xPERiA (00000608) casek (00016698) & rezhni (00000288) bashed hard !

Hello everyone !

I seriously hope that all is fine with your lives. People ! Be in a good mood !
Me and my teammates were searching some med or med+ war on the channel when some xPERiA's slave came to challenge us !

We were like : "Oh Yeah man, let's roll some more nerds !"

We started with Adlernest where we rolled them badly. Afterwards came xPERiA's favorite map also known as Goldrush, the only map they could win against us to be honest.
Then we won the coin toss and chose ETice because we are non-nerds certified.

At several moments, xPERiA got really bashed hard. His med+ teammate rezhni carried him very hard. Casek for its part was very beasty on Adlernest and he was here to raise xPERiA's spirits I guess.

Still, we played in a good mood ! And xPERiA did claim that he wasn't too hurt since his last defeat against us.
It is hardly believable in my humble opinion.
But it seems like he could get back on his feet since his nervous breakdown as he was pretty in shape for this battle.
On the other hand, my teammates were awesome.

Last time, some people said that it wasn't really a proper victory as we had being able to settle the scores only on Adlernest.
Here we have three maps that have been played.

Here we go for some rolling ! (around 8 MG of rolling)

And again, people ! Be in a good mood ! :D!
have fun rollin nerds

we dont give a fuck imo

hf nerds
peinlicher hu$o
du sollst nicht so über Flop reden in der öffentlichkeit
ahah nice read , nerds rolled gj !
e: playin the demo right now see you in 30mins
nerd! you have nothing else to do ? it's 00:28 am !
so what ? cant i enjoy watching some pwner raping noobs ?
Of course you can mate. We are all in a good mood ! :D!
Do you honestly think somebody is going to watch that?

I guess with unforgiven gone somebody else with autism needs to step up to the plate.
yeah like if someone care about nerds playing together, and to shout it from the rooftops....
To be blunt, the Adlernest & ETice maps are very interesting. Especially on ETice at the end where we did really use brain and fooled our opponents. They really thought they would win. ;D!
win EC or gtfo
i guess i need to step up then
Shouldnt be a problem for you <3
<insert random popcorn gif>
That explains why I see so few retarded journals lately.
Why unfor get banned for kinda nothing a this rtard can still write bullshit.. please BAN HIM!
juden geht halt offline hoffe ihr sterbt an aids
It's because of attitudes like yours that the community is dying. There is nowhere to ban. May the freedom be.
You must be a very uninteresting person. And in my humble opinion, Unforgiven's ban should be lifted right away.

I support freedom and especially freedom of speech.
he was very convincing with his "ban him" in caps lock
why no journal after me fumble and owzo rolled you :(
You didn't roll anything. You barely lost while I was playing with a total new player as 3rd. And you only got carried by the mighty fumBle. I am very confident in my skills, and I can beat you easily.

Take into consideration that I am not often playing with top skilled players. And there was another time where we managed to win versus fumBle in a 2on2 but I didn't post it just mentioned it because he was with a low skilled teammate.

Fairness is very important.
rofl at ur reply , i was playing with a friend last time who was starting wolfenstein & u didn't want to admit u sucked even if we rolled u 1 map with him , so stfu now

u suck as hell don't be so pathetic posting threads about wining an IRC war ,wich is not important at all to everyone & no one fucking cares , u're ugly brah
Feed the troll.
You would get bashed hard by this guy man, don't even bother.
ye he so good... :SSS
These are bullshits. We easily deal against you.
winning a 2on2 against fumble is just as easy as stomping the kindergarten football team
Oh yeah right, are you aware that you don't have any credibility claiming this with your low+ max skill :D?

I'm med-.
Then don't talk shit dude ...
I go sleep nerds, have fun nerding around till 6am
riveting tale chap
I beseech you people, be in a good mood ! We are here to have fun and it's not about trying to get the other to commit suicide.

*hugs xPERiA*
since u pmd me to write somthing in ur jrnl im writing now
you're really sad aren't you?
raped you med- max like a litte dolls
nice egoquit btw
image: wet-20130102-004523
you are shit
omg nukits omg
Yeah right, you won once in your life when me and my teammate were very tired. On the other hand we won plenty of times against you ... so what you got is worth nothing ... xPERiA may be over-rated at some points but he is still a top player unlike you man. :D!

And you are ugly as hell in real life while we are non-nerds certified. :D!
you are too retarded person, not even gonna waste my time to explain nerds like you
Winning a 3o 3 vs a team where 1 of them is low+ is not journal worthy :D and u actually lost the map that takes any skill :D
who the fuck cares? who the fuck are you anyway?
the power of friendship
Hahahahaha can't belive there are still people being serious about an awuflly dead game. WP nerds. :'D
Well, there are the true ones and there are the others ... :D!
xperia med- max
Fruits Apricot so retarded , he's winning an IRC war against "skilled players" who are probably playing for fun with friends & he still ejaculate , just throw urself...
3.7/5 en progrès, peux faire mieux
Did not read
Downloaded and watched. Awesome display of skilled gaming
Thank you mate. :D!
must be someone faking casek he would never lose a match in et
Finally a decent content again!
if you are the same apricot who we played saturday night you are really stupid dude
he is actually retarded, he is french and his nick is/was francais
yeah i think he is the same person then
Nicolah rolled you plenty of times so please ...
so did i...
Not. And we are still non-nerds certified unlike you ...

non nerds certified unlike me???

