LoL <-> Dota2

So, I would like to know differences between LoL and Dota2. Cba to start searching all random infos from web since I dont play Dota2 yet(no invi). (I'v played LoL almoust 1,5y now)

What I think atm: Dota2 is more fast paced, more snowballable, more carryable alone. LoL is more about not making mistakes and about teamplay. Also dota2 has creep denying.

So, I would like to get as detailed review as possible about differences from someone who plays both games. I'm sure I have more questions after first review :)
LoL is easy mode.
Dota2 is nolife.
every single steam user got 1million dota2 invites... need one?
LoL = noob friendly trash game
Dota2 = Slow with bad game mechanics and totally random match system
HoN = Better than the previous two
At least you agree that it's slow :)
slow with bad game mechanics,

dat game >>>>>>>>>>> hon

cant deny that but thats what expected from a newer game with a bigger company behind it.

Hon still a good competitor if you go all by gameplay tho
The interface is still terrible and it feels like your playing something from 1996. Engine related I suppose it just doesn't feel good at all which is unfortunate because every else is fine however for me it's unplayable.
thanks for clearing up that you are just an angry hippie whining behind his computer and when you ask for some facts they come with "feelings".
and yes i am flaming you because you joined a clan which did sad things when they lost and tried to get a forfeit win against us and actually did after you had lost :)P

keep it homo my brother
lol loekino still mad from forfeit loss after all this years xdddd
huehuhe dinev actually believing that uheueuhe

was still sad tho and it changed my view of that fatty forever cause i actually used to like him :(
how come eatern europeans are that stupid? is this what nazi germany did to you people or why the fyck are each and every one of you just ape like?
lolkino y u drunk infront from computer agin xdddd it not guud xddd
so for you germany is eastern europe?
lol nice life xddddd
roflllllllll danL was and wanst he like the main reason for this bullshit sad stuff ET players did to get a win?

maybe i am drunk cause i cant remember if you were in that clan too, if so. Why the fuck would you want to win like that? i really cant get my mind into that state, why would you want to win by forfeit?

im oc CHAMP now,
lol no i wasnt,i was med+ back then rollin mad nerds wit skill no need for forfeits xdddd...but yes you right danL started with sum shite

peace mate,i go slepp now...always a pleasure talkin shit and trollin around with you brah
Super mad it seems just staying consistent and following rules.
dota and hon easy mode noob games, LoL competitive progaming
lolkino pls stahp
HAHAHAHAHAHAH SAKEN FAT NERD but funny as fucking pope on a stick look at them jokes!!! he not ever sarcastic or making post just to say the opposite hahahahhacapslock
hahahahahahaahaaa you say excuse you but you mean excuse me hahahahaha
cz u funny maight, making g00d lol > all moba games ahahahahahha
i forget word joke
maar ff serieus waarom spelen al die hentai/skaters/gothics LoL?

dit is een praktische grap
so ye like actually hon, not bad of a choise

dota = hon kinda

dota 2 = dota = hon but they dont port heroes anymore.

lol = some faggy kid style dota game that is fun for the webbrowser gamer

hon / dota2 = more harder to pick up and you need to use more brain/teamplay so dont go play this if you are alone cause your time will be like satan in clouds

maybe i should not have called LoL faggy but i play hon and i feel ashamed when people think its the same game. And people get confused by this and i do not like it.

Dota 2 is more slower than hon and i guess in general a better game with the work thats been put into it, real nice community involvement shiznit, but the gameplay just feels too slow for me, thats why i play hon cause it feels/reacts more crisp than other moba games i have played
Quotelol = some faggy kid style dota game that is fun for the webbrowser gamer

Ironic cus LoL has more tournaments and prize awards than HoN + Dota 2 together.

