Am I a whiner?

Am I a whiner? cuz one guy said that I whine a lot.
Only what I whine about is:
Supply, Special Delivery, Frostbite, Adlernest.
Shit maps, overplayed ass maps.

Maps that I LOVE!:
TC Base, ET Ice, ET Beach, Radar.

Is that whine? that I always say about the first four maps SHIT MAPS?
I will never quit a game even when I get powned hard.
I will finish every war even if they are cheating.
Am I a whiner?:o

image: tttr
PS; Sorry I love girls with meat! at least you can hold on something while you're fucking her.
Whiner :D
More RTCW nerd maps
At least those maps are nice.
best comment ive ever seen from you! +1000 internetz for you sir
cause you cant hold on to skinny gal's? or you like to hold a vet-roll?

also overplayed maps is just what you make of it, so many things that are different each time you play it.

6/10 because i am in love with sourkraut
i dont know if you're a whiner.
I can however tell you that the majority of this community thinks you're an annoying little cunt.

have a good day

P.S. chick is ugly as fuck
At least that chick is hotter then you!

e; like I fucking care what they think about me.
Allemaal ugly nerds!
haha je zegt allemaal dus jij ook hahahahaaggaga
Lieve schat! ik ontken niks.
Jullie daar in tegen ontkent alles:X
e; like I fucking care what they think about me.
Allemaal ugly nerds!

Journal title by Banga = Am I a whiner?

You clearly care.

And thats a fat chick, you can have a girl with meat and does not mean she has to be fat.
She ain't fat you dumb fucktard.
She is fat, and by your reply I can tell 2 things about you:
Yes you are a whiner
Add me to the list of people that thinks you are "an annoying little cunt"
She ain't fat.
Even her face is fat..... well I guess once you go fat you never go back.
shes fat
Like everyone here.
shes fat
Be more specific.
can't see no belly button
Like your parents, right?
correct! xD

understand the map thing, needs more radar in rotation!
shes fat
play offi , pick beach , ice or random retarded rtcw maps , profit???
classy chick
if you cant hold anything while fucking a skinny girl

you're doing something wrong
Sex = sweat.
Skinny girls + sweat? they will slip easier away cuz you can't hold on nothing :X NO MEAT! is fucking BONES!
nope, you're a retard
Nice girl
When I read that people say that the girl is fat I really can't believe it...
Did you guys consider that she is sitting? That is the reason why her belly looks like that. She is no super slim model like girl, but she is definitely not fat.
beach and base are so bad
ugly chick is ugly
that's the girl that gave trance his first blowjob
i lolled!
whiner?? winner!!!
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