What happened? ET
1 Feb 2013, 12:51
I haven't really been around in the last 2-3 years and I missed a lot of things. Would you please enlight me about what happened during this time?
New talents/strongest teams atm
tzac or what?
and stuff.
et live?
thanks cya
I haven't really been around in the last 2-3 years and I missed a lot of things. Would you please enlight me about what happened during this time?
New talents/strongest teams atm
tzac or what?
and stuff.
et live?
thanks cya
newtalents -> hard to define "new" ;\
tzac alive
etlive -> no idea but i'll guess it's being worked on
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adze July 21, 2010 February 27, 2011
Külföldiek közül, akik ellen még und-al nyomtuk már nem sokan vannak, halottabb ez az egész mint valaha:)
What happened? ET TODAY, 12:51
my tattoo works. 4 NOV 2012
foot size? 27 OCT 2012
ET movie ftp. 30 SEP 2012
Yeah right.
hairy won everything
everything is ruined
but welcome back