+ Gl for dota or hon to ever pass LoL at streaming viewers.
Wow, you really came with the argument that lol is better BE FUCKING cause any other game did not achieve the same amount of tournaments or price money?

what the fuc are you doing on the internet man go back to console gaming and never reply to me again you son of a bitch with 3 legs and a plastic lover.

yeah cause most skaters/gothics/kids have no life and are able to waste so much time on watching a nerd play a game so they can nerd while they watch some one nerd. durrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr
Angry skater/goth/kid with no life. Sounds a little bit like yourself not so long ago? :D
i never was a skater/goth

i was a kid

i had no life

but i didnt go insane in the membrane thinking games are better when they have bigger prize pools/tournaments.
I still love you Loekino <3
and i fucking hate you for sticking with that team that went all crazy AFTER they lost and scored a forfeit win like this.
also sorry danL if you read this but you were most feared in ET because you always managed to get a forfeit win from teams you lost from.

If you cant beat leet..

zielig roach dat was echt kankerrrrrr sad zoals een ekte nederlander dat zou zeggen.

ook al was dat jaren terug, sad sad sad forever sad. <3 hoeren homo vies kanker lelijke paard
Just following rules as we have always done why so mad; also a team should stick to their clanleaders decision which as you have mentioned is danL.

Sorry that we are known for knowing the rules better than CB admins but after Donex of all people fucked us over by breaking written match rules (for which he should have been fired from his position tbh) we made it our mission to follow every single rule 100% no matter the opponent. Killerboy even mentioned that danL knew the rules better than he did.
SO WHY DID HE NOT POINT THIS OUT EARLIER? no lets wait till we already lost and then complain about it cause we iz fair clan.

And i roach follow lame decisions by my clanleader that kinda are obviously fucking a sad attempt to get a win out of a loss. dont come with that autism bullshit to me roach.
GL at passing their viewer rate, as after all, its viewers that are showing which game is more popular and better, if it would be HoN/dota, it would be obviously that ppl would prefer watching it over LoL, but guess what, it isnt.

Seeing as with what kind of comments are u coming back to try to argue anything, i find it waste of time to even bother replying to any kind of comments of urs, as i simply pitty u.

E: Comparing design + graphical value on champions + skins, its same as comparing black / white screen TVs with nowadays plasmas.




no really, LoL is big but not the best game out there if you want a dota styled game play.

Oke it beats smite but so does pacman
Runescape became a mainstream (free) game easily accessible for kids to nerd and talk about at school also because no matter what there is always someone worse than you. This doesn't make it a good game fun maybe but good no.

Unlike in LoL if you suck in HoN or Dota2 your going to get raped and frustrated every single game basically meaning your going to give up pretty fast.
roflkartoffel, you R saying you cant win a game by something afterwards if you pm an admin? that is a silly game :S
You cant win the game by screwing your enemy over by an easily forgotten rule?
Yes because in history good games always had all the big tournaments and prizepools.(Hello WCG)

i pity you, take that!!11
numbers = good game. BlackOps2 beste FPS ever.
LoL more prize money but also 2000000x the players, so actually less per head.
LoL only a few tournament circuits meaning a lot of money but only in big lumps.
dota2 still beta.
LoL playes always fall back on the "but....but...but we got so many players and big ass prize pool" argument which is utter bullshit. BlackOps2 much?
Quotedota2 still beta.

really, can this be even used anymore?
dota still in beta and close to LoL, how do u feel fag

Quote223,423 Dota 2

QuoteLeague of Legends surpasses 15M registered players, 1.4M play daily

223,423 Dota 2

hahaha even only in China there are more players than that, please stick to lol, i dont want trashcan like you in a good game
"hahaha", feel free to show me some numbers then with some source, otherwise this is just nerd talk coming from u
ye i see you provided some good source aswell, now shut your dirty jew mouth


Oh, i dont really need to link steam site for dota2 numbers do i? Butthurt much cause a casual game like LoL has everything better than dota2?
lol is like pop music, its the most popular music but its the shittest of them all. go back to auschwitz
u have nice arguments why dota is better xD
who said this was an argument? this is just a simile
As if when it gets released fully, it would ever get the potencial of viewers that LoL has, specially with those stone age graphics.
lol graphics are for 5 years old
Spoiler: they are all the same game with slight differences.
dota / hon similar yes yes sisi

LoL nonnononononono gets yours facts on the righe line man
you're a cutie 8)
thanks dongo, but your comment was wrong and also right.

