vote ur captain

Hey ho buddies :) dont forget to vote for ur favorite captain !

p.s. i dont wanna see Germanystray as the new captain of team-ger :(

have a nice evening!

edit: laughing my ass off how stray's buttbuddies act :DDD
Finland kyttädog
you got my vote
why not stray? :D
you got my vote
besser ihn als dich und das ist safe mein noobfreund :)
<3 X:DDD hallo jude
hahahah du bist so ein opfer xDD geh wieder low- wars suchen du noob



you got my vote my lovely 3atwm8 <333
At least somebody who is going to take serveral others and Looks for Good Players .. Instead it would be Team Oxid only or always the Same team ger!
who else would u pick ??
now dont tell me a team of some noobs like specula znark and well who else is active? oh right... no one
you'd fit right in this team of noobs, dickhead 8D
just messing around! you're the best ofc :PP<33
There are many Teams who have At least 1 Sick Player you Could Take theb the best rifle, fops etc. And Not only One Team Last time it was Team SL now IF its stray it would be Team Oxid Kiwi mental stray kevji bla and im sure there are mich better players or do a mixure
Soz for Mistakes writing from dmartphone
lol u r so wrong :D and he wouldnt play when he cant get the players he want :)
Im sure Oxid + highbot, still the guys he plays normale together&nothing new
stray wouldnt choose oxid guys. he'd choose pdeg + other good germans. kresti flop blade & more.
ye im sure he takes kresti flop blade and kiwi maybe he gets kevji too but why is that bad?
there arent any noteworthy players available anyway dont tell me znark or specula :x and mental isnt that great too not meaning to flame him :<
plz du bist low wie die nacht is ja voll lächerlich das du team ger captain wirst
:) du un deine low+ leute geilt euch einen drauf wenn ihr team ger seid traurig :x
mach den kopf zu du hurensöhnliche missgestalt. ihr seid beide dumme spasten
alter geh mal weiter mit deinem dummen mistgestalten rumschwuchteln drecks forever low+
hallo tiger
lass den armen wodka in ruhe D:
ofc mental is not good enough for team germany. he is not good enough for DE #3 team. i think kiwi and kevji are good enough.. think they already made it into the lineups, im just saying stray WOULDN'T pick all oxid players like scoof said.
ah ok :) ye think so too we will see
a pity it will be the last NC for ET i suppose :(
meh, who knows. im sure cb will still host nc next year, just dunno if there will be any worthy players by that time :D
In my view thats the same shit. pdeg is just hb + oxid cuz both teams Went broken thats for me still the Same shit im 100% sure out there are much better Players to try out but he wants only his team mates. Agree with you kev + kiwi r Good for this -- + krest fiteball or so it will be already 2/3 of strays own Team, 1/3 would be ok and Take the rest 2/3 from other teams. And indstead kiwi better kresti theb but kev as rifle
tell me some players who are more deserving of team germany than kresti blade flopjehz etc? :/
Dunno for sure there are more good ones.. For example xyL you may Never heard of but is really good, .. Catcher, scow, bong, ..? There are more dont know the names now and sure sum New talents too
scow aka banned on CB
so you talk about stray only taking friends, but then you recommend xyL (your friend) for team germany :DDD

the thing about all of the top-germans, is that they all proved themselves in top tournaments and LANs before getting into team germany. most of them anyway. what has xyL / scow proven? scow proved he is a cheater and is now banned on cb for 10 years.

bong is actually a friend of mine and he already played for germany. he no longer has time for pc sadly and that's why you won't see him here anymore. catcher is good and i don't know why he never got a chance, but he's not going to get a spot over flopjehz kresti blade or butchji
they were examples.. actually If I would be captain I wouldnt take all from my team xyl was just an example and I think he is worthy.. stray would take only his pdeg guys and done.. nothing new.. like i said take about new talented guys .. out there are much better ones for sure or can proove also.. and if stray would take the new ones they could also go for an tournament to show up their skill not only the old shit et will be always the same then nothing new.. no wonder why its dieing.. if you take new players who have potencial and could play at this level take them ( and they will show up also at lan cuz they get a good team then), but stray wont .. only his guys/friends.. not even only 1, he would take all 6 for it.
new players get their own opportunities to prove they are worth the national team. if they can't prove it with stability and skill in lower leagues why should they be "tested" in NC :D that's just stupid.
xYL unknown
bong inactive and played allready team-ger ...
catcher inactive

scow... :DDD

Nice try keep on :)
yeah why unknown? cuz you take always the same shit.. take him.. you look... he shows you.. alright ,he is awesome ,why didnt we take him before?.. you take him to tournament... profit?!
he didnt played in good comp or tourneys , thats it.
and why? Because he needs good players for it .. so take him to team ger.. play for example some prac match.. and see.. others will see him.. he will get known.. How should it be easy if other guys are too arrogant to take no names (even if skilled).., they only take the same shit.. thats how stray acts like

