What u eating #455

what are u eating atm cuz these journals are really hip atm and i dont want to be left behind so here is my what u eating contribution to crossfire.nu

im eating this. rice broccoli and chicken.
look how pretty image: 2daerzn
+ i did chest and back today i'm getting extremly ripped and disgustingly muscular so girls will have sex with me.

image: tumblr_mehunnHZJU1qgp32uo1_500 image: tumblr_mehy4fbD3A1qgp32uo1_500 image: tumblr_mexiviLtKR1rb88tdo1_500
Had coffee and a protein shake for breakfast :)
crossfire is like a new instagram, well done.
i blame matan
Eating nothing atm, had greek yoghurt and shake (chocolate proteins with scoop of maltodextrin and spoon of creatine) and prepared some food for my cooking journal coming later x)
heheh Crossfire a Cooking Community ^^
Do you even lift?
hee niet zo brutaal.
NL Strongman 2k15 :{
Just ate some green beans mixed with some macaronis and a homemade onion sauce with some meat!
Just had a sandwich cheese
Small meal considering you are working out
was wondering the same
prolly coz he's a small weak ass shit and cant even lift his ass up
u even eat rice???
No need to insult him... :(
5KG deadlift come at me bro
bigass broccoli :P
Muscles don't get you pussy. You might get visual attention. Your fucked when they start talking to you.
what meat is it? Looks yummy
balakans know their food. fuck yeah
image: 00014079-t0

+ hot chocolate

Yeaaaaaaah i'm 10 again!
120 g of chicken
125 g of rice
1 mandarine
30g of penis
1 mc donald

and iv got enough
image: 2cxz1qh

300g chicken
gypsy sauce
chilli powder

dat looks so good
just ate 6th coffee of the day and smoked my last marlboro gold
No worries dude, I got a few more packs of that shit here.
Had a big mac plusmeny
trance just ate a dick
ik wil jou opeten
what kind of kids meal is this
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