Own3d.tv to be shutdown

that just pathetic video, monkey looking BIG FUCKING nerd saying cu nerds? REALLY?
et = death
fuck own3d

everyone switched to twitch anyway because own3d didnt even pay their streamers no more
Who the fuck has used own3d for the past 3 years anyway.
omg my movies
Expected, every streamer leaving etc
Quoteprofessional gamers are as recognized as other athletes.


Only sad thing: job losses.
being a professional gamer is way harder then being an Olympic athlete
lol yes, :D:D:D::D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D
They do earn more than some athletes tho
they do earn more then high class politicians
Not really, maybe the best salaried SC players.
not maybe but for sure! i forgot the name of the one who gets 5.000euros a month
+ all the winings he makes +streams +other bullshits =:) and at that time he wasnt even in code s (100% sure not sure who it is tho :S )

esports is/are going huge tbh
Some of prize money goes to org tho. And yeah, like I said some do get paid hell lot of money but it isn't majority.
there is quite a few players who can be called plenty rich

but considering that politicians wer studying for like 700years and then a 15yr old kid is making way more money on esports, even tho esports is just now evolving..... -> interesting wave of thoughts right here
yeah and that politician prolly does the job for years unlike some esports kiddo who makes some decent money for a year or two ( u need to be seriously skilled and play alot ), so please fuck off with ur stupid talk, esports is getting there, thanks to riot, other than that its not anywhere close to any real shit.

Quoteesports is/are going huge tbh

riot & lol is*
excuse you? :D this ppl play this game for 20years
I dislike twtich monopoly. Lack of competition...
every nerd says that
yeah, and thats hilarious since there are lots of streaming services, ppl just dont wanna use em cause they suck ( unlike twitch, lol ).... Apparently ppl want to have own3d in business even though they dont pay their streamers and shit, its hilarious, would u want a company u work for not to pay for u and still u would work there just so there wouldnt be monopoly, get it? shit in internet is unreal
Is there any way to recover uploaded movies from their ftp? They would serve as nice memoirs of what I wasted my time on.
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