Song composing stuff etc

Yea so I have been an on / off composer for the last 5 years and i finally managed to get some sense to my songs. MY first "finished" (song composer is never really finished with his songs) Is uploaded to soundcloud. if theres anybody that know something about music and want to give constructive feedback plz do so.
But without further talk I present u

Finnish Snus Mafia - Ettan (funky name xDDDD)

ps. I use Fl studio to make music and i dont really know anything about song compression and mixing so i did everything by ear. There's still couple of loud hi hats and stuff. Like I said its not enitrely ready yet. Hoping to get this finished in a studio or smth. of course u can listen to my other crap too but i can tell u that those are not even close to finish line.

EDIT: I think kick drum stands out too much.
gl swedish house mafia
Put a equalizer on the drums.

E; how do u like mine?:X
are you using dance ejay? that was just terrible..
Don't go out in Holland then.
not gonna visit that shity country
Your face is shit.
I was hoping to hear a nice funny melody because the kickdrum was awesome!
Well the melody I will send it in your PM cuz its way too nice for posting such a beat here :X
some piano notes seem off and kinda sounds like the overall sound-quality could be better, still enjoyable
thank you. i still have to find out how to make the sound quality better. I dont know if it needs another program to convert it r smth
If your tactfulness wasn't so fucked up I would most likely really like the song!
can u enlighten me a bit more on what is fucked up. i would appreciate it! :)
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