Have to see in USA?


I'm going to do road trip to USA. We are leaving on 13th of June and returning on 9th July. We will fly to New York and drive to Las Vegas. So far what we are planning to see are:

- Waterfall Niagara
- Grand Canyon
- The Golden Gate bridge
- Las Vegas, got hotel from Strip (Gonna sky dive there)
- Hollywood
- Bodie (The Ghost Town) ?
- Jullia Pfeifer Waterfall

Any other ideas?


Our route will be smth like this:


edit. Sorry for ugly URL- google maps wont make it short even with "Short URL-option" ;'<
It iiiiiiiis :P
I've been to the tri-state area (NJ, PA, NY) 6 times and I must say that I preferred Washington DC over NYC/Tri-state areas so I think you should try include it in your road trip, specially over shit like Missouri, Oklahoma etc that's just miles of cornfields and farmers.
Hmm.. Okay, thanks for the tip. Need to ask my friends what they think about it :p
Also, how old are your friends? 90% sure you need to be over 25 to rent a car in USA.
We are 21-22 at that time. But the car has been rent already, its fine :)
Nice! Can I ask you a question? What's the budget?
Smth around 4200€ - 5000€. I'm going with 3 friends of mine, so I'm saving on gas / hotels / car rent pretty much :)
see my fist coming at your face

nah kidding

check out 6flags in jersey
they have the biggest fattest and tallest roller coaster
check out manhattan if ur into the city and shit
take the ferry in manhattan its free for as long as u want all night
def go to vegas man never been there but enjoy it
niagara falls is a big plus beautiful place
ill type more later
Don't forget Cape May and Longwood Gardens was pretty cool too
oh those rly dont get my attention
im kinda into things in which I can actually do something like amusement parks, hiking, etc...
how come u come to us
they're not cool enough, to boom?
6flags sounds nice! Might have to go there! Thanks for tip!
Fucking awesome man; I will probably do one too in a few years
rocky mountains !!! :P <3
bohemian grove
you should honestly just stay on the east coast. Id hit up NYC definitely its like 5 cities in one and blows every other city in america out of the water. What country are you from btw? There are several neighborhoods in Brooklyn/Queens/Bronx that are like little versions of countries (ex Brighton Beach is little Russia, Greenpoint little Poland)
We definetly want to drive throught whole country. And I'm from Finland
+1 about new york having alot of shit, you won't get bored there but the people are pretty rude. so I don't think its good for someone like him, Usually if you ask for help or directions you get ignored or people telling you to fuck off
New York is also pretty expensive to stay for almost one month ;)
thats an urban myth, most people are more than willing to help you with directions etc. The subway system is simple to navigate too.
also i live 20 mins away from six flags, but make sure you go to the park during the week during the day early, otherwise your waiting like 2 hours for the good rollercoasters
Oh, thanks for the tip. Need to keep this in mind :)
Nothing. is such a shit country, full of retards.

It was an awful experience, i hope they die.
throwing in nathans hotdogs
If you swing by Pittsburgh PA make sure you eat at a Pirmanti Brothers. http://www.primantibros.com/ (Best eats possible in the States).

Also recommend Wal-Mart. Its customer base is the main draw. :D http://www.peopleofwalmart.com/
Niagara Falls is awesome, but the Canadian side is much better. Though cheaper alcohol on the American side.
From F to R you will be the most bored you have ever been. I would suggest going down I-95 to Florida then drive through the bottom states where there's some real murican culture. HIT UP H-TOWN (Houston) and texas is way too good to not experience.
Just go to mcdonalds. There I just saved u 100000 dollars
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