Who are these germans???

And still lost to us with cheats :DD
Anyways pretty old tzac number... seems like there is some new tzac proof cheats :|
omg change ur sound settings ;c
I dont see any problems with my sound settings :D
E: If you meant they heard steps, sounds or saw us from killcam etc, you're wrong. I know where killcam points and we also tried to sneak around randomly
gg, gonna get busted soon
vid restart bug
i cant believe that :/
Jeager for Team Germany!
gg haha nice movie fail
Funny how they all change tzac usernames 4 days ago
Arm von euch jungs, arm. N1 bust btw :D
to some extend i guess people with gamesense can do that quite easy, but some situations are just funny xD
Ye. We played 4 maps and I have the demos but I'm not going to take the trouble to make mode clips :D
nothing new
wtf, I always thought those were guys who would never start cheating, I'm disappointed...
they hacked us too, i got some proofs --> so funny forever low..with hacks !
never heard of
Dane you Harz 4 predators Heads of State
You can pick a work then you can go on about victims of the laziness.

lg AidsCancer
do i know u mister noobhacker? D:
u mad brah? :D
No! We laugh about "go would prefer to work Heads of State parasite then you should not like to laugh hehe "cuz u mad"?
haha michl und jäger am cheaten??? was ist nur passiert,,,
Luke we care :) ET ist tot und so :)
damn and why the fuck you kill the fun for other people?

deleting et isnt working or what?
because we can
wow just wow
care <3 just care <3
dont see anything tbh..
they're cheating. i know it cuz they told me :( and they are obvious
sad to see someone cheating and still not being better than low+ max
you just described every random cheater
i wouldnt wonder when there are some high skilled guys around with at least WH
are you trying to suggest that there might be cheats for ET?
I just wanted to make journal which provoked a discussion. For a change I made journal like this
yeah, they dont really hide it any good
Aggro... I always knew there was something suspicious about him!
nice fragmovie :DDDDD
what? :D

seems like we got a bl4d3 fanboy right there D:
lol so obvious wallhack it made me laugh my ass off
they ragequit against us 2 days ago after getting stomped on =( was rather funny though
Dunno why everyone is saying "low with cheats" blablabla. these players have been playing for awhile now. and obviously bored of et and decided to go out with drama and cheat. and you feeding them that attention.

Doubt its a new tzac cheat either. they just don't give a shit anymore
Never seen dick hairs on mp40, office as fuck!
feels strange seeing a married 30-something-year-old guy with two (?) kids cheating like a kiddie (Jaeger)
i dont see it, questionable at best... Sup3r used to do this all the time so..

this is how innocent people get banned and i will not stand for it
no recoil?
+ always gets 122hp before goes to fight -> or just demo bug?
I think it's only wh because they didn't shoot quite good. Don't care about the hud/cfg. Wolfcam screws it up and it's just a bug
wolfcam2 has no recoil, and the health you see is not always from the guy you're following afaik.
+ health hack no recoil and no foliage
just skill
just played against one of them (maybe two, not sure..)

and i just ask, why are we using AC, that doesnt do nothing and is fucking useless?...
Silent detection
Oh yeah, that's awesome!

1 bust list of 5players eveery month is awesome too!
Feel free to create another anti cheat who'll be more "useful" then
He was paid for that. So it should work somehow..

Hes kinda thief and liar :)
Then work on a new project, expose your works to a sponsor, see if they're willing to pay you

Otherwise feel free to delete your previous comment : " Oh yeah, that's awesome!
What about no?
You appear to be quite an ungrateful cunt...
It actually is better. Because it keeps players from cheating, since they dont know if their hack is detected or not. But sometimes there are just players who think to theirselves "et is dead, i dont give a fuck" (which is true), so they can just use some random hack
Yeah, so they can play month or maybe even longer with hacks, brilliant
You base this on what exactly?

You know, when people are creating cheats for an AC they use a debugger, they basically just follow the flow of the program, silent detection is not even going to help one single bit, you see that, by the amount of cheats available for tzac. Same reason why screenshots will never work against a proper written cheat.
so basically, when there wasnt silent detection, it would be the same situation. there would be the same amount of cheats available? If so, i still prefer the silent detection as u just never know whether your hack is detected or not. Of course its not gonna keep cheaters away, but still better than insta-banning imo.

