

how are you guys doing?
I was browsing cf just about 30 mins before creating this journal and spotted this user "lewcins" being annoying in about every topic/news/thread/journal and asked myself who the fuck this was so I clicked on your name and went to your profile and I wasn't dissapointed! Hello my second favorite polak
<3 where the fuck have you been though?
See goku's comment, ohw and new SSD without ET/IRC helps aswell! and of course simply not having time or refusing to make time.
not reading comments by mongols :x
You should defenitly read your comments back before posting them, it saves you from making edits and wrong impressions!
Where the fuck have you been?
Glad you asked, my ego was too big to write it out in the journal body and hearing people say IDC. Thank you dear belgium friend!

My activity was already before the last LAN , which was fun again heads up to all the nice people and Sean&co for organising this. After the LAN I didn't have any intrest in CF or ET at all but I found myself wasting time on it anyway so I deleted it from my bookmarks so I had more time for usefull things.

Today I was organising some finance and seeing my incomes from some months ago just to track in general where I spend money on and how I earn it I saw some money coming from Finland Finland! It was from the crazy Finn Thomm and so I visited CF today.

Apart from that I have been studying quite hard and was training 4 times a week, workouts were good but I suck balls at eating. Ohw and of course the usual partying in the weekends and working whenever I can. The fitness dropped around christmas but I picked it up again this week, still eating like shit so don't expect any gains but meh I should get that sorted. Apart from getting big sporting is obv. good for mental health and and makes me feel good in general! for whoever wants to start : http://liamrosen.com/fitness.html

Uhm studying business enigineering and scoring 8/10 takes quite some time so that's what keeps me busy the most but I like it! How is the life of a super saiyan?
Great! At least you had the strength to quit the website :P I don't think I would be able to just quit browsing it lol
Do you live alone yet? Found a girl?
Still looking good?

Good luck with your studies! :)

I am just working and living the life with Mrs. Goku :) all fucking great! almost a year together haha going to Indonesia and Japan in September :3
and apart of that just saving lives, killing cells etc etc

well, take care buddy :)
I still live with my mother brother and my mothers friend, I considerd leaving the house but financially it's not worth it since it's only 30 min with the bus to the uni. I'm going to use the money that I save to travel the world at some point probably right after I earn my Bachelor.

Girl? What's that? I'm a gamer! Kidding here of course, dated some and I'm not socially awkward ;D but no girl friend yet but neither am I trying to get one maybe I end up with something but not going to push it but yeah I have the occasionally fun with girls but that doesn't have to do anything with love ;D

Seems good, man Japan I did love to visit that defenitly on the list for my worldtrip plan. So when are we getting baby goku's!?
yeah sure i understand, save that up! :) oooh nice! by yourself or planning to go with someone?

haha you player :D
in 5-6 years perhaps? who knows xD
and yeah man, japan fucking ooooownsssssssssssss
not sure yet, might get a partner in crime but on my own is awesome aswell, not that I'm really a loner, haha.
Enjoy it! Whenever it happens :)
Morning you little panda
Oh my god, you fucking legend. how are you mate? Still med- max and nerding hard ;)?
low max* and nope afraid not chicken
Jow niels, I just noticed yesterday that I haven't seen you in a long time, hope to get some scrimmage going in the semester-holidays.. Also count me in in that world trip of yours, rolling beachbabes and all that fancy stuff, so stay fit!
Hey-ho mate!
hi soldier, i quit professional gaming, studyin hard and following R. Descartes advise : "Give her the dick"
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