You could say they are the same with slight differences but the map actually is a big deal.

Also the denying of creeps is essential to how the game progresses.

I just felt like you were giving bossHK wrong information that he doesnt deserve.
if thats your opinion i respect that.

however, in my view, i believe that the games are the same in their core skillsets.

the differences are a shifted focus on what is deemed to be important (i.e. hon/dota are about having strong creep tallys and laning presence.) the other differences are merely aesthetic.
Yes if you want to look at it that way, you both have to destroy each others main buildings @_@
thats a very crude way of looking at it i suppose.

the destination does not imply the same journey.
Thus your comment is invalid.

LoL has +2 skills and works with out of the game powers(runes).

If you spoke about hon and dota alone, i would agree with you 100%. but you just cant say that LoL is the same game with small differences.

Its not because i am biased but its just not that similar.

And i have played all 3 games for quite a while to know what is going on.
Lets just agree that HoN has the best engine, Dota2 has the best gameplay, and LoL is an "easier" version of the two.
But the game play is subjective so how can you claim such a thing?

I dont think hon has a better engine, its build to run on 1 core. The engine cant handle some combo's/massive flash spell useages. Engi ult, riftwalker slow.

Dota2 should have a better engine since its newer than hon.

And lol is easier is some aspects than the ones mentioned above but can be harder on different points. Its just the skill cap that the game has is not as high as dota/hon because of the options it has to offer(cutting trees to juke, denying).

I really like the way dota2 is going but the slower paced movement/turnaroundspeed/attack animation stylos just doesnt float my boat. It feels like a slow down the game mechanic which i do not like.

I also like the fact that hon is easy to customize(textures on basically everything) and pretty nice mods that are available in a legal way. Just not allowed in competitive.

here fucking mashed100dirtbag, hope you are happy i made a comment that had some constructive things in it stop crying noaw
As far as i'm aware, dota2 is using the source engine, which has been around since 2004 or something similar. The game may be newer, but they really tried hard to keep it as similar to original dota as possible (presumably a contract agreement).

And i never had any issues running hon. The game runs smoothly, things are easy to see and the visuals coupled with the audio make it easy to understand what is goin on. By that i mean, you are very aware that a behemoth just ulti'd you and your team.

As you mentioned turnspeed and cast animations and things, i agree, dota2 feels really clunky compared to hon, and as a result, not as fast paced.
But they surely have made some adjustments to it since then for this game. And did not really have the problem with audio in dota2 since you can hear most ulties all over the map and you dont even have to look @_@ Its way more noob friendly then HoN is too.

So go try out an engi ult combined with another full flashy lineup(soulstealer + gravekeepr). My friend with high end pc had lag problems with that not running smooth. Also the riftwalker slow with a DOT is either bugged or killing the engine. But i guess that has more to do with rendering.

At least in the end we do agree that we both like the hon crispness i guess.
yeah i cant say that i've ever had a problem with graphics in hon and my computer is pretty average. i've had refresher on gravekeeper many times for his ultimate and i've never had a problem with graphic lag in big team fights, but i can only speak for me.

the game would be so much more fun if there were less retards and stats werent shown.

oh well.
One week of DOTA2, 56.1h so far. Kinda addicting. If you don't have anything else to do. 27/21 win/loss ratio. Bad KD. I still own.
yep cause its a fucking team game brainfart. And if you are new and like you should, playing a support your k/d will be scaring satan.
Well, I am playing it mostly just with buddies, thus I don't suck on it as much as I should without any previous dota/lol/hon experience. I am learning bitch!
dota2 >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> lol
Loekino goin crazy in here

LoL is easy but hard to master

rest is just so fucking hard from the beginning that I never found enough time to play it
well yez gotta skooli them n00ps.

not mind, he so cool trolling not like saken.

saken is more like; i say this be funny cool opposite of what is true because i try to make people mad.

mind; finlandish humor. saying that because he knows it upsets some people cause there is no way to argue with it eventho some people fall for it.
I agree, now let us play some W:ET.
LoL cool, rest for nerd faggots / hipster / homos
i kinda like dota2, just cba learn a new game anymore
Dota2 is way harder to learn than LoL, there are more basics to get before you can enjoy the game imo.

