he doesn t consider gypsi to be a racist word. He tried to poison with this ideea as well Artstar and others, even though before, they kinda did the right thing. Plus, even Ross did it, banning Goku for 1 day.So first of all it seems that admins doesn t agree on a simple thing. Second it seems that he agrees with flame towards me. Is just personal. Normal or right? No. So , pretty clear that admins like msh100 does not respect cf rules but his own rules.And what exactly does a person that is flamed being gypsi or retarded suppose to react eventually when admin is not taking any measures, comunity stands and watch and things just go on? In real world, people are protesting when abuse and injustice become unbarable. But here, what?

CBA to talk about this kind of admins anymore, just as there are good people we think they are bad and bad people we think they are good, the same thing applies here. He is just a kid. But his hate, well that is something weir about him. And he is not the only one.

Fact remains that imo and it seems that in many other people here the ban is absolutely pointless. I did not broke a severe rule of cf, to point out out of no where to this sort of punishment. Last time I got banned, was last week, when me and goku received a 1 day ban from ross for rasism: goku is keep calling me gypsi and I started to call him nigger. So then if the racism is reason ban Goku and others as well. If something else, I would like to see. I think I have the right to know the reason. Otherwise we dealing with a guy who pretty much bans and unbans by his own sadistic pleasure. Is this the type of admins you want Crossfire? Is this the type of people you want to have in charge?

I propose to be made a poll if I should be banned or not. Yes admins have the last word, but rules are rules for everybody unfortunately you all must be honest and admit rules doesn t apply for others. Are you that sick not to admit this? So do the right thing, make the poll, and if the poll shows that comunity wants me banned , no worries, I will dissapear. Make it democratic way, no need for tirany and abuse

image: 15ggtc

image: msh100hater2

They mad?

get a life psl gypsy faggot :xDD get job janirot XD:d

sieg heil
You have some serious issues dude
wb unforgiven
atta boy
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