ETLive says, "We’re still alive!"

QuoteWe’re still alive!

We know that you all are waiting for the start and the first first impressions of the ETLive private alpha test.

We are sorry for the delay of the start. Our plan was to work during the Xmas/New Years break on ETLive, but fortune had other plans with us.
Apologet had a flu for more then 3 weeks and was the whole time laying in the bed. Dutchmeat was swamped with school work(multiple projects) starting from the Xmas break until this week. Also his laptop broke down so he wasn’t able to work for a week or so.

So, where do we go from here?
Well we’ve already made a selection from the alpha testing application list and the next step is to create the accounts for all the testers out there.
This will take a little while since we have multiple databases and applications we need to update in order to give everyone access to the appropiate sections.

Meanwhile we will have to finish implementing the web functionality into our new design.

We will keep you guys posted about the progress.

Also a new article will arive soon about the engine we’re using, ET:Legacy.

Happy new year :)

The ETLive crew.
:)) Don't doubt
awesome, keep it going!
why waste time on this?
I bet I can snap your neck between my fingers.
They will never release a full version. Prove me wrong.
Good job!
Post the release on some offical Gaming Sites like esl and put main news! So we get more players h3h3
good job
oh just a flu, its ok, we believe
Still wondering how they're going to get etpro implented with it being closed source and all.
Bani wont ever release that shit

Sounds cool. I hope they will finish this projects, but the community has been let down too many times to be uber positive about it :p
sounds too good to be true tbh...
So whats the business model? We gotta pay to play supply or schwicketyschwat?

I am afraid it will end up like tzac were after a while you just want to see money for the muchos time you gotta spend on it.
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