wat are you talking about, are you being on crack???
Yeah and we rolled you hard. But be in a good mood mate. ;D!
Actually, you trolled us hard with CB admin. Cancelling games always if your brother starts downloading? :) I see thats your key to your "succes" having less a bit less point than 1000 @both ladders :O thats very impressive mate, tell your brother to download more often :)
Muahaha caej low+ we rolled you hard. You claimed to be the fairest team out there and we figured out that you guys were utterly nerdy. You try to earn points by every means like shit nerds. Me I have honor.
Playing few times a week wouldn't call that being so utterly nerdy. No point in cancelling the whole game or even cancelling the 2nd map just because your brother started to download? Sounds pretty nerdy taking contact to admin and fight the map to be cancelled. My whole PC freezed down in every game like 3 times and for one whole year and we never tried to use that as an excuse to get the game cancelled / play the map all over again :) You do not have any sense of honor! You are just stupid guy whos most important thing seems to be ET in this life which is pretty sad in every way possible. How could we be trying to earn points by every means possible? If we did we would have requested your demos and shit trying to make an avi of some action to make it look like you would be cheating and such, or making conflict because you didn't use your CB nickname in that war right? Well anyway we are happy to new offi vs you anytime!
who cares
hahaha nerds rolled!

great stuff, more please.

Can't wait for the next journal!
Don't worry mate, we will probably come with some more rolling in the upcoming weeks. :D!

But for now, good mood ! :D!
Have a good mood! :D!
:D got rolled o m g, you don't talk about grush anywhere tho? :D my guess is that you didn't play serious or without crosshair on grush, I understand :P

little reminder of what happened when our 3rd isnt completely braindead and terrible:

image: ygsuc
image: 2mnmx6a
image: 2bw5f4
image: bf281v

that was the day my dream came true.

Have a nice day, I'll go now to tend to my broken heart, takes a while to put all the broken pieces together.

P.S. little fact that's known to about everyone is that my fav. map is supply and adler :P it's incredibly hard to win a map like gold when your engi shoots 500 damage in 24 minutes and dies on full 9 out of 10 times :(
je hoeft je niet te verantwoorden tegenover hem lieverd, we weten allemaal dat je 100 keer zo hard schiet als die knuppel
haha doe ik ook niet geloof me, we hadden nog bijna gewonnen gister en die casek was nog 10 keer zo slecht als normaal, maarja, kan niet alles zelf :(
succes met de kapitein selectie heer xPERiA. Moeten wij zo even komen babbelen samen?:P
hehe sure kga ff naar sportschool nu ben er om half 1 / 1 uur. je kan naar die ventrilo komen waar ik en rezhni altijd zitten als je wilt, tot straks
oehhh lekker dan kerel, sixpackje kweken.

ga ik even nog studeren en douchen nu, tot straks
gekke Tim toch
Kom op ventrilo dan!
ik ben studeren jong, kom ff mirc
kanker aman
Dat hoef jij niet te zeggen hoor!!!

Dat weet iedereen toch

Well, then I am gonna break your dream and your hearth. It was not me and neither my teammates who played against you.
I always check my opponents's TZAC IDs and I can confirm that I did not play against you more than 2 times.

The screenshots that you show are completely invalid. I never played with these guys and wouldn't get owned on Adlernest that easily. You can also notice that it is a guy who faked me because the colors of the name are not the same. And I don't know the guys he is playing with. I rarely play with mix. And he also doesn't speak like me.

Always check the TZAC ID to be sure. My TZAC ID is 00000726.

Sorry xPERiA but you just got trolled by some low+ guys.

And about Goldrush, of course you did pretty good on it and we were all expecting it. There is no surprise there.

I re-confirm that I am not the player that you show on these screenshots. It is not me and these are not my teammates.

[EDIT] There is also a very important point ... the ping ... I cannot have less than 98 ping. 48 ping from where I am is totally impossible.
Well TimbolinA, this is your opinion. Still, he declined all my 1on1 honor offers and he did only lose against me so far.
not nearly enough underline in your text. argument invalid
I guess so :(
Hello mister xPERiA, I hope that I don't hurt too hard your feelings. :D!
You're a legend
Thank you mate. :D!
I don't like you
who are you and why are you living still in 2008?
"living still in.."
i think this battle here is more interresting than watching the demos
bestest topic 2013
that topic is worth it
lowbob :D
long hair, don't care
Frop we need a banhammer
get up-to-date United KingdomYMCA`Marcus is the new nazi admin here
Snatixx you are an uber nerd and you are totally low on ET and IRL. You should try to be in high spirits sometimes ... :D!
Nice ownage dude
Thank you mate. :D!
Funny how you go all mad on him, he obviously try to get your attention and he does it with 50+ comments on everyone of these journal he does :D
Keep it up :))))
Thank you mate ! It's nice to see that some people who are not super nerds ... :D!
wow great u are my new hero omg u r such a great player u win random 3o3s and think u are the best, dude gtfo grow up and get a life kanker nerd, try to play some officials?? oh wait u are too scared sry i forgot it...
Specula ! The low+ one speaking ! Nerd please ... :D!
before i even read

hope u are in a good mood! :D!
damn he has changed his lines :(
and forgot non-nerds
encore une mayonnaise qui a tourné...
inb4 casek's spiderman pics
Should we care?

image: images?q=tbn:ANd9GcShxVj1UFKI9ueO6Y1nnpDA8hJZcffBBGJE7-aPSDZwj7_YnuD43m0Ocrdc6w

I don't think so, you're just a raging faggot. looking for attention.
It's alright mate. Good mood ! ;D!
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