LoL is easy to learn, easy to play at a "decent" level.

But when you get the basics imo dota2 is really more enjoyable than LoL is.

and for a final line, dota2 require more skill than LoL, for example if you fed someone, you lose gold and he win some, so the game is slower than LoL since u have to play "safe".
I think it's more related to that the average Dota player is better than the average LoL player...
And thats related of play amount of the game

i started LoL year ago, i couldve started hon or dota, but i didnt cause i cba to learn new games anyway, why would anyone start hon or dota over LoL if the learning curve happens to be easier on lol, why would anyone wanna waste month or two to learn hon/dota little tricks when u can spend it on learning quite easily game LoL, i just never understood this arguiment "lol is easy compared to hon/dota2 omg omg", like what the fuck, why u wanna play harder one if u have same platform game avaible that is easier to learn?
as i said, dota2 is more enjoyable when u know the basics.
Hehehehe, etpro>>>>jaymod because jaymod has no tournaments-> no money and etpro has smaller and more random hitboxes and has not been updated since 1992. So oldschool etpro > silent mod. Hehehe.

Okay, my opinion is that HoN is some casual fag game, so easy to carry alone, u just kill someone and u refresh ur skills and kill rest of them. GG. 10s stun, very balanced stuff. HoN so casual and easy game, 0 skillcap. LoL in other hand has high skill cap, but is easy to learn. 1-4 activated items per hero/champ, skillshots, 2nd casts on skills, LoL high skill cap, LoL much money, LoL hard to master, LoL is the best one.
Quote from friend who played 1700+ rating HoN but plays LoL sometimes now: "LoL is suprisingly hard to master".

Anyway, idc about ur opinion honloldota skillcaps or moneyprizes. Someone who plays both lol and dota2, tell some differences, for example: intelligence heroes at dota2 are basically same as AP heroes at LoL. Strenght = bruisers. Agility AD carries. Dota2 has higher duration cc's, but more ways to reduce/stop it. Dota2 heroes are more categorized into certain roles, for example at LoL Lulu can play support, mid, top efficiently, at Dota2 Crystal Maiden = support.


LoL is a fucking noobfriendly trashgame with some anime graphics LOL :DD
HoNs skillcap is way above LoL and it seems like i quit HoN cause you could not stand how bad you are on it
1700+ is not even much u scumbag
Haha someone mad cause HoN with squaregraphics cannot into smooth graphs + gameplay and seems like you gave up even trying LoL cause u got stomped at low lvl games.

Standard answer from a casual faggot playing anime games :D
Says nooblord who cannot compete at real competitive games like LoL but keeps defending HoN the casual scrub game xDD
rofl just stay at lol then
served, owned, rolled scrub-game(hon) player.

Point of the topic was to tell differences between lol and dota2. NOT skillwise, NOT to bring hon along BUT TO TELL DIFFERENCES BETWEEN LOL AND DOTA2. Can't be so hard to read.

P.S. And I'm right because I can shoot 70acc at jaymod servers so my e-penis is bigger than yours so stfu thank you.
haha i play dota 2

also dota = hon = dota = hon

scrub stay at l0l plez
Obviously hasn't played enough HoN to be able to comment on it. If you snowball early game your most likely going to continue to rape for the rest of the game. Here is where denying creeps and losing gold on death comes in to play which makes people like you cry because you don't know how to deal with it.
Never seen so many shitty posts in one journal xDDD
I have lvl 30 and 1700 rating at LoL and I have now played dota 2 couple of days (29 games).

When I as a LoL player started playing dota I instantly noticed last hitting was way more harder. You don't do that much damage in early levels in dota so you have to time your AA well, also the attack animations varies between different heros and they are slow compared to LoL. To spice things up there is also denying.

