RTCW 1.4 Problematiccc

So i succesfully installed the rtcw 1.4 pack and went to play.Since there is one fuKING active rtcw server wich is called EGGserver or something i joined the server and started to paly... BUT everytime the game ends im getting kicked out and when i reconnect "you got banned from the server"they say :o however when i relaunch the game i can join the server again :s so wtf did just happen ?
whats the error message that appears to you ?
i don't remember but it was something simple like you where disconnected from the server or something, and if i try to reconnect the server doesnt allow me i get youre banned from this server on my screen :s relaunching the game solves my problem but do i really have to relaunch it every time :o
cfg problem
u copied et config into rtcw?
nah, its cause you need a valid cd key to play there xD
aah ok :) strange server though cant seem to turn blood and xhair pulse off and stuff :s
shrub mod server. Doesnt have the same options as OSP.
if you are still banned its because you have to complete your cdkey in rtcw options then you can connect to the server
heres a rtcw server list et.splatterladder.com/?mod=serverlist&gamemod=osp&order=player
x]OSP its a public server, rest is war server (password) if u want the password go iRC #rtcw.wars
run your wolf with osp mod, esc/options, mods, osp. launch
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