#1 France's got computer geeks!!!

image: zsg7bsq
Snatix at the age of 3

Good evening CrossFire computerists,
welcome to this first and last "France's got computer geeks - The story of Snatix" journal. Some days ago, I went to meet FranceSnatix also known as FranceSmadix the star of xXx. Unfortunately, for some reasons when I was done with writing my internet article, all my written stuffs disappeared. :S! BAD MOOD :x:d:x:D/:x:d: Anyway, I'm sorry Francenerdix but cf has to know...

Everything started a couple of years ago... FranceThe man who checks if there's no mine in front of the door before entering in a room started his computer career. He was playing on some gaymod servers and legend says he met my #1 uk e-friend aka e-friend of uk g5 legend aka Joe aka niSmO. One night, we were on #follow.et communication server and we had an e-battle going on. Our opponent was FranceSnatix also known as "cannotrememberhisnickname". niSmO introduced me to him.

Some months later, I recruited him in a Franceteam, nothing serious mostly about funnies. However, when we decided to give up that random team, the larva became a monstrous butterfly.

Here are some outstanding statistics :

Snatix has composed 0 news, 3198 comments, 0 threads, 1 forumpost and demanded 1217 replays on GamesTV.org.
Do I have to add he's involved in numerous three versus three and six versus six teams?
Even if he's nbr2 @gtv bet ranking atm he reached #1 place few days ago : http://www.gamestv.org/gbooky/34334-snatix/
This guy has no limit. FranceFrench community agrees to say he's the one keeping ET alive on his own.

Message from France2012/2013Captain.
Quote by Ant7ho<Anthonnoir> I was thinking about taking Snatix in 2013 french team but we cant handle 12h praccs/day le lol mdr!!!

So what do you think guys? Should we give him his 2k13nerd award or you have a better pretender?

image: 5e140a6a298a4c468317d9e365e62a90-d

MarseilleLeFrancis - e-journalist at CFnews, still retired colonel.

thanks for the read
Enjoyed the read, le tank.
:D! keep the good mood
according to my maths skills he requested ~2,02 replays per day, what a record !
snatix is the best :)
Member Since 5th June 2010

Snatix has composed 0 news, 3200 comments, 0 threads, 1 forumpost and demanded 1217 replays on GamesTV.org.

more than 1 replay per day & more than 8 comments per day WTF
La puissance du nerd tmtc
was it me who introduced him Papiibro? i dunno men, i dont remembre
snatix high- =)
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