Laptop advice

I'm looking into buying a new laptop, could use some advice since I don't know anything about it :)

What I'm looking for:

- Budget : around 650€
- Function: Schoolstuff,watching movies, some games (currently only fifa13)
- Should like nice (style of mac?), I'm especially annoyed with touchpad buttons.
so something like this would be nice (
- Windows
- battery life
- Don't need huge screen, would prefer it to be easy to transport (15"?)

Here's one that looked nice, for what I understand

got Asus G73JH and pretty satisfied with that
dell q15r series
Looks fairly decent for that price. GT 640M isnt the best card, but since the screen is onöy 1366x768, it will do fine in most games.
image: IYSfQ

i dont have a girlfriend :*)
oh we assumed
[18:15] anim >>: i want to gain 100000 pounds
[18:15] anim >>: be the biggest man ever
[18:15] anim >>: then die
[18:15] anim >>: at 35
[18:15] anim >>: of a massive heart attack
he's 83% there
Sony vaio = win
Sony sucks hard, you pay more for the brand Sony then the devices.

I pref HP :)
Lazio, haal een HP laptop betrouwbaar en fijn en qua budget kan je zeker een mooie dunne laptop halen.
Currently have a Samsung with i7 2760QM, 4GB, GT520M was around 670 euro when i bought it half year ago.

Good enough for casual games, mainly bcuz CPU performance. And when not gaming it can be around 5 hours on battery.
dont ever buy anything from Acer.

lazio pls
Get something from Asus/Dell/HP, but as for HP you should prepare thyself for cleaning the laptop on regular basis (nothing fancy, just air into da vent and it will keep it running smooth)
got Lenovo IdeaPad B580 for exactly the same stuff as you want it, school stuff, movies, and fifa 13, works great, and it's only about 600 euros, here at least, dunno in belgium
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