grzesiek banned again

image: popcorn_2

can't stop laughing, best thing is - "Created 19 Mar 2010 15:09" :D shame clanbase organisation isnt capable of providing informations why my ban is renewed. too lazy to appeal again this ban :(

laters, no team poland this year ":D"

probably reason

Niestety nie mogła pomóc w wyjaśnianiu tej sprawy, wymierzony wcześniej łagodniejszy wymiar kary nie powinien być zmieniany.
they can't ban for +1year old evidence though? this is total bullshit. :D

e: haha, Ray is a RWB account of Poland blk. grzesiek is also being banned and linked to this account? how can they be serious?
well, there is a real "return while banned" account, if a ban still exists every rwb must be banned as well
yeah but grzesiek isn't blk. the "Ray" account was banned because blk used it 4 years ago and now they're saying grzesiek used that account way back in 2010 or?
Well, if I understand it right grzesiek got banned in september of 2009, then used the "Ray" account which was already "dirty" because of belka (apart from the fact that sharing accounts leads to a 120 month suspension). So the only difference between this case and many other RWB cases is that he "borrowed" an account which was made by another player (belka) while in most other cases the banned players created a new one
how can they create a ban NOW though from a violation made 3 years ago?

KB used to say CB couldn't do shit if it was +1 year on the violation
Because the account that he used during his bantime is still suspended for RWB.

I'll show you an example of a different player, sjee was busted three times, after the 3rd bust he made a new account, the clanbase crew didn't notice it in time and the ban expired. Up to a year after that he could still be banned, a year went by and the chance was gone.

But the account that grzesiek used during his bantime is still suspended, it's as if you were sentenced to jail for 120 months, escape and then return with a new name and the authoritys notice it and don't give a fuck :D
no, because grzesiek was never suspended for 120 months, he just used the account of someone who ENDED UP being banned for 120 months. they are basically treating this ban like BLK is GRZESIEK.
Yeah, but the intresting thing is when he used the account, if I'm not wrong he used blk's account named "Ray" during the time when his own account "grzesiek" was banned. So that obviously makes it a RWB ^^. Beside that, sharing clanbase accounts leads to a 120 month suspension, so I guess it doesn't really matter if there is a "RWB" or a "Sharing account" in the ban discribtion
oh right. well still I think it's bullshit that they can pull out this ban _NOW_ when years have gone by. it makes absolutely no sense and shouldn't even be allowed.
CB have banned for older violations than 1 year old.
other than this I can't remember any examples? I just remember cases where CB would be like "well, sorry, we can't touch that guy's case because the evidence against him is over 12 months old".
well i cant really recall single cases without research, but perfo for instance. yeah he was unbanned after a while, but not because his evidence was too old, but because he could prove it was his brother
perfo didn't prove it was his brother, he was unbanned because he served his ban fully. anyway the rules of banning back then had no "violation limit" so bans from years prior could be used.
nozz & uNhitable, they both were banned years after they fuck up.
Created 19 Mar 2010 15:09
Banperiod 120 month(s)
just found that u are in c&a et crew

/r/ why my ban is renewed :D
I'm sorry, but I left C&A while ago. Just stayed in the group for checking IPs which normal admins don't have :)
aha, so my ban was checked by who then? this ban was 100% related to et and how its possible while et has no c&a crew and still able to decide about et related bans :D clownbase proving again skillz
Mostly assistants are doing this. Only ohurcool and Killerboy are somehow related to ET but I doubt they will give a shit about you ;) , but those bans are mostly giving by ppl which have nothing in common with ET. You deserve it anyway, so why so curious ?
"but those bans are mostly giving by ppl which have nothing in common with ET"

keep proving that clanbase is weakest league atm with these sentences, they have nothing common with et while ban is 100% et related

okay, i deserve it but why should I serve this ban again? i was banned for that in 2010 and appealed this ban. ban length was forced to 12 months instead of 120 :D

as i said im too lazy to write a ticket again coz im not even playing active for a long time + clanbase c&a crew is bullshit
well, if you will write a ticket, maybe you will get the reason, as I said, I don't know anything about this so I can't help you.

wrote ticket 3 years ago, no point of writing it again
and now team poland has lost their key player wtf is this
who cares?
me neither L0L
0 fucks given, ULI ULI
grzesiuuuuuu njeeeee
taniec nadziei
image: Baby-dancing-rocking-out
cu @ lan grzesiek. online only
once a haxor always a czitor. GG NO RE
oooo ale niespodzianka
lol that sucks
lacze sie z toba w bolu, wiem przez co przechodzisz :C
I'll play with u in 10 years. You have just ~2 months longer ban. Cu!
zaraz napisza ze grzesiek to subakk
Cu in 10 years
see it positive - przynajmniej nikt na lanie cie nie bedzie zaczepial
jak lana nie ma :]
No i dobrze, chociaz jednego pryszczatego mniej
Ciebie też to czeka w okresie dojrzewania ":D"
alez sie kurwa rozbrykal po lanie, a w krakowie jak myszunia pod miotlunia siedziales w kaciku zabaw
you serious?
2013 and CB still cares about grzesiek and bans him over and over again? Oo
just let him play, he ain't active anyway... and if he wants to return he'll do it, even with 10 accs banned... :P
cu 10 years


I can explain, AMA.
explain please
How is nursery school?
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