for example poland.... what about WuT? Same example but their captain is much nicer and tries this
normally im a quiet guy but now I have to say sth to ur trashtalk
1st atleast I didnt need cheats to reach sth in et or to compare with med skill, now without ur cheats u r bad like a piece shit. expected
2nd I didnt have to waste the last 6years or even more, to play this game on a good level.
Im playing now etpro for 2,5years and played for the 1st time in EC and placed 4th place, I know this is nothing special nowadays but still I showed a decent performance from the start till the end, and I dont care what u are saying because u r just a hater and nothingelse...
Just because of guys like u, kiwi, hummel, fireball and co (beside znark, violy, krest, flop and stray) is the german community so retarded², little kids who never reached sth in their lives/game and got a big mouth in the fucking internet.
I know im not that good/exp like mant,sinnu,flop,koop but still I could compare with the top teams. Also znark and voily could do that.
Also if I would play NC then I would rather play for my real nation POLAND. (omfg fucking polak flame inc, wouldnt suprise me at all)
everyone who played with me know that im a nice guy and dont got 2 faces, also that im a good rifler. but ye u never played with me so u cant judge.
bSTURZ best team EVER! fuchs, testi,sly,ercan,fizz,swani,vokki,mili best guys i ever met.
now u can flame again, but u know what? I WONT GIVE A SINGLE FUCK
miLi played with bsturz? when? havent seen him for years =z
sry I meant milhAus but we called him mili.
sry for this mistake
well just to clarify it mister so skilled EC player
i got never busted and i dont think some low+ noob can judge me anyway
wow and great that u count me in the german community when i didnt play for real since ages
ofc no player will be any good if he didnt play active or u want to say guys like butchji will aim like they did in their prime time? so just bullshit ure talking about
well just to quote u "never played with me so u cant judge."
i dont know u nor do u know me
but i dont think ,and many others too, that u are NC worthy
try to trashtalk about me cheating when guys like killerboy already said the cCc 3on3 is/was clean :)
retards at its finest
logisch, kriegst mein vote
soz, oxy it is
znark best! <3
Stray ftw nothing esle
now they will vote for him
Voted stray :)

Im not his buttbuddys as you called him , but i think stray is motivated to get the best Team for Germany , even if its maybe the old PDEG lineup mostly...but anyway GL !:)
haha baby face 12yo low+ max team GER
2013 you so funny
voted for waki
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Wenn znark in team ger spielt ist et tod du hässliche missgestalt kannst eh nix l0l
omg omg predi <3
Du sagst es 8)
All this hate against stray, I cannot understand it. We can be happy that there are at least some guys who applied for the nationsteam-captain, else it wouldn't be a serious competition, isnt it? And Im quite sure stRay would do the job well, additionaly he's willing to offer underrated players a spot to play who did not yet have an opportunity to proof themselves.
Im not talking about me since I'm not really into the game anymore, but from what I have experienced with stRay I would forget about all the prejudices.

Flame stray, the only person who has a contact to the good players (e.g. oxid, butchji, snoop or w/e) which are still playing or would come back to play...
ich vote für keinen der beiden,

wenn ich sehe wie über einzelne personen diskutiert wird.

es geht darum das beste noch verfügbare deutsche lineup aufzustellen.

das ist das was zählt.nichts anderes.

znark will "neue" integrieren.wen,warum,vorstllungen bitte.etwas mehr informationen wären wünschenswert gewesen.

stray hat den besseren draht zu altgedienten spielern und organisatorische erfahrung.

bin mir jedoch nicht sicher ob ihm alle noch loyal gegenüber wären.
dafür ist zu viel theater gewesen in der vergangenheit.


wir bekommen es nicht einmal hin, einen einfachen captain zu wählen ohne anschuldigungen und provokationen.

man sollte bedenken,welche simplen aufgaben ein captain hat.

dafür muss man kein Pro sein.das kann jeder mit einem gesunden menschenverstand.

die verantwortung liegt im aufstellen des lineups,der vorbereitung und der späteren platzierung.
daran wird er gemessen.

wenn ich mir die grütze hier so anschaue, hätte ich mich selbst dieser herausforderung noch gestellt.
dat torte :D
Meister Torte hat gesprochen !

Torte 4 cap!
natürlich ist es kinderkacke aber sei ehrlich wieso sollte einer wie znark captain werden un nonames ins team holen wenn man ein team vom letztem jahr ca picken könnte was sehr gut war?
ich sage nicht das andere leute nicht dazu fähig wären aber stray kennt halt alle un hat die kontakte sei dahingestellt das er gehatet wird aber sein team wird eindeutig besser sein als das team von znark welches aus seinen freunden bestehen wird..........

"dafür muss man kein Pro sein.das kann jeder mit einem gesunden menschenverstand."
das ist vollkommen richtig nur das znark leute wie sich selbst ins lineup holt un das kann nich ein team germany sein ehrlich
würde er wie stray leute wie flop krest blade kevji kiwi fireball viol un wenn noch der interessiert wäre von früher anschreiben wäre das kein thema aber er will einfach nur team ger sein un das stört einfach
das ist ja das was ich meine.

stray hat/kennt die besseren leute.

da ich aus der vergangenheit weiss, das es ärger gab zwischen stray und "seinen" leuten gab,lege ich nicht die hand dafür ins feuer das die jungs unter ihm spielen.

bei znark fehlen mir wie erwähnt die infos.was will er ändern?wen wird er holen?
"ich hole neue leute" reicht nicht.selbst spielen ebenso ein fail.

es ist nur ein spiel,aber bisschen mehr ernsthaftigkeit vermisse ich schon.
wer im lineup stehen sollte muss man hier nicht deiner auswahl hast du schon gut gepunktet;)
Serious shit
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