Changes to LoL Ranked system

Suggestions were made, voices have been heard. After over two years, Riot decided to overhaul their current ranking system in LoL's Season 3. It basically resembles the League/Division mechanics of games like Starcraft 2 without showing the current MMR/ELO.
While the classic ELO system of League of Legends ranks players into one big league, the new changes include a breakdown into six different tiers: Bronze, Silver, Gold, Platinum, Diamond and Challenger as the top tier. Those tiers are split into five different divisions.

Statement about the changes from the official FAQ:

For starters, having a single ladder with all ranked players doesn't provide a lot of incentive for advancement. When you’re ranked 290,000 and have 289,999 opponents left to pass on the way up, that process can seem meaningless and interminable. Tiers and divisions also provide milestones and manageable goals you can strive to achieve at your skill level. Through leagues we can move away from focusing on a single number as the core indicator of a player’s skill, and instead move toward something more compelling: competition on a small ladder with a relatable number of opponents.

Another advantage of the new system is that you cannot be demoted to a lower tier at any given time. Promotions however happen whenever a player gains 100 "League Points". You can either advance to the next division of your tier, or, if you are placed in the top division, advance to the next tier.
Also, the much-loved ELO rating will no longer be displayed.
Summary of the League System changes:

image: LofL_IG_EN_NA

Stolen from
hmmm looks interesting
hmmm eat penis cracker
ABOUT TIME, thats all.
np let's go for challenger!
LOL borrowing ideas again, nice nice.

Ahuahuahuahu :D
No matter how it is ranked, you will always be bad :'DDDDDDDDDD
Then you will have to carry me.

btw, best Taric EU/w
Stuns >:(

Finally decided you were no good with morgana then :)?
I'm still awesome with morg, its just that morg really sucks as a support.
not really, if played properly, she can be quite awesome.
Compare with Taric:
Both stun
Taric gives Armor, Morg does some dmg (as support only a little)
Taric heals, Morgh gives a shield which is close to being useless in early and midgame due to the fact that it only blocks AP-dmg.
Well at morgana, if u do Q W properly, u will do nice damage output, her E blocks all spells, not AP-dmg... so taric stuns/sona ultis and so on, would be useless while having E from morgana on ur adc, her ulti will dmg and stun both laners so giving ur own adc free dmg again, in overall, if u know how to play her properly u will do really good job as support as well.
morgana is rly strong, late game she's more of a pain than taric in team fights, and shield is super stronk
Any champion can suck if you don't play it well
i was never good with fiddlesticks as adc either!
leagues sound alot like SC2 leagues O_o
When does it start
With the next patch I think, afaik that patch is already live on NA servers, guess it will come tomorrow or the day after.
ppl will still cry 24/7 about shit teams xd
I just got a nidalee as my support, she didnt place a single ward during the game and decided to recall two times from fights with full hp.

Need to hit lvl 30 before I can even talk about elohell.

update is live, tho.
No more elo :(
I like it how they make cool ez to understand pictures for the LoL players
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