The future is here
8 Jan 2013, 18:14
There you go, integrated console/PC-gaming for everybody.
it will shift console fags away from outdated hardware which is ultimately breaking the curse of consoles holding back the gaming industry.
i wont buy it and yet it will make gaming better for me.
cant wait.
when the 360 first came out and they demo'd TES:Oblivion on it people couldnt believe their eyes. Its not that the system has been bad back then, its that it is bad right now.
We have yet to get a statement on which life-span they are anticipating for this product.
Valve does not have a reputation for this but I fear that they might fall into the same trap that consoles do these days. Imagine valve supporting/encouraging games a couple years down the line that are not up to par but work well on their platform. This is nothing other than a console with a more open interface and we can only hope that Valve shows how its done.
That being said if anyone can pull it off its them.
it would be cool