uv-Mmod 0.0.6 public cvars/binds problem


I've a problem with the uv-Mmod 0.0.6 public. Indeed, I'm trying to display the frames while watching a replay on uv-Mmod 0.0.6 public. In the readme, Hannes says : "/show_framecount -> Displays the current demoFrame. USE cg_drawSnapshot 1 instead!" I've tryied cg_drawSnapshot 1 but it doesn't worked... And I don't know why...

Nevertheless, the cvar /show_framecount "1" works perfectly on ETpro 3.2.6!

When I bind a key, for instance, /bind F10 "cl_avidemo 60" it doesn't worked in uv-Mmod 0.0.6 public. An idea?

Thanks by advance.

2013, still using a mod discontinued at 2009 or earlier.
Not even to mention it has several bugs (fuckedup graphics sometimes, slow frame animations at smoke(tank for example)).

Just use etpro.
+ goldrush texture bugs
Ye that's the most noticeable one, but there is more...
Just fucking help the guy, he registered on the website in order to have an aswer..
I just did. Told him to giveup. It's the best suggestion i can give. Even the coder (uv-hannes) dropped the mod support, so why would i support or help this?

Not even to mention i don't know the answer for his question. Why? Because as i said, the mod HAS bugs. This might be one of them.

As he said, cg_drawsnapshot 1 should display the frame count at HUD. The only reason might be: he disabled the HUD (cg_draw2d 0, for example). But i am not a warlock/witch, i have no idea what he did wrong.

So if he wants to save some time and pain, start using etpro and get Uv Media Manager 3 to do some stuff (like own-popups n shit).

I'd thought about cg_draw2D "0" as well.
Anyway, I'm exactly doing what you've just said. ;) And it works!
Gl hf then :P
Yeah! thanks again :)
sup sqzz
@ ag0n: OK, thanks for your help.

@Kenzi: some guys told me to do that in order to have good answers. :)
Before to sign up, I'd tryied irc and other things.
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