Why am I banned ?

lol I've just logged into facebook and got 10000 messages about ban :o. what the hell?

I've been doin some research and found out that some cheating polak scum was faking me @ gtv / cb etc.

OK, im sw1ruz and lately I've been playing on nick Arnold, not Arniiiii.

http://tz-ac.com/profile.php?id=619 <- here's my TZAC account

http://tz-ac.com/profile.php?id=9154 <- unnamed/retroplayer / Arniiii TZAC account .

SO, on what basis did I receive a ban in CB? Are there any ip's matches or wat? I have no idea what just happend. Just came back from christmas and this happend?. can anyone tell me why the hell am I banned?

Admin pls check cb tzac guids/ ip's this Arniiiiii and mine @ CB and unbann me. Thank you.

EDIT: I see some guys claim that etpro guids matches or whatever it is but I think etpro guids can be easily spoofed.

EDIT 2: I feel rly defeated and frustated. I hope admin will take a look on this again and consider an unban for me. pls take into consideration my line of defence. thank you.
Stary stfu
you mad because you bad
No mercy for cheaters!
You're huge raging homo, and the only thing you deserve is to die.
uhuhu, ciekawie sie robi :D
etpro guids can be spoofed
Played from same IP with both tzac accounts. Played with same etpro guid with both accounts. K thx bye.
same IP?

show me then, you also only marked etpro guid in that screenshot gg.

and I just said etpro guid can be spoofed, which means it can be changed with a tool to anything you want, this was already possible before SLAC was released and that's why back then no one would get banned based on etpro guids.
the IP's had 1 digit difference, didnt realize that untill giving it a better look. My mistake.
etproguid spoofer doesnt work with tzac
yeah, that's why the account is banned
Why you defending him, scumbag
i doubt hes defending anyone, siting her for a min thinking about it he prolly has a same state of mind as i do atm, hes fed up with the bunch of bullshit from esl/cb who have proven in the last year that they are incompetent and to lazy to do their job, what im saying is, way to much clean ppl are getting banned because of the mofos like this want to rush with the post and ban (attention whore)

im out peace!
image: funny-gif-guy-jumps-out-window
just stating that bans based on etpro guids are retarded.
"Played from same IP with both tzac accounts" sory but I can only see same etpro guids, not ips.
Oh, my mistake Apparently it had 1 digit difference. Ended up like .184 while urs was 180. Im terribly sorry.
dynamic IP maybe ?
Cant proof anything
etpro guids can be spoofed
what the hell is that? like ICEq said, etpro can be spoofed. its just fucking etpro guids for gods sake:o I thought TZAC guids are important now
spoof does not work on tzac.

podpowiedz, jesli faktycznie to nie ty, pokaz jak falszowac etpro guid na tzacu.
ja jestem badybilderem a nie jebanym informatykiem w brylach. zajebiscie, moja kariera dobiegla konca przez jakiegos barana.
it was subak we know
tzac best
just shut the fuck up
didn't read, but yeah there's a hardware match on TZAC
Hardware can be spoofed wtf :-Ss:s
not, does not work on tzac
No fucking shit
haha :D, that sounds like something darkrider would say...
he is dark and he rides bitchez

i guess he is darkrider
hardware CAN be spoofed. The problem is how did the spoofer know arnolds hardware id? :oooo
oh, so some fuckface somehow spoofed my etpro guid while beeing on tzac/slac and Im banned becasue supposedly it cant be done ? thats just great man, thats fucking great.
how can there be the same hardware adress on a diff computer from a diff ip??????
How can there be hardware match when he has whole different tzac user in CB?
and that aswell indeed 2diff guys both playing et and he gets banned? :D

same story as it was with me :)) just in my case i got unbaned :D
feel free to provide proof of "both" of "them" playing ET at the same time
just woke up and AFAIK theyr both playing clanbase 3o3 ladder @ gamestv