Second thing I came across was the amount of active items. Normally in LoL you have like 1-2 active items, sometimes you have none. In Dota you can have full backpack of activate items that you need to use in fights and time them right and so on. Also the activate items do all kind of neat stuff like turn you invisible, which I really like cause using them well and wise can determine the outcome of fight and makes you capable to outplay your enemies in 1vsX situations.

Third thing, which came as a little shock to me as a LoL player was there was no recall. You need to buy scroll which makes you able to teleport on turrets or base. If you have certain boots you can teleport on minions. This makes game interesting cause you need to really think when to back because backing by foot takes long time which leads to lack of CS and EXP. Also you can gank with the telescroll. Because of this you need to use courier, which is a unit that you can control to bring stuff from base to you.

I like jungle in dota, creeps spawns refresh once in a minute as long as you don't stand in there. There are more creep camps than in LoL, there are no buff creeps but you can collect runes from the river. Runes gives you certain ability for short amount of time. (Damage, invisibility, haste, illusion, regen).

In dota heroes consume way more mana than in LoL. You can't spam your skills in early levels, you have to use them wisely. Also heroes has different kind of abilities than in LoL. You can throw or hook your teammates (sometimes leads to trolling yes), you can go invisible etc. Also the abilities may sound OP for the first time. You have crazy hard cc that LoL doesn't have and the abilities in general are "stronger". Like some of the abilities can deal insane amounts of damage if played right. Also I liked dota hero design style more than LoLs quickmade recycled model style.

Some quick points:
-Towers are different, they shoot faster and the aggro is different.
-Graphics are dark, you may have some troubles when playing the game for the first time. Also, for me the game goes chaotic when there is teamfight since I have no idea what certain heroes do and I am not used to the graphics.
-Skill gap really shows. If you are better than enemy you can 1vs5 them. You can totally bash em if they have no idea what to do. (This is situation when good player faces beginners/noobs). In contrary in LoL you can't really go 1v5 even you're fed as hell.
-Some skillshots are really hard to hit.
-Many abilities from LoL are taken from dota so learning some champions like Drow ranger might be easy.
-Turn animation

This is quick review how Dota 2 differs from LoL, hope this helped!
funny how all of you nerds are talking about being good, which game is harder/better and stuff, when none of you nerds have even successfully competed on any of these games, you all baddies. gtfo noobs.
Neither have you
What have you achieved exactly?
He reached 2000 ELO and plays in some random team which never wins anything.
I think his last name being Anus is more impressive tbh.
sadly there is 0 facts on 2 of your sentences, get your facts straight son. besides that i can't call my previous team a random team but ok:)
So what was your previous team? Did it win anything in LoL?
He is in LogiX at least was, according to leaguepedia never won anything (during hennessy being in).
They have some old players but there is a reason why they don't play in it anymore.
it is exactly the opposite

in dota you got so maky classes, nuker , support , disabler , etc etc etc

and u can get to even up to 7 skills as a support (2 passives)
and some champions ultimates are wall of texts and you have to accomplish some conditions

everything is very complex. and i got to see you cant really do shit on lane (farm , push, deny properly) without a ranged :S

in LoL ---> right focusing at right time ---> WIn
in dota ---> right player knocked out of the game for few seconds(disabled,or freezed, or stuff like this) at the right time ---> maybe a chance for WIN

that's what i think
got 8 dota keys, pm for one.
probably more DOTA2 Keys floating around than LoL players just nobody wants them
Because Steam. Dont have account, hate Steam(slow, heavy, grey, laggy, not working, at least at 2007).
lol at these jelly nonlol-moba-style game players:D
Lol may be easier but its fun, which is what games are all about.
in dota you lose money when you die and there is no teleport (recall) but there is carrier!
Dota is just better :) In my opinion I hated LoL not sure why, just didnt like it or even enjoy that kind of game until I played DOTA 2 I was just instantly enjoying it still play it active now.
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