Most favorite picture/situation of ET.

Yoyo guys, put some funny pics related to ET, what stats you might have had (which were funny) and so on. Would be nice to see what ppl have.

One of mine's:
image: 141gm5
sinnu was killed by IceQ
sinnu : welcome
sinnu : to enemy territory, world full of cheaters
That's true.
sinnu was killed by dnl
sinnu : welcome
sinnu : to enemy territory, world full of cheaters
edit : no pic tho ;<
The reason i was playing so good v you today is indeed this ;)
sequ1d: FUCKING WH

Cookie Dudinsky :O)Suxtime: koop xD

putatagonDudinsky: wtf

putatagonDudinsky: wtf?

meNth: LOL

FAMAs' An7ho: xDD

sMc deepz longtimenoplay: LOL

sMiRZz: yeeeeeeeee

sMiRZz: X
sMiRZz: D
sMiRZz: D
sMiRZz: nice wh
sMiRZz: motherfucker

KipzZ :o: koop counts as two
pharaons/LeMouFl: 3

pharaons/LeMouFl: koop vs all

pharaons/LeMouFl: magic rifle :)

<TOMOYO> well
<TOMOYO> dunno who he is
<TOMOYO> i rly think he was cheatin

.:CBZ:.SIMOON: idd

mindplay.haZetej: HAHA

mindplay.haZetej: HAHA KOOP

pWs^Karrde: okido mate

mindplay.ADZE: fuck ur wallhacking mother

mindplay.ADZE: fuck ur wallhacking mother

.iqpad owzo: koop
.iqpad owzo: turn it off you sad cunt

cookie synthii: KOOP WHER

cookiemiscelanious: koop how you know i was in tower?

cookiemiscelanious: nice wh koop ±D

cookiemiscelanious: KOOP FUCK OFF WITH UR WH NERD

cookie piJmel: koop why do u need to wh? being low without?

Faleria.mille: fu

purpleninja: stfu wh cunt
purpleninja: koop your amazing
koop: ty
purpleninja: but u just can't hide it
purpleninja: ...
koop: :D
purpleninja disconnected

kArmA ViVi*: ????????????????????

kArmA ViVi*: ................

-K- muffin was blasted by koop's Panzerfaust
-K- Kevin was blasted by koop's Panzerfaust
-K- Kressii was blasted by koop's Panzerfaust
-K- logic was blasted by koop's Panzerfaust

-K- Kressii: k
-K- Kressii: bb
-K- Kressii disconnected
-K- muffin: fun fun

PIETERMAAI was killed by koop's rifle grenade
PIETERMAAI: kk cheater

PIETERMAAI: u have been busted

TAG|Leonneke: lol?

TAG|Leonneke: haha

TAG|Leonneke: fucking practice rifle fag

rY. Testi: what

NoHead: XDDDD koop

:x :@ Sa7z: ???????

silent Sa7z attack: -_-

silent Sa7z attack: PFFFFFF
silent Sa7z attack: -_-

team-aut/// joey: SURE

team-aut/// xoac: <-- nademagnet fu koop :(

GrUsh()_+v1ech: lol

decem: WAT

fIN|OlBAA: gtfo-,-

fIN|OlBAA: yeye
fIN|OlBAA: vittu toi tein rifl
fIN|OlBAA: on kyl ihmeellinen homo

fIN|OLBAA: how teh fuck?

TOMI on JARI: sure

ACSI|BossHK: k
ACSI|BossHK: wtf
ACSI|BossHK: see u walls_)

eA.dTEC7: who is this uber rifle

*KRP*bliNdieRiiiii: do the same without WH next time >(

*KRP*bliNdieRiiiii: try slac :P

zerta: ur rifle > our rifle

gnajda: lol ok
gnajda: kurwa

sosji: lotto rifler.

H2k.SPAM dialer: is that ati ?

Cursed: ?

e.wave - uf0l: ofc

sb dIZEL: ok man

decline * Kwilos: kurwa mac
decline * Kwilos: jebany farcie

sb Blo0dje: KURWA
sb Blo0dje: MAC

palemki: k
palemki: wtf..

berza! Wrobel: ty kopp
berza! Wrobel: KURWO
berza! Wrobel: bez tzaca

WoW|edain :O): wp no tzac rifle :D

>> lesti: what

tMoe lesti: bitch

>> fanatic: LOL

tMoe ~ grzesiek: rifles full of lotto
tMoe ~ grzesiek: zzzz

FF-WAr la Tyskjee: k

15 Zyga: sure

b*STARS seNti: :D


'butchji/WinFakt!: -_-

urtier: what

TEAM-ND ScaTmaN_: u know to much :((((

lost^ducis plz

lost^2mob : 8D

rY. mental: xD

nAbio: ay?

beyond ~ xEn: HACKER

BEYOND|speedji: kanacke
BEYOND|speedji: fu muslim koop

mAurice: who is koop?
mAurice: never heard of him and hes shooting like som highskiller

ethr: :XDD

iNm' cuPPr: cool nade bro

guarana Worm: well...


POEPJ: koop carrying xD:p

PUNGA Rhand: pls

ForZz...: KOOP PLS


vocie.jetro: WAT

.hyf karu: ?

Edgar: vittu
Edgar: koop

jukud^rAtscull: ok MANT: WAT MANT: why


freeporn/REVEE: wtf?

