W:ET for mac?

Sup cf,

So I havnt played ET in ages & now that i have a macbook i wondered if there is a version of ET for mac?

image: tumblr_mh3lxapNlH1s3lz28o1_500
There is, and it is not compatible with most current things. ET Mac stuff has been neglected, but also it has never really been necessary. :p
The only thing that is not compatible with ET on mac is TZAC, and maybe etpro will give a ET.exe mismatch error. But that is because has ET/etpro has been neglected by most people. And especially by the programmers who want to work for a competive ET...

The ET version for mac is actually newer as ET for windows and has a few more bugfixes in ET2.60D which windows doesn't has.

But ET 2.60b on Mac will work fine with the etpro publics that don't use tzac. And 2.60d will work with all other mods out there.
QuoteIf you are a Mac or Linux user running windows+tzac inside a virtual machine, please contact me via email on [email protected] from the email you used for registration.

Until you do this, you won't be able to login.

Written by chaplja on 26 Apr 2011 10:08
we are talking about mac not windows in a virtual machine... why buy a second OS?

Nowadays if you want to play competitive you are forced to run Windows. Which in my opinion is not a good thing. They could at least support linux to let mac users play ET competitive legally without paying for a second OS.
Honestly, the last time I tried the ET Mac client on both an iMac and Macbook, it didn't run as smoothly as you would expect from your post. Continuous crashes, really poor FPS, irregular FPS drops and the inability to even join most games kind of ruined the whole experience!
2.60D is the latest version for OS X, compatible with some mods, not all.
It doesn't work properly.

I wouldn't bother.
Just using Bootcamp with a copy of Windows you "found somewhere" is probably the best way to game on a Mac.
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