I need a webdesigner!

Hello guys, I want to know if in this awesome community, their is a webdesigner. Of course you got paid for the job. let me know asap
what kinda job is it, as long as its atleast 50e im avi
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i ques i can help u with banner etc logo's .
I write jQuery/javascript, HTML/CSS and PHP. Tell me if you're interested. Also I got Photoshop/Illustrator/Flash skills.
pm me if you are interested. got basic photoshopskills and have already DESIGNED websites

for example: click (this was 2 years ago. ive became much better now. just sayin)

payment depends on how much work. usually between 50-100 eu
Increase your price, he's Paris he doesnt need money eheheheheh
You can pm m4rk with a list of demands and your offer
Um on what warm and eat script?
pm me if its well paid,
i've already done lots of webdesign works etc (;
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