change tzac acc too new


me & legendary Denmarksteeler wanted to play ET again with our pro friend DenmarkOLE aka perfeckt

He didnt have a tzac account because the last time he played was 5 years ago.

Now he can't play in NBS because his account is too new...
This is NOT the way to attract new players.

so change it please

image: 1356488557844
They won't
I'm afraid he has too wait for a while
It's called a protection... TZAC has silent detection, which delays the bans and afaik hardware (or wtv) bans, didn't work.

So yeah, it's wise to force people to wait, otherwise cheaters could create accounts within seconds and come back...
There should be something at registration, even if u can bypass it it could be some kind of ip/mac address or anything to check to see whether the guy is known for tzac dbases or not. Just an idea, but this game is shit anyway LOL

I still love you agon friend.
Still love you too, player with cool voice xD

Well, this game is stilll good even after 10 yo! What have you been playing? LoL?

And for the record, ip's are usually dynamic, mas can be spoofed (and so can ips, you can get a different one using vpns n stuff). I'm sure there is some good stuff at tzac to do this stuff...
Yeah i played lol mostly but i also kinda stopped playing actively video games as I'm too busy with new job/studies.

Yeah you can always spoof them, but there are always ways to bypass something, and we can't rly do shit about that, we should rather think about the simplest way for a user that has no bad intentions to play than for a cheater's.

This is probably the biggest thread of the moment about security and accessibility. the more u secure it, the more attacks you have.

story of computer sciences.

I has sexy voice btw :D
I still think security is important, otherwise everyone can use the system, which is not the main objective in this case. The main idea is to keep cheaters apart, plus the situation described up is not a "tzac" fault. Server admin configured it this way.

And yeah, too fucking busy here :| been sleeping <5 hours for few weeks to accomplish the works i have to do :X
you can borrow mine if you promise you won't cheat
i can give him mine if he still needs :)
wait 30 days boom
fuck off cunt
won't change it
Yeah it's a bit weird.

btw Perfeckt is a legend!
go back to world of tanks, way more action packed struff over there
how about... no?
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