New config needed (Laptop)

Sup CF,

My current desktop CFG makes my laptop go nuts (20 fps + gets hotter then a desert).

SO: i need a new Config (for my laptop DELL Vostro 3560).

any laptop users wanna share?


Render bad PC;
Quoteset r_allowExtensions "1"
set r_ambientScale "0.5"
set r_ati_FSAA_samples "0"
set r_ati_truform_normalmode "GL_PN_TRIANGLES_NORMAL_MODE_LINEAR"
set r_ati_truform_pointmode "GL_PN_TRIANGLES_POINT_MODE_LINEAR"
set r_ati_Truform_tess "0"
set r_cache "1"
set r_clampToEdge "1"
set r_clear "0"
set r_colorbits "32"
set r_customAspect "1"
set r_customHeight "1024"
set r_customWidth "1280"
set r_depthBits "24"
set r_detailTextures "0"
set r_displayRefresh "120"
set r_dlightBacks "0"
set r_drawFoliage "0"
set r_drawSun "0"
set r_dynamicLight "0"
set r_ext_ATI_pntriangles "0"
set r_ext_compiled_vertex_array "1"
set r_ext_compressed_textures "1"
set r_ext_gamma_control "1"
set r_ext_multitexture "1"
set r_ext_texture_env_add "0"
set r_facePlaneCull "1"
set r_fastSky "1"
set r_finish "1"
set r_flares "0"
set r_fullScreen "1"
set r_gamma "3.0"
set r_highQualityVideo "0"
set r_ignoreFastPath "0"
set r_ignoreGLErrors "1"
set r_ignoreHWGamma "2"
set r_inGameVideo "0"
set r_intensity "1.5"
set r_lodBias "2"
set r_lodCurveError "250"
set r_lodScale "5"
set r_mapOverBrightBits "2"
set r_noCull "0"
set r_noCurves "0"
set r_NV_fogDist_mode "GL_EYE_RADIAL_NV"
set r_overBrightBits "1"
set r_picmip "3"
set r_picmip2 "3"
set r_primitives "0"
set r_rmse "0"
set r_roundImagesDown "5"
set r_showSky "0"
set r_showTris "0"
set r_simpleMipMaps "1"
set r_smp "0"
set r_stencilBits "0"
set r_stereo "0"
set r_subdivisions "20"
set r_swapInterval "0"
set r_textureBits "32"
set r_textureMode "GL_LINEAR_MipMap_NEAREST"
set r_UIFullscreen "0"
set r_wolfFog "0"
set r_zfar "0"
set r_znear "3"
seta r_mapoverhtBits "2"
seta r_mode "-1" unsafe
seta r_aspectratio 1
seta r_customaspect 1
seta r_customwidth 1600
seta r_customheight 900
Quoteset r_finish "1"
set r_customHeight "1024"
set r_customWidth "1280"
seta r_customwidth 1600
seta r_customheight 900
set r_showSky "0"

where did u buy a laptopt that gets u 20 fps in et @ 2013?

did u trawel back in time and accidentally bought a typewriter?
Funny fact: i bought it in school (i'm studying programming/networking).
Seems that my School director is a tard :p
u could proly get more fps on a raspberry pi tbh XD

since ur studying it u prolly did try updating drivers and all of that stuff

just out of curiosity.. how much did u pay for the Uhm Typewriter :D
yeah we get updates of drivers etc via mail.

shop price is 780 euro , i payed 450 (school price)
dafuq 800e laptop cannot handle et xD?
image: tumblr_lz5kzsZprz1qzfsnio1_500

a year ago in 2012 i was browsing for some laptops 300-400e and they had like i7 512 gfx cards n shit.. could run et while runing et while et runs et
the cheapest ones with i7 are around 700e.
However, 20 fps on 780e laptop, thats strange for todays standards, there must be something terribly wrong with its setup. I got similar fps on my 4 years old Acer (500e back then).
dunno maybe i5 :D but was deffo an I series :D
i never said my laptop couldn't handle ET. My current CFG made my fps drop (the settings where made for my desktop). that's why i need a new cfg, not a new laptop :p.
But even with the cfg banga gave me, i still get 80 ~ 90 fps. no 125 for me :(
strange, try this one

4.cfg=binds remove it
and at 1.cfg remove the 1st line "100hz display refresh" since u prolly dont have a 100hz monitor :D
Danke, will try
btw what software are u using @ school? vim? :P

but still 80 90 is way better then 20 x) i used to play on 42 :D
Just a first grader, using Eclipse (only Java for the moment...)
rofl rolling in mac? ^^ was expecting linux

i tried vim once, never going back to anything else iz di best :>D
windows, nope no linux
tought eclips was only for mac^^ well gl with ur studies and ur typewriter :D
gee... thanks :DDD
eclipse is available for every platform.
put r_finish to 0 and this might just make a big difference.
and edit your videocard drivers (if you have an ati card, make sure you disable catalyst AI)

only use r_finish 1 when you have a wireless mouse or keyboard. Or another device that can create lag.
I play on Sony vaio
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