im not saying unban the fuck,fuck i dont even give a dayumn
the fact that his tzac account has not ben banned should give you a message saying
"Hey i should check this case out i might not need to ban 2diff accounts"
Hence from what i saw in the comments its not even his ipee.
now you're just making things up, because "sw1ruz/Arnold" hasn't played 1 match on GTV since "Arniii" started playing

as I said below to Artstar, I'm pretty sure chaplja bans only accounts on which actual cheating took place which explains why the other TZAC account is not banned

you have 0 access to his hardware and "ipee" information, so regardless of what you've read in the comments here, you are dead wrong
i have seen how accurate ur hardware and ipee software is :D

im dead wrong that u should like, check this thing out that is ur job dude?

what u on crack cocain and heroin at the same time bruw
yes I checked it out and yes you're wrong

I am done replying to you
good so i have nothing more to say
not sure if stupid or trolling...
I don't understand the question
QuoteHow can there be hardware match when he has whole different tzac user in CB?

QuoteHow can there be a hardware match

as in
How, can there be a hardware match betwen the two of them
Quotewhen he has whole different tzac user in CB?

as in
When they have a whole diffrent tzac id and cb id
yep, this must be the very first time that a cheater has more than 1 TZAC account and more than 1 CB account!!!!!111oneone
and 2diff ipees
dynamic "ipees"

and even if there wasn't an IP match (and there is), it doesn't matter because a hardware match alone on TZAC is good enough for a ban
why in the world would a 3rd world retard whos life is lifting have a dynamic ip

and based on what can u just say... ah im ohurcool and he haz a dynamic ip BAAAAAN

so ur ban is based on etpro guid ? I thought etpro guid means shit now. If ip would match I would agree on whole this bulshit.
don't go tropic on us, you cheated, deal with the fallout.
QuoteI've just logged into facebook and got 10000 messages about ban

QuoteOK, im sw1ruz and lately I've been playing on nick Arnold, not Arniiiii.


And i also know that you have more than 2 tzac accounts, once you were playing with another tzac acc than these 2, you were wallhacking and claiming to be Gnajda
i lift ya momma with ma cock n u with ma eyes, madbra
Was going to do this

and also he has been wallhacking in more tzac accounts, one time he even claimed to be Gnajda when it was so obvious.
knowing where the enemy is all the time doesnt mean u have a wh :)

a good example is on supply we plant up n down and by the time they build the cp i know what is on the other side..
cant u see it was Arniiii not Arnold. i dont know thy the put Arnold in lineup instead of Arniii.
yes. I dont know why my e-friends put Arnold in lineup even if they knew they weere playing with Arniii
Fuck me man, please go take an IQ test and let me know the results, I am seriously fucking 100% interested in knowing the results.
go take a pregnancy test u slut
Came back positive :S
`Funny if you spec him :)

and you know he s using cheats!!! obvious
I'd like to arrange a meeting between Arniii and you on CF TS.

inb4 constant mic muting on either nicks
Possible its not him. Just think, why he would like to play with some enzos and pawels? ;x Just sayin
the question isnt "why?" its "why not?"
hf with ur free wiruz
ah thats why he played with shit polaks
nerd mad cuz fail cheater

cu nbs guys XDDD
Quotelol I've just logged into facebook and got 10000 messages about ban :o. what the hell?

Deal with it. I got also falsely banned.

In the case you don´t have some admins as friends noone will put any effort into your case. Neither cb admins nor fucking chapjla failer.
I never saw any proofs for my ban even though I talked with like every admin I know.
cb support ticket is the way to go.

