NC action in OCL ET 6vs6 Challenge
24 Jan 2013, 23:14
Poland is facing Estonia in the grand final of the OCL ET 6vs6 Challenge #1. They both had to beat several strong teams in their way to the final and it took them strength and teamplay to get there.
The Polish powerhouse is playing with Abject dialer hunter lesti wiaderko and WuT. They're going to have a hard time taking on the all famous core lineup of Estonia which includes frEeze MCLEOd Nait Sinnu Subbi and yEnch
Poland's way to the final:
Poland vs. nubZ
Poland vs. nKrom (chewz kiwi koop PlAyer twidi xAeee)
Poland vs. Echelon (Aima, Elviss, ridji, stexx, voiler, wssquad)
Poland vs. Czech Republic (Czech Republic had to leave due a NC showmatch against
Estonia's way to the final:
Estonia vs. KLAAS
Estonia vs. France (An7ho Bowler emorej KareN karnaj yokoo)
Estonia vs. turboapinat (HERMIO, Herpertti, jrkko, mooZe, Swanidius, wheye)
Make sure you tune in on GamesTV:
:: OCL Homepage :: OCL ET 6vs6 Challenge :: Signups :: Brackets ::
#et 6v6: wednesday?
OCL 6v6: thursday
3on3 cups: tuesday friday saturday
special cups?: sunday
it's good to use these cups instead of searching for pracs seemingly, can play vs multiple opponents in one night if you're one of the NC teams d:
Those fakers.......
if he is your member or not
Edit on your profile
seems u went to lan with him:D