Silent detection definetely had a bigger effect when slac came out
When it came out you only had to put your bot on a USB stick and it couldn't figure out how to read the file ( that is some technical related stuff )...

TZAC doesn't work, will never work and silent detection is only useful for the zombies using the bots, not for the coders, which nullifies the whole effect ( just stop using your bot when tzac updates.. ). There is just no way that chaplja will ever be able to get a good working anti cheat out there with the little funds he has. You need a big company supporting you, nod just a sponsor.

Don't get me wrong here, I really appreciate what chaplja has done ,and only as a small ingame-yawn it is already a nice tool, but without a big budget and a team, you won't beat cheaters.
TZAC is probably the best anticheat in whole gaming scene. Haven't played against a cheater for +2 years in ET, thanks to TZAC.
Then you have been incredibly lucky.
Yeah, or I don't think everyone who wins against me or is better than me cheats.
Actually I barely lose, most cheaters are encountered at med- anyways <3
lolz, played one random war after 2 months, got some polaks, found out two weeks later one of them was cheating.
How did you found out he cheated?
Chaplja's bust list
Means TZAC works :)
Yeh it works, but im afraid there's probably still some cheats that are undetected atm, and it would be really great if chaplja would get to the point to detect even those as well.
lol chapja. go away.
http://tz-ac.com/topic.php?id=1082 tz-ac 3 sold to deathcode :P
QuoteLives in Poland

Ur argument is invalid.
well idk, 99 unique players cought 16 days ago, and seminal pre-cluster bans
pretty sure it is better than anything else out there for any other game/s
I don't say its useful but one thing I hate is that people got caught --> new accounts --> clean table
you'd know about silent detection

Cheater saying i'm a cheater.

cu banlist
noobs,noobs everywhere
image: 9893ddd7fa2a6de9bec6a1414187ce03

haha bustedddddddddddd
SG_HOOK muziek channel:D
had a clip of them aiming through walls as well, still they managed to lose even if our 3rd was afk
Pelasikste puhtaasti?
Juu, ei oo mitää millä ksiittaa täl kannettaval. Nää kaverit lähti heti ku saatii lippu supplys. huvittavaa ku nää tuli noutaa meidä kolmannen joka oli pronessa jonku kiven takana koska meni syömään.
ok. adle raiskattiin totaalisesti sitte supplyssä alko epäilyttää, gold oli selvä ja deli viimeisteli homman :D
jep, nää halus pelaa b4 ja delin meitä vastaa mut ei sit suostuttu pelaa b4 joten pakotti suplyn. kuuli jo ku kolis kudit seinänpielee enne ku kerkes kävelemällä tulla ees esiin ja sit jos kysy että mistäs tiesit tuli vaan sitä "kuulin sut" settiä :D
http://tz-ac.com/profile.php?id=958 = http://clanbase.ggl.com/humaninfo.php?hid=3354162
http://tz-ac.com/profile.php?id=185 = http://clanbase.ggl.com/humaninfo.php?hid=3424425
http://tz-ac.com/profile.php?id=1933 = still searching atm
I did a bit of research of the last guy and it seems he has played with numerous different ip's and some of those ip's lead to players such as bl4d3

u can spoof ETPRO GUID but ok noob :)
yes, in case you missed my point let me clear it for you: "This guy is spoofing other players guids"
sry most of the time only retards post here without knowing shit about ETPRO guids beeing spoofable D:
using yae is completely unreliable. An IP-match is only valid if it happened within at LEAST 30 minutes. Also note how the last 3 digits are hidden, which makes the chance of a match a whole lot more likely.
check my previous reply.
Just played
no bust no wh gg
Its not like you would not get banned soon.
gg n1 song. pw? I throw a nade to the mane gate ;D
Fucking horrendously annoying song with the most faggtory voice ever. jesus christ
here is url to these hackerclan http://fseclan.de/
wow Meta ..u hack in ET and now u think all players are idiots? :> ... release meta raysar are old FSE ... TRG ban release and meta for hack :)
but beautiful forwarding to another website!!!!
muhaaaaaaaaaaaaa Release und jeager ihr alten cheater xD ich schrei mich weg
sehe keinen hack ;/
juist owning like a boss
das sag ich dazu^^

ganz klar Legänder^^
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