cb admins did listen to me, but the esl crew just ignored me so i maild the head of esl :)
you were banned on CB for cheating on TZAC, then you returned with a new CB account and got banned again

don't act like it is our fault you are banned
ur rules ur fault deal with it

Polish. Enough said.
haha nice joke , we were not playing with him last few days , it was just some random polak :D:D now unban him , 3o3 offi /q
bo haksowales kurwo
dziecko zwazaj na slowa bo Arnold Ci przykurwi i tyle bedzie
cu @ lan dziwko
a co z rodzicami przyjedziesz?
Nie tak jak poprzednio z bratem. I nie rozumiem na chuj się sapiesz skoro nawet nie odważysz mordy pokazać wielki skillzordzie.
w koncu brat czy mama?
Jestes tak glupi, ze nie wiem co Ci odpisać. (c) Arnold
Well this just got embarrassing, judging way to fast maybe? gj oucool etc xDd WHat a fail by admins
CB admin says theres hardware match. They need to ban for that. Its chaplja's fault if the information he provides is incorrect or inconclusive.
chaplja already ave his info, he banned an account that doesnt belong to this poltard :D
if there really was any kind of match chaplja would have banned double accounts (ye, have seen people get banned for that and 100% cheaters do too).
I don't believe he bans for multi-accounts on a regular basis... yes, he's done it before but afaik the majority of TZAC bans are only for accounts on which cheating occurred

I can provide several examples of banned and non-banned accounts which 100% without-a-doubt belong to the same player

also, an auto-ban feature for multi-accounts is supposed to be implemented in TZAC v3
nice idea :) about autobans ofc. I'd like to know his stance for accounts being stolen in future though. this crap about "a cheater used your tzac so you much have _GIVEN_ it" can't be serious. accounts get stolen all across the internet, how can it be put down to account sharing d;
well I guess it's difficult to tell whether an account is "stolen" or simple given away

same thing happens on ClanBase tbh, some CoD2 nerds actually pay money for CB accounts xd
i've had like 3 pm's on cb asking for my account or for my clans that have won cups. :D
so I guess my account (619) won't be banned?
that is a question for chaplja not me
the omnipotent Sweden Weslann with complete access to all player IPs and hardware information has spoken!
yup the quality of esl/cb c&a crew is shit thies days.
hapaj napleta!
actually you have been playing with the nick: Arnii lately, also together with upload.

etc etc etc.

if it wasnt you then upload should be banned for knowingly playing with a cheater.

if it was you, you were clearly cheating, knowing so much, being better then upload (you were always worse)

it wasn't me. and aplold would get ban only if he'd add him to team but he didn't. playing with a guy whos cheating dont give u a ban. only if u add him to ur team.
xD haha, well if he knew it wasnt you, and he would still be playing an offie with you, then yes it is banworthy imo.
just give up, you're busted gg:(
no I'm not.
do czego to doszlo ze mare cisnie swiruzowi ja pierdoleeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee
a ty marcin to sie nie ukrywaj
nie ukrywam sie xd przestalem grac;<
Sticky? _:D
exactly my thoughts
The quality of sticked journal is decreasing every day.
loooool stupid polak toilet cleaner homo butt pirate lol xDDD
This is outrageous! Unban sw1ruz right fucking now or ill come active again and make life hell for you all...
miss seeing you on those pliers mate :<
I miss owning and pwning :( my pliers </3 xo
Crossfire get worse and worser... why this shit is sticky about a random poltard cheating ... srsly ... ET is so stupid dead.......
You still play GO?:O
u still play with retard weslann ?
You need to relax xD
you need to be less arrogant
That 1 word made you go all crazy, damn
ofc... why not?
fresse peniZbuttpirate D:
Oficjalne stanowisko Policji.ET

Z informacji specjanego wydziału ds. przeciwdziałania czitom i narkomanii wynika, że istnieje połączenie pomiędzy kontami TZAC jakiegoś łocha i sw1ruza. Połączenie to NIE ma nic wspólnego z etproguidem, bo to jest chuja warte i można notatnikiem spoofować. Aktualnie sprawdzane są dodatkowe wątki w śledztwie, aby w 100% zasądzić o winie oskarżonego.

