NowAdays Admins and ET-Draft

So i was like yeah, why not play that shit for fun, havent played for months ET and it would be cool to play.. So i join up this channel and tell a first op i see online that ok hit me up, imma play that shit ok? And he tells me to read the post and sign in and shit? Like what the fuck? u seriously want me to pm u and stuff instead of just sorting it out via irc?

What has happened to admins over these years? back in the days admins were more than happy to do the shit aslong u told em that "im avi np", they were happy as fuck to have someone like me to play their cups and shit, nowdays, shit getting done, unreal... Anyway imma gonna go get wasted and fuck some bitches, prolly wont play now since its too hard for some faggot admin to sort it out.

ordered last weke, what do ya think?

image: coke-white-bitches

shoutouts to: DUNZY MY MAN, DONKA (ELSKU FUKC FUKC), ensam bro, mant & ee bros, and everyone else i forgot
Uma Thurman is not pretty
admins have no respect for et legends anymore, sad :<
Sorry, only sorting stuff for players that achieved something at LAN.
fuck it
that shirt is too big for you
it'll slide off you
admins have no respect for et legends anymore, sad :<
Tell me, how the fuck is he legend?
im quite sure he's trolling :P

mind just trying to make funny journals like kamz
when was the last time you found kamz journal funny?
i find the people's reaction funny, esp those who get rly mad
those are funny but journal it self isn't if i'm right.
sometimes it is
how he calls the finnish people the kfc kamz finnish club
that always makes us so mad LoL :D
i never said it does
i said i found it funny
yes im trolling.
cant see your problem...

dunno whats so hard to read 5 seconds and Pm an Admin with the shit Infos...
Exactly, probably took longer to write what he did above than it would do to sign up :)
this is outrage

ps. no krp shoutout = treason
Quote(15:38) <miNDNDND>i cant pm and cf banned
he isn't banned
gonna see Kendrick lamar monday on live , epiiiic shit
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