48 ping

hi, is there any command or something to make your ping go below 48?

i think mine is somehow capped at 48 :p, doesnt matter which server

100/6mb internet

and in other games i got lower ping too :s

ingame ping displays is always a rounded average, checking it manually does a way better job
not possible in et. u also wouldnt recognize if u've got 23 or 48
Of course it's possible to go lower than 48 ping :/
playing QL with 5 ping to swe. and ger 35
ive seen many people with ~30 ping already
but not on an etpro server. maybe shortly cuz of some hardware lags
I've seen people with 8 ping on ETpro servers. So you should check your "facts"
you wouldnt but the effect is different
I have played on servers where I have 5 ping.
it was a LAN...
Nope, I've played online with 5 ping :) Fiber internet, sup?
et ingame ping=/=accurate
ask for Fastpath at you ISP
have seen some japanese dudes with like 10ms to their servers, crazy mofos.
Finnish host, 2ping np
Finnish host, 2ping np
com_maxping 0
Ask Squid lol he gets 20 ping on any server
i heard some rumors about fast path, living close to the host server and so on. don't know whether it's right or wrong.
Living close to the server host surely helps.
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