W przypadku tego konkretnego rodzaju połączenia prawdopodobieństwo błędu jest tak małe jak szanse brahiego na zostanie kapitanem repry.
mam nadzieje ze prokurator przedstawi sensowne dowody mojej zbrodni bo narazie zadnych klarownych nie widze. skoro polcja et twierdzi ze znalazla jakies polaczenie pomiedzy moim a kontem tego locha to niezmiernie chcialbym miec ten dowod dostarczony w trybie kurwa natychmiastowym. fajne mi to prawo mamy ze najpierw skazujemy a potem sadzimy.
Kapitan Gary wyjaśnił, połączenie zostało potwierdzone. Sprawa zostaje zamknięta i nie będzie dalej rozpatrywana.

A co do dowodów, to nigdy nie musiały być przedstawiane, chodź zdarzały się przypadki banów przyznanych błędnie i potem usuwanych (pozdro bNk)
ten kilerboj to w ogole jest adminem cb?
Jest, wrócił niedawno. A nawet jakby nie był to ma dostęp do TZACa i mógłby spokojnie ogarnąć co i jak i podesłać gdzie trzeba do CB.
prawde mowiac moglby to wszystko wymyslic i powiedziec tak temu ohurcool a ten by mu uwierzyl bo przeciez to kilerboj. a to ze mnie nie lubi i chcial mnie banowac setki razy tylko potwierdza moja teorie.
Potwierdził to też niezależny admin w ogóle nie związany z ET.
skad ty to kurwa wszystko wiesz
dobrze mówi , polać mu :)
"chodź zdarzały się"
Pisze się "choć"....mam nadzieję, że pomogłem. Pozdrawiam.
O kurwele jaki wstyd :< dzięki
Odczytaj PM a nie baw sie w prokuratora.

thx mate. can always count on u. wish u best .
I have reviewed your case.

There are perfect IP matches and Hardware Matches on both TZAC accounts, and also perfect IP matches from your CB account to both TZAC accounts.

Considering you also lied about not using that nick (Arni) and you also have some additional proof etpro guid matches and other stuff, I can confirm the ban is legit and will stay.

Zeh Gary has spoken.

inb4 it was my bro/dog/friend/mum
I think u lied :/ bad killerboy bad ... dont make me tie u to a tree. but srsly, can u show me some proof? if u do I would be greatfull m8.
give up, nice try :D ip+hardware match + ur friend upload playing with arni :D
TL;DR: The ban is 100% correct, there are several IP matches, matching on the same day and hour, and basically almost every hardware related info (not only your HDD, but basically almost every spec in your pc) matches both accounts.
Seems a bit odd 2 other CB admins didn't mention IP matches :x
I have always been the best at what I do, I go into the depths of the internet to find out the truth.
Well I trust your opinion more than their, just saying it's odd :D
if u say so why dont u post some god damn proofs. and why ohurcool who banned me talked only about etproguid and nothing else?
I'm not allowed to post screenshots of your IP or HDD info, unless you get permission from chaplja as he owns all data to his site, also ClanBase will not release any IPs to the public as it goes against many laws. If you want open a ticket and you can get all you want there. If I were you I would try to start explaining those IP matches and HDD matches instead of saying your innocent without backup it up and talking about how helpless you feel, that's all I can help you with at the moment.

Me and ohurcool are two different admins, every admin has his own method, what matters is that we both are with the same team and I will always try to keep an objective opinion, I would never fake or manipulate any information especially since I have no personal gain or goal to achieve from it, I hope you understand what I am saying.
I see I must rely on ur reliability. I can't see any proofs coz its against law or wateva. that's great, ure the admin u say somebody is cheating and that's enough proof to ban this person. ure not obligated to show any proofs but that strikes me directly. I would say u don't like someone so u may ban him not showing any proof, just saying he cheated, thats all. little unfair i guess. anyway, I understood everything. speaking in short : I'm fucked.
I understand your position, but once again I will repeat, as an accused offender you have the right to appeal and know most or all of the evidence used against you to prove you are in fact legitimacy banned, this can be done by using Clanbase's C&A Appeal Ticket System: http://tickets.clanbase.com/ you will be given all the info you need, or most of it, to show that you have been banned correctly and you can open a case and appeal there.

Also I would like to distance myself from the thought that I have in some way, had an effect in your ban or its process, I was currently on vacation last week and have just come back and I'm loaded with my 12 hour working shift, I came online to see you were banned and have looked at your case since you requested it, and seeing that ohurcool was actually offline I got curious about your case, I have had no influence in your ban, as I didn't even know you still play the game until today :p
I know u had no influence in my ban. I'm just aware that u gave ohurcool a confirmation about connection this Arniiii and me. u could confirm him about ban and not showing any proofs to him. I'm afraid that he may rely on ur word only.
As I said he hasn't gone online, when I was online, and I haven't messaged him or neither has he, so the proof I have is still with me :) I doubt that I'll even manage to talk to him this week since I work 12 hour shifts and we have an 8-9 hour difference in timezone.

I'll give you my word that I won't give out the proofs to him unless a chief interferes with the case and will need my part of the evidence for the case.
no offense to Killerboy, but I have access to the same information that he does on both TZAC and CB and am perfectly capable of finding IP matches and hardware matches on my own

we don't ban on someone's "word", and we also don't owe it to the community to explain every single action that we make with a complete list of each and every bit of evidence we act upon

and there is not a doubt in my mind that you are Arniii, so stop acting like an innocent victim pretending that you are not him
happened 2 me in the past.
ur so fuckin right
GoodGuyGaryREPLY less than 5 minutes ago
I would never fake or manipulate any information especially since I have no personal gain or goal to achieve from it


GoodGuyGaryREPLY today, 14:57
hahhaahaa fucking polaks only good to getting perma banned in free game hahah virgin nerds, fucking XDXDXDXD smiley spammers only good to clean my toilet fucking MC Kurwa noobs...
what he has written there was obviously sarcasm and even with what he has written he doesnt have a personal gain nor a goal to achieve
Thanks for proving that once again you cannot comprehend the english language, understand the context that was used in it or have the ability to distinguish the difference between a serious conversation and a 'taking-the-piss' conversations which were totally said in a humoristic dialogue, between two people, once you have unlocked these wonders of the online internet communication please reply in a serious manner.

Also you manipulated my comment since you didn't post what I said after that in the same comment, nor did you post the comment Webe had posted beforehand, so you would intentionally make it look like a hatred comment.

To even be accused that I would hate a nation such as Poland is very offensive and disgraceful, I have never had any problems with sw1ruz as I always thought he was a funny person, he started the whole get face and muscles 'cf meme', and there are many, many respectable polish people in the community, I wouldn't be able to mention them all, obviously there will also always the the trash part of the community, but that happens in every nation.
btw, u played 2on2 in past so couldnt know u joke about ur own matches, or u parodied webe.
its the difference between ur own arguments and quotes.
gary for president
Quote I would never fake or manipulate any information especially since I have no personal gain or goal to achieve from it, I hope you understand what I am saying.

Dont talk like that in real life, it can be used against you ;)

good job btw, pretty sure this wasnt hard given you have admin privileges on cb and tzac
how can it be used exactly, unless the wording is somehow manipulated? :o
It can be interpreted the way they want it.
dont mind me, i watched this recently

that actually means you would or might do manipulate if u had a personal gain or goal :>
vid_restart bug
Isit ban worthy if you're sharing a tzac account too ?
yup, read the terms.
do mycia parowo :XD
clearly just using high sens
larky and i have been hacking etpro guids since 07. too easy.
Probably because you cheated, limp dick.
lol learn 2 play noobs, sw1ruz just better and now you ban him :S:S:S
Quote<15:54:22> "szpyru": a arnold wiesz na czym gral?
<15:54:27> "czaku": na tym co ja
<15:54:29> "czaku": bo mu dalem to
<15:54:32> "szpyru": XDDDDD
<15:54:34> "czaku": xdDDD

cu :D
your polak... that alone is banworthy =)
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