‹slajdan› yo
‹slajdan› ^^
‹slajdan› koop rolleD
‹slajdan› :-p
‹D|Havoc› :p

<fostrum> you sir are a good rifler
<fostrum> :-)

HAVOC: koop kamz said you hack
Kamz: ye.. i said that

HAVOC: faiv on faiv?
koop: abcdefghij
koop: the next letter is my answer :

R0SS: this has to be the easiest 2nd round, in any cup, ever
koop: this aint a eating competition

razz: deh deh deh count touch this

razz: whats serbian?

rito: I just wanna see ur dick, nothing more

so many from Goku, I actually won't be able to fit it all on here

<koop`> save it for lan babe oxoxo
<Goku`> =$$$$$ xooxoxox
<Goku`> :$$
<koop`> ;)))))
<Goku`> how u coming?
<Goku`> heard ross' car is full
<koop`> carpet
<Goku`> XDD

Seanza: My neck fat is a good pillow

image: Untitled
dude and I thought u are a fair and clean player, why do u hax in a dead game? these people didnt say it without any reason, im disappointed...

gg koop gg
koop ur bosslike i ques ur laughing every match.
Sorry :((

didnt believe people would have saved quotes after 2005 xD
Well I started playing ETpro like 2009/2010, a decent level at like 2011/12

So I was late to the party :(
what Blindi said, what a fuckin nerd :DDD
saving quotes
It's only game.. y u heff to be mad?

image: why-you-heff-to-be-mad-o
some of mines, 2bad i started to save them too late ;< some were pretty epic ones

f|xxxer : How can you know anything about skill if the only thing which you base on your gameplay is bot

tekn0 : nice WH dnl

Metsuri : nice knowning

olBaa : How the fuck do you know all the time??
olBaa : I want demos after the war

swanidius : cu in next nC list

Zodiac : FU bimbot user

Eirik : ya sure

Lakaii : your the worst cheater i've ever seen

saKen : too bad you're the wallhacker

pds : q2nf|dnl soon i will say bye bye to you ;D
pds : when you finally get your ban we can laugh :D

draqii : nice knowning dnl

FaKy : gg hackers
FaKy : who are you?

jaallo : dnl what was that ??

straf : nice knowning

sinnu was killed by dnl
sinnu : welcome
sinnu : to enemy territory, world full of cheaters

KDL : nice knowledge
KDL : dnl you are so bad
KDL : no gamesens
KDL : only aim

worm : well done
worm : for being outstanding at supply
jetro : we got raged like a bunch of polish teenage girls
worm : nice aiming
jetro : nice capping the flag 10 seconds before your spawn
jetro : genious
jetro : unhittable chocolateface
worm : gtfo, you won't win anyway
worm : you are sad
worm : polak

edain : ej to nie cod4 ze slychac oddech
edain : moze nie ta ikonke wlaczyles
edain : zamiast et.exe
edain : nexus.exe
craken : i tak na lanie nigdzie nie grales
craken : chyba ze wypizdow LAN 2k8
craken : czy piwnica LAN 2007
edain : to tak jak some i pacman
edain : nagle przed PGA 2006 im sie teamy porozlatywaly

(21:27:25) (dnl`) 3o3?
(21:27:36) (^jESUS) i said no hackers
(21:27:36) (^jESUS) bye
(21:27:44) (dnl`) lol?
(21:28:13) (dnl`) I think u are mistaking me with somebody
(21:28:18) (dnl`) lets play
(21:28:31) (^jESUS) i think you hack
(21:28:31) (^jESUS) ye
(21:28:34) (^jESUS) bye

olBaa : wtf
olBaa : randoms
olBaa : lol leave after this map
olBaa : fucking random cheaters
dnl : never heard of kapaa or olBaa
olBaa : who the fuck r you
olBaa : fucking randoms leave
syriusz : you aint random?
olBaa : you dont even know me
kapaa : must be polaks

R0ss: polish fucktards
R0ss: being unhittable
R0ss: and camping
R0ss: gratz
i can only think of faky's rage at that time :D
QuoteSinnu: :DDDDDDD

THIS, nice ones tho, but i didnt mean the cheat/hax shit :D got loads of them also
image: 49446514-3
Karl: so what my dick is 3 inches? atleast i have the balls to admit it
Aleks fooled you, fool! now go to bed :D
dmg received
fragstealing faggots everywhere

its ok bro

image: images?q=tbn:ANd9GcQtv7Cnn9xmF7sqV7_Gi6GYHzu3_vp0XlJhoBI7P_FIWxlrt6FO5Q
:) sinnu beast!
Might be a bug! You get that sometimes when killing/gibbing players in warmup and it goes on to the game (only the gibs) as stats :P
well wasn't a bug that time :) I played panzer and gibbed everything i saw haha^^
[DRAAKJES] L4mpje : Steen goed
image: headhunters2ecsps
EC debut with KB boss
Hahah! I get this:D It is picture of cheaters and KB is behind them ready to bust em :DD:
- Winning 6on6 match against Serious Intention on LAN (2008) and finishing 3rd, later playing vs them Online :)
- 3on3's with polaks:)
- EMS with underscore and Nationscup re good memories aswell

Random shit: EDiT.ziffffffff: you should be proud of being the biggest wnb all time
5on5, doesn't count. only ROSS' plays 5on5.

Please try again.
damn u got held long
All planned
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