
Not sure if this is old or not but i thought i would post it

Not the first project to try this with RTCW/ET
QuoteTo found out more about project

surely not the most professional one.
Language skills and coding skills are a completely different matter...
and yet the project wont succeed without a decent "PR" department.
i wish them the very best of luck but a .txt with polak english wont get all too many people excited.
For a random mod or fan project you don't need that much "PR" during the development process, but you are right when it comes to the .txt with polenglish
I have to disappoint you, but I ain't "polak".

But it's true, I should correct the grammar. Although to my defence, it was written for ones that were around at internal release as well as in about 2 minutes, and was never meant for general public - but I guess that changed so I should write a proper release info. :)
I never used the word "polak". Anyways, you really should change the release info. How far is the development process? Need any help? I might be able to lend a hand
Well I wasn't really aiming at you but just at this conversation in general. Although it was a fair point in either case. I should have a proper release notes along with other stuff later today or at least in following days. :)

Development process came quite far, but has also a long way to go. Final goal is in principle simple- that's to update the game to more modern times as well as move from fork to standalone so it can be freely distributed. If you want to go into more technical aspect I suggest we move to either PM's or some other messaging system for the sake of others and all the "novel mambo jambo spam fest" it usually becomes from this kinda of conversations.

As for help, any help is welcomed and appreciated. You just have to be aware that I do have a life (hard to believe but it's true) so whole thing is meant as a long standing project. If you're fine with it, then by all means, I'll be glad for any help I can get. :)

In either case, if you're interested or have any more specific questions let me know in PM and we can discuss it and go from there on.
I've just very quickly gone through the mod a bit but there's a few things I like to point out.

When you do /kill you actually have to tap out after that instead of the usual instant tap. Even better would be et's force tap out.

Why is r_mapoverbrightbits capped to 2 instead of 3? This makes a big difference for people who's monitors are natively quite dark.

When I went to the create server section I could not click Back to get back into the main menu again.

And this is just a personal thing, but I don't like hitsounds. It doesn't really add anything other than removing the element of surprise in a sense that you know instead of guess that you can push someone (especially in a long distance fight) after you hear *ting ting*.+ I don't really find it fitting for a ww2 game in general, better suited for quake for example as it has a more futuristic theme. Many people will probably disagree with me here :D.

I'll give it some more testing soon and regardless of the above it's still a great effort, my thanks!
It's little confusing and sadly no proper documentation exists at this point but I'll try to address your remarks:

- /kill command is basically made more 1.0 like - in 1.0 /kill kills you without gibbing so you can "force" revive of a team mate that's around. If you want to get straight to limbo just use /gib command, that's basically what kill was in 1.4. :)

- r_mapoverbrightbits is capped since there's no PB and no way to control stuff atm. Generally you can control brightness with more cvars - r_intensity, r_gamma and r_mapOverBrightBits will pretty much solve brightness issues for old dark displays. Tho if there's a problem, I could always max it to 3, but generally, I'm actually planning to simply write something like PB done as controllable cvar restrictions from server side, which should cope with this issues in more correct way.

- Menu issue with server creation is fixed and will be set in next release which should be soon. :)

- Hitsounds are actually controllable in two ways. One is server setting and another is player's preference. If server has it off, it wont work for client no matter if (s)he has it on of off, otherwise if it's enabled it falls down to client to set it as (s)he wants.

You have to note, that while current servers I've put up are basically configured to be somewhere in between 1.0-1.4, but generally it really depends from owner of the server and can be set either way - fully shrub/s4ndmod like or completely main where it's basically what OSP is. I've also implemented OSP to some point like reinforcements offset, coloured crosshairs, blood removal etc..but there's still a lot that has to be ported from it, but one step at the time.

I guess I could configure obj to more main like and disable hitsounds, set default respawns and disable poison, weapon dropping etc. It just depends if there's an interest for that kinda of server at this point?

Anyway, I hope this novel answers some of your questions. :)

Thanks for the reply, basicly cleared everything up except for the brightness setting.

Not so long ago I used a crt monitor which really required me to put intensity to 2, gamma 3 and mapoverbrightbits to 3 if I wanted to see anything on dark maps. Right now I'm playing with a led and it's not really an issue for me any more. But besides me I know that most people play with mapoverbrightbits 3 so I would just recommend to max it out on 3.


Yeah I can relate to crt issue - had few laying around before I switched to tft's all together. Being a seasoned nerd I tweaked brightness on hardware level to cope with it. But yes you are right. I can't expect from every player to either have the knowledge or the will to solve this at 'hardware/abstract' level. :)

For start I'll max out brightness aspect to 3 so players can cope with it. It's more a temporary fix since later on I'll move cvar restrictions all together to server side as I mentioned above. In any case, change will be introduced in next release since it's hardcoded in engine it self so I can't configure it solely on server, yet. :)

Yeah server side settings/restrictions is always better for flexibility and as you said without PB you can't enforce IN range values :( (I don't think).
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