How to contact with chaplja?

Anybody knows, how to contact with chaplja?
He's not answering on e-mails.
/q khaplja @ #tzac
Quote17:06 Error(401): khaplja No such nick
QuoteHe's not answering on e-mails.
exactly, now review your question and check the TZAC website, maybe you asked him something so obvious that he doesn't even bother.
QuoteIf you are a Mac or Linux user running windows+tzac inside a virtual machine, please contact me via email on [email protected] from the email you used for registration.

Until you do this, you won't be able to login.

for me it's very, very important
Hm ran in to the same issue recently as I installed Parallels.. sucks that he doesn't respond, I was thinking of getting an exception as well.
<3 OS X and I don't want to install Winshit via bootcamp
I got 2 drives, so windooms is easy for me... just don't want to reboot all the time :P Got a K CPU in this machin ethough.. so Parallels cant' directly use my GPU :\
paypal, donate money then u can finally get in touch with him!
Camp him on #tzac
He's not answering on some e-mails yes
contact